
On this night, someone deliberately disturbed a pool of spring water and caused the flowers to bloom even in the cold winds of winter. Naturally, there were plans that fell through and currently, there were people who were in a thundering rage.

In the residence of Prince Zhou and Prince Li, it was such a situation.

Earlier this evening, someone knocked on Prince Zhou's room door and Prince Zhou thought it was the servants and called them to enter but no one entered. Prince Zhou got up to open the doors and saw two ice-cold corpses directly hitting his face. No one knew how the two corpses came into the residence of Prince Zhou. Prince Zhou flew into a rage and punished all the guards that were on night duty harshly before looking through carefully for traitors but at the end, it was all without success.

The two corpses were also identified as the assassins who were sent off today to kill Shen Miao.

Prince Zhou's heart was restless and on that very night called Prince Jing over so that the two brothers could research the matter carefully.

As for Prince Li's end, it was even worse. Someone just threw two bodies directly into the residence from the walls and scared the guards in the residence of Prince Li. The guards went out to chase but could not even find the shadows of anyone. At the end of the night, they found out that the two corpses were the assassins that were sent to kill Shen Miao. Prince Li was very troubled and restless of it. Obviously, his assassins were killed and his route was broken and naturally, that was his enemy. However, for his enemy in Ding capital city to be so highly skilled that the entire residence of Prince Li's guards could not even catch one person, Prince Li was extremely dissatisfied.

At the other end, the two brothers, Prince Zhou and Prince Jing, were in the middle of a discussion.

Prince Zhou asked, "Who do you think did it?"

Prince Jing muttered, "Perhaps it is Li Wáng."

"I think so too.��� Prince Zhou nodded his head, "Perhaps he is taking the opportunity to threaten me or perhaps he has the same thoughts as me."

"However, Li Wáng always has an amicable appearance and would not do such a matter that could tear it apart." Prince Jing shook his head, "It might also be fromTàizǐ's hands."

"Tàizǐ?" Price Zhou paused before nodding his head, "These years, Tàizǐ was proclaimed sick but everyone knew that it was just a cover-up. Neither one of us had seen his methods before and if he causes an internal fight between me and Li Wáng, Tàizǐ can enjoy the benefits of a fisherman after the fight."

"Correct." Prince Jing sighed, "You better not forget there is another person, Lǎojiǔ."

"Forget about Lǎojiǔ." Prince Zhou waved his hand without a care for it, "Even if Lǎojiǔ makes it known, he has no guts to do it as he does not move in the court to gain connections. To be able to create trouble in the residence of Zhou Wáng, one's subordinates have to be experts."

"One does not know why but one always feels that Lǎojiǔ does not appear as simple as he looks." Prince Jing said, "You should not underestimate him."

"All in all," Prince Zhou signed, "This matter is not that simple. No matter if it is Li Wáng or Tàizǐ, the oncoming person has ill-intentions. I will closely investigate it again. One wants to know who is the one behind playing tricks."

Prince Jing nodded his head in agreement.

Naturally, Prince Zhou and Prince Li did not know that the other party who eliminated both of their assassins and returned it back to them was not the Crown Prince that they guessed but one who had nothing to do with them. However, this method of redirecting the waters of calamity to the East was indeed not bad. In the fight between the Princes of Ming Qi, unknowingly it had become fiercer.

And in the passage of time, when everyone in the Shen family was uneasy about seeking 'appropriate candidates' the Imperial edict of the Imperial family of Ming Qi did not come after a long time. This was not because of anything special but because Emperor Wen Hui was troubled by a matter.

He asked the Crown Prince by his side, "What is Great Liang's intention? Is to adopt a confrontational position with Ming Qi? Zhèn had never seen such an arrogant person before!"

The Crown Prince did not dare to speak up. Prince Rui of Great Liang made a trip to the Palace and one did not know what was spoken to Emperor Wen Hui. After Prince Rui left, Emperor Wen Hui flew into a rage and threw the entire tea set on the table and almost wanted to destroy the Imperial study.

The Crown Prince guessed that some impudent words were spoken, else, Emperor Wen Hui would lose his self-control like this.

Emperor Wen Hui indeed had flown into a rage. He was clearer than anyone on Ming Qi's current strength and it was no longer as strong as when the late Emperor was alive. Facing the slightly better Qin country and flourishing and fertile Great Liang, there was actually nothing to be proud of. In this tribute banquet, it was done so grandly to conceal his lack of confidence and show to Great Liang and Qin country that Ming Qi has some abilities.

It was just that, these acts, were only burying one's hand in the sand. Huangfu Hao of the Qin country appeared to treat him with respect but in actuality, it was not. Because of Princess Ming An's death, he did not let the Bureau of Investigations off, thus, the judicial officers were often working on righting a wrong for the Princess of Qin all the time that one would be laughed at if it was mentioned. However, Emperor Wen Hui dared not refuse it as he wanted to win over the Qin country to deal with Great Liang.

One did not need to mention Great Liang. This Prince Rui did things with his own set of rules. Huangfu Hao at least showed respect for Emperor Wen Hui on the surface but Prince Rui did whatever he liked and did not show any indication of respect for him. Emperor Wen Hui comforted himself with that Prince Rui had such a personality like that but did not expect that Prince Rui would make a trip to the Palace and chat in the Imperial Study. Emperor Wen Hui had the intention to establish good relations with Great Liang but was completely rejected by Prince Rui.

Even though it was not indicated clearly, his attitude did not give Emperor Wen Hui any leeway at all. Emperor Wen Hui was after all a monarch of a country, thus, when he lost face, naturally, his expression was not good and it became solemn. Who knew that Prince Rui did not even care that he would get angry and even casually mention the several cities in the border of Great Liang and Ming Qi and the topic was all about taking back those cities.

Emperor Wen Hui's expression changed in an instant.

Those cities were not very big but there were several mines within the area. Ores that were mined in those areas were used in most weapons. Those cities were just at the border of Ming Qi and Great Liang and previously Great Liang was not at all concerned about these as the people who lived in the cities were Ming Qi's commoners. Now with these words, what were their intentions? It meant that Great Liang had the intention of occupying these cities!

With Ming Qi's military strength, it was not possible to compete with Great Liang.

Prince Rui was the appointed envoy for Great Liang and he represented Emperor Yong Le of Great Liang's intention. Prince Rui's seemingly casual sentence had revealed some of Great Liang's ambitions. What made Emperor Wen Hui's incessant grievances was that he obviously knew about the other party's ambition but he dared not detain this treacherous Prince Rui because he was unable to withstand Emperor Yong Le's fury. There would still be some confidence if one had struck an alliance with Qin country but with only Ming Qi… He could only tolerate it.

Being an Emperor but without any dignity made Emperor Wen Hui's heart burnt in fury.

"With Great Liang's ambition, who knows what they would do next? Your marriage with Shen Miao is not in a hurry." Emperor Wen Hui said, "Zhèn cannot provoke Shen Xin now. It is the critical moment and if Shen Xin is dissatisfied with Zhèn, it would not be good as Great Liang would be able to exploit a loophole."

The Crown Prince felt somewhat disappointed when he heard it but did not say much. He understood Emperor Wen Hui's temperament and the more he was like this, the more one should go along with him. Thus, he said, "Er chén is not in a rush and naturally would focus on major events. One did not think that Great Liang concealed such a malicious intent. We must not relax our vigilance with them." (儿臣 Er chén - This child/ This son)

Seeing the Crown Prince as such, Emperor Wen Hui was very pleased and patted his shoulders, "Zhèn knows. Don't worry. Even though Great Liang has such ambitions, Zhèn would not sit and wait for death and discuss with Qin's Tàizǐ tomorrow on an alliance. If Qin country knew about Great Liang's ambition, they would also be tense. It would be natural for them to strike an alliance with Ming Qi and at that time, one does not need to worry about Great Liang. Zhèn will then personally decree that the military power of the Shen family and that girl, Shen Miao, be yours." In the conversation, one took Shen Miao as an item that one was confident to place in another's bag.

The Crown Prince smiled gently and complied but was somewhat resentful with Prince Rui in his heart as he said such things to Emperor Wen Hui just at this timing. The timing was just too coincident. Prince Ding gave him such a wonderful idea but it turned out empty with just a few words from Prince Rui that it made the Crown Prince extremely dissatisfied.

But one could not do anything about it.


The news that came from the Palace indicated that the marriage between Shen Miao and the Crown Prince were temporarily suppressed. Even though one did not know the reason behind, Princess Rong Xin was relieved.

That day when she saw Shen Miao in the Palace, she let her personal palace maid sent Shen Miao out of the Palace but she personally went to meet Emperor Wen Hui. Emperor Wen Hui was still courteous with Princess Rong Xin so Princess Rong Xin said that she liked Shen Miao a lot and hoped that Emperor Wen Hui would give up the decision on letting Shen Miao marry the Crown Prince.

Who knew that Emperor Wen Hui immediately went on a rage that he even used the words 'females could not discuss politics'. Princess Rong Xin also had a temper and said, "Shen Miao's marriage is just a marriage between younger generations so how does it relate to politics?" She started quarrelling with Emperor Wen Hui on the spot. In the end, Emperor Wen Hui was angered and 'requested' her out of the Palace.

On that night, Princess Rong Xin was so angry that her heart illness recurred again.

Fortunately, Emperor Wen Hui did not doubt why Princess Rong Xin did it as the few encounters with Shen Miao had all been being rescued by Princess Rong Xin. From an outsider's eyes, one would find that Princess Rong Xin and Shen Miao had some fate, thus, it was understandable for Princess Rong Xin to treat Shen Miao special. No one would have guessed that the reason why Princess Rong Xin was protecting Shen Miao was helping Xie Jing Xing care for Shen Miao.

"It is good like this." Princess Rong Xing said to Yang Gūgū beside her, "Běngōng thought that this time, one would not be able to help her and was feeling conscience-stricken. Now that it is suppressed, there would be leeway to turn it around. Běngōng will tell her about it. Else in the future, when one reached the Underworld, Běngōng would not be able to face Jing Xing."

Yang Gūgū quickly consoled, "If Little Marquis know about Gōngzhǔ's painstaking efforts, he would definitely be gratified."

Just as she was speaking, one saw someone walking in from outside. The palace maid greeted before speaking softly, "Gōngzhǔ Diànxià, someone from the medical hall had sent the medical herbs over."

Princess Rong Xin was slightly startled before asking, "Wasn't it finished?"

She had heart illness for a number of years and there was a specific prescription for it and in it there was a particular herb that was extremely difficult and rare to find. There was only a limited amount in a year and almost all those herbs were sent to the Princess Residence. Previously, when Xie Jing Xing was around, one did not know what kind of methods were used every year to search for much more of it that Princess Rong Xin was not at all worried.

Later when Xie Jing Xing died, the availability of the herbs in the medical hall returned to the former where one would not know if there would be stock for tomorrow. During winter days, it was even harder to look for it, thus, Princess Rong Xin had not drunk that medicine for a long time. Just a few days back, there were no medicinal herbs and one did not think there would be some sent over today.

The palace maid said happily, "The doctor from the medical hall said that yesterday there was a travelling merchant who came to sell medicine and coincidentally there was a big batch of it, thus, the medical hall took all of it. Heard from the doctor that it is enough to use till next year. What a lucky coincidence."

Yang Gūgū also smiled, "It is really lucky."

Princess Rong Xin waved her hands without paying much attention, "Sent it to the kitchens."

The palace maid complied quickly and when the palace maid left, Princess Rong Xin then gave a smile and sighed, "When Jing Xing was still around, there would be baskets of herbs that were sent over. Why is it now that it has become one's luck?"

Yang Gūgū knew that she was thinking of Xie Jing Xing and was saddened by it. Just as she wanted to change topics, one heard Princess Rong Xin continue speaking, "Support me to the Xing Zhen Yuan."

Yang Gūgū was startled. Xing Zhen Yuan was a courtyard in the Princess Residence. When Princess Yu Qing passed on, Princess Rong Xin was angry with Xie Ding's actions and brought Xie Jing Xing to the Princess Residence for a period of time. Xie Jing Xing was fair and adorable and Princess Rong Xin especially instructed people to build a courtyard for him, which was the current Xing Zhen Yuan. Afterwards, Xie Ding took Xie Jing Xing back but Princess Rong Xin did not tear down Xing Zhen Yuan. When Xie Jing Xing grew up, he would occasionally come over to the Princess Residence to stay for a few days and would rest in Xing Zhen Yuan.

It was only after Xie Jing Xing died in the battlefield two years ago, Princess Rong Xin then sealed Xing Zhen Yuan and other than the servants who entered to clean, no one else was allowed to enter. She herself was afraid that seeing the objects would make one miss its owner, thus, she never stepped into the courtyard a single step. However, today for the first time ever in two years, she wanted to take a look at Xing Zhen Yuan.

Yang Gūgū did not dare to disobey Princess Rong Xin's command and was somewhat worried as she supported Princess Rong Xing to the Xing Zhen Yuan. Princess Rong Xin said, "One does not know why in these few days, one keeps dreaming of Jing Xing…" As she spoke, her expression became strange. Yang Gūgū was somewhat puzzled with it.

Princess Rong Xin was feeling somewhat uneasy.

These few days she had been dreaming every night. There would be a purple-clad youth in her dreams, wearing half a silver mask. She did not know who it was and reached out to take the mask off the other party and that person had a face that was identical to Xie Jing Xing but called her 'Princess Rong Xin'.

It was Prince Rui of Great Liang's voice.

Princess Rong Xin would always wake up in shock from her dream and her back would be drenched with sweat. She was thinking as it was due to that day she saw Shen Miao with Prince Rui being entangled and the other party's little name that she had mixed Xie Jing Xing and Prince Rui together that she became possessed at night.

The more she thought, the more she missed Xie Jing Xing, thus, she wanted to go to the Xing Zhen Yuan to take a look.

As she was thinking about it, she had reached Xing Zhen Yuan. The guards that were outside Xing Zhen Yuan were somewhat surprised when they saw her as Princess Rong Xin had not stepped in here for two years and did not allow others to enter too. The guards parted the way and Princess Rong Xin entered with Yang Gūgū.

The room was exactly the same as it was two years ago. Because there were people cleaning up every day, there was no dust at all and looked neat and tidy just like the past. It made Princess Rong Xin feel that when she turned around, she would be able to see that handsome youth laying on the bed with his legs crossed and casually eating an apple.

On the shelf were the little toys that Xie Jing Xing had liked to play since young and there were Xie Jing Xing's old clothes on the chair.

Princess Rong Xin walked to that chair and picked up the clothes and stroked the lines on it, remembering, "It is exactly the same as before."

Yang Gūgū did not know what to say and if she said nothing, she feared that Princess Rong Xin would be saddened by past memories, "The golden threads on it is still new."

Princess Rong Xin laughed, "Jing Xing, this child, has so many rules. When he was young, he was not willing to wear colourful clothes that one had made for him and only like purple. Běngōng found that purple is too mature and not suitable for children to wear and wanted to embroider some flowers but he disliked it a lot. Afterwards, it was the seamstress in the Palace that used golden threads to embroider in the dark lines on the robes then he was willing to wear. He wanted it to be gorgeous but was not willing for it to be shining. Really have such mischievous thoughts."

Yang Gūgū also laughed, "Little Marquis is respectable like gold and precious like jade that even though purple is matured, only Little Marquis can wear it that good. At the beginning when Your Highness brought Little Marquis into the Palace, others thought that he was a Prince."

"That appearance was just like one from the Imperial family. Even Yu Qing did not have such bearing." Princess Rong Xin laughed as she touched the corner of the robes that had dark lines embroidered with gold threads but as she continued smiling, she slowly could not smile anymore.

Her expression became solemn.

Just like what she and Yang Gūgū said just now, Xie Jing Xing was very particular of the clothes he wore and loved to wear purple clothes as it was gorgeous but was not overly showy and must use gold threads to be embroidered on the corner of the robes. Because his expectations were high and the thread was very thin and the patterns were very unique.

But on that day in the Palace, Prince Rui who was tugging with Shen Miao was wearing a purple-gold robe and in Shen Miao's hands, the corner of the clothes was the golden thread that had the same patterns as what Xie Jing Xing usually wore.

Princess Rong Xin's health was not good but she was not blind. That day she saw Prince Rui and heard Shen Miao calling Prince Rui as Xie Jing Xing, and for a short moment, she treated Prince Rui as Xie Jing Xing. But afterwards, she saw Prince Rui's expression and bearing, she felt it was unfamiliar and after hearing Prince Rui's explanation, she dispelled these thoughts. However, she had felt that there was something wrong and after returning to the Princess Residence, she kept on thinking of Xie Jing Xing and Prince Rui.

She had always thought that the reason why she was brooding about it was that Prince Rui's little name was the same as Xie Jing Xing but now she understood in a lightning bolt that the name did not matter as it was due to the corner of the other party's sleeve that she saw.

After spending more than a decade with Xie Jing Xing, Princess Rong Xin regards Xie Jing Xing like her biological child and a mother would be exceptionally attentive to one's child's matter even if it was a small little matter. She remembered the patterns on the clothes clearly and ever since Xie Jing Xing died, she had not seen this pattern for two years and had not thought about it momentarily. Today, she remembered it here that it was exactly the same pattern as Prince Rui had worn.

Some things were destined and sometimes would only need a nudge before all the scattered pearls were stringed together and everything has an answer.

Both liked to wear purple clothes, the same pattern on the corner of the robes, both were called 'Jing Xing' and both had a special relationship with Shen Miao.

Princess Rong Xin suddenly remembered about the basket of herbs.

Why was it previously there was none and today it was available? It was because just a few days back, her heart illness erupted in front of Prince Rui and after a few days there was a travelling merchant that came by to sell the herbs?

When there were too many coincidences, then it was no longer a coincidence.

Once the seed of doubt sprouted, there was no reason for it to grow back. It would quickly spread out its branches and grew into a towering tree that became unshakable and deeply rooted in the soil that it was standing indestructible.

Now thinking about it, when Xie Jing Xing was young, there was an unclear nobility in it that one thought naturally and thought it was because one's blood was different. However, this air had changed but there were things that were unchangeable, like some small habits, such as… Feelings between loved ones.

Princess Rong Xin suddenly knelt down and pressed her heart. Yang Gūgū jumped in shock and saw that Princess Rong Xin's face was pale and large beads of sweat were forming on her forehead. She quickly called out, "Someone come quick! Quickly call the doctor! The Princess's illness has erupted!"

A hand ferociously grabbed onto Yang Gūgū's hands. Princess Rong Xin's face looked in pain but her voice was very firm, "Help me back to the study and bring an invitation over."

She must personally verify one thing.


When Shen Miao woke up, Luo Xue Yan told her happily that the marriage between her and the Crown Prince was temporarily suppressed. Shen Xin established some access in the Palace and found that it was related to Prince Rui.

One heard that during the casual chat between Prince Rui and Emperor Wen Hui, several cities around the border were inadvertently mentioned. Emperor Wen Hui was worried that Great Liang had ill-intentions and at such a critical juncture, it was necessary to draw Shen Xin, a strong General, to his side. Thus, for the time being, he would not be mentioning Shen Miao's marriage.

Luo Xue Yan said, "Prince Rui matter came rather coincidently but it resolved Jiao Jiao's desperate situation. With much more time, we can slowly choose a suitable talent for Jiao Jiao."

Luo Xue Yan, the person who spoke had no intention, but Shen Miao who listened had taken it to heart. Naturally, she knew that Prince Rui did not 'inadvertently' mention those cities and cause Emperor Wen Hui to change his mind. At the same time, as she sighed in relief, Shen Miao could not help but be secretly shocked at Xie Jing Xing's means.

Xie Jing Xing's method was not considered very brilliant but it was very effective. Just with a few words, he was able to trigger the worries of a Monarch's heart and cause one to be hesitant. The Crown Prince's marriage fizzled out, Prince Ding's schemes came to nothing. It was one arrow that hit a number of eagles, making one truly happy. No wonder Xie Jing Xing had an uncaring appearance when he spoke about the matter. So he already had this ability.

As she thought, Shen Miao had some anger in her heart. She felt that she was in some difficult crisis but when it lands on Xie Jing Xing's hands, it was resolved so easily and this made her felt very incompetent. She could not help but recall Xie Jing Xing's frivolous behaviour last night and would love to beat Xie Jing Xing up.

Luo Tan said, "Xiǎo biǎomèi, why are you holding this book so tightly that the pages are almost torn?"

It was only then Shen Miao recovered to her senses and let go of her hands before looking embarrassed. Recently, when she thought about Xie Jing Xing, she would feel somewhat uncontrollable. It was all the other party's brazen actions to blame but it was only her that took troubles to heart.

Luo Tan held her chin and looked at her mischievously, "Are you thinking that all three, Líng Gēgē, Sū Gōngzǐ, Féng Dàgē are all good and do not know who to choose?"

Shen Miao said, "You think too much."

Luo Tan still wanted to speak more but seeing Luo Ling walking over from outside, Luo Tan stuck her tongue out before calling out, "Líng Gēgē."

Luo Ling smiled, "What are you all talking about?"

"Talking about Xiǎo biǎomèi's marriage." Luo Tan said loudly, "Xiǎo biǎomèi still has not decided who to marry so I came over to inquire some information."

Shen Miao felt helpless in her heart. Couldn't Luo Tan have a little tactfulness of a female? She just said it out like this and fortunately, Shen Miao was one who had seen the world else if it was a normal female, they would be embarrassed to death.

Shen Miao did not react to it but Luo Ling was somewhat awkward. He covered his mouth to cough before looking around, "Xiǎo biǎomèi, did you like the Safety Pendant?"

"Safety Pendant?" Shen Miao's brow wrinkled as she asked, "What Safety Pendant?"

Luo Ling was startled, "It is the one yesterday I…"

Before he finished speaking, the servant from outside interrupted, saying that Luo Xue Yan requested Shen Miao to make a trip to the front hall.

Luo Ling swallowed the words that had reached his mouth and smiled as he let Shen Miao leave first. Shen Miao smiled apologetically to help, "Later one will chat with Biǎo Gēgē again."

When she arrived at the front hall, she then knew that someone from the Princess Residence had come to the Shen Mansion. Princess Rong Xin had sent an invitation to Shen Miao to make a trip to the Princess Residence.

Princess Rong Xin had saved Shen Miao several times and Shen Xin and wife were very grateful to her, thus, there was no reason to refuse. It was even more impossible for Shen Miao to say anything more. She smiled as she accepted the invitation but her heart was extremely heavy.

If it was in the past that Princess Rong Xin sent her an invitation, Shen Miao would not hesitate to accept it. Honestly speaking, Princess Rong Xin treated her well and because of the relation with Xie Jing Xing, she took care of her in all aspects. When she knew that Emperor Wen Hui had the intention to bestow Shen Miao to the Crown Prince, she even spoke out for Shen Miao and Shen Miao was grateful about it in her heart.

However, Princess Rong Xin chose this time to send her an invitation. If it was to talk about the Crown Prince's matter, she could just send someone to speak about it. By sending an invitation for her to go to the Princess Residence was indicating that some matters required face to face discussion.

But what matter could be this important? So important that Princess Rong Xin, who doesn't see others, would take the initiative to invite Shen Miao over to the Princess Residence for a visit?

Shen Miao could not help but think about that day in the Palace when Princess Rong Xin caught her and Xie Jing Xing. At that time, she called Xie Jing Xing's name and afterwards Xie Jing Xing managed to bluff his way out but her heart felt restless. If one truly understood one's loved ones, no matter how the other party became, there would be some little habits that one adheres to.

Shen Miao's intuition had always been accurate. She did not think that once Xie Jing Xing and Princess Rong Xin had seen each other, this matter could still be hidden. This conjecture was too spine-chilling that she dared not think too deeply since the consequences were too unpredictable.

But avoiding was not a way out as trouble had found its way to the door.

Shen Miao felt that Princess Rong Xin had discovered some suspicious areas but she was unable to refuse this invitation as by refusing it, it would be admitting to it.