Bridal Chambers

The journey was very long and after three months, they finally reached Great Liang.

Xie Jing Xing's team of carriage and horses were very fast. If it was ordinary people, one feared that it would take half a year. Shen Miao was able to reach Great Liang this year to the capital of Great Liang, Long Ye.

From the last lifetime and this lifetime, Shen Miao had never gone to Great Liang before. In her impression, Great Liang was a wealthy country and one heard that Long Ye was also very prosperous. When Fu Ming was studying, he had said to her before that if there was a day, he would want to go to Long Ye to look at how flourishing it was and if Great Liang was as good as the books had claimed to be.

Currently, time could not be turned back and Fu Ming and Wan Yu had turned into dust but she had brought Fu Ming's wish and stepped into the Long Ye city of Great Liang.

During these days, Shen Miao had long changed out of the wedding dress that she wore during the ceremony and Xie Jing Xing specially prepared clothing for her that was made according to the grade for a Great Liang's Wang Fei of First Rank. Their entourage stopped at the gates of Long Ye and when the guards at the gate saw Xie Jing Xing, they let them enter without even looking at any token. This entourage was so large that it drew the attention of everyone on the streets.

The commoners said loudly, "Rui Qīnwáng Diànxià that returns with Wángfēi."

Shen Miao's heart moved. It seemed that the common people here knew of the ins and outs of Xie Jing Xing marrying a wife in Ming Qi and they were not surprised at all. It was most likely Xie Jing Xing had already spread the news in Great Liang early on.

As for Xie Jing Xing mentioning that Emperor Yong Le long knew about this matter, Shen Miao did not believe it.

Just as she was thinking, the curtains of the horse carriage opened up and Xie Jing Xing rode his horse towards the opening, "Want to look at Long Ye's scenery?"

At this time, he had already taken down the mask on his face. Most likely in Great Liang, there was no need to hide his identity and his expression was different from that in Ming Qi. That lazy arrogant expression had slightly dispersed and there was some sharpness to his expressions.

Shen Miao looked outside.

Exactly as the books recorded, the scenery of Long Ye was very different from Ding capital city. Even though Ding capital city was very lively, it was only bustling due to the wealthy families. How would any normal family be able to enter the restaurants? On the streets of Long Ye, the ordinary people were walking around with smiles on their faces.

Shen Miao had noticed that the materials that the commoners wore were good and their expressions and looks were very healthy and it seemed that everyone was living well. Shen Miao thought in her heart that Great Liang's people indeed live in peace and the things that were passed around were not lies at all.

Long Ye was also very big. The buildings in Ding capital city were exquisite and gorgeous but the commercial shops of Great Liang were majestic and elegant and had some impressive air. Shen Miao had been to Qin country before but Qin country did not make one's heart yearn like Long Ye.

Even though she was very knowledgeable, she could not help but look with curiosity as she took in everything.

When Xie Jing Xing saw her as such, he said with raised eyebrows, "Don't need to be anxious. In the future, when there is time, I will bring you out to shop. Long Ye is not small so one has to take it slowly to get familiarize."

His voice was not deliberately soft so the commoners that were nearby looked curiously at Shen Miao and said, "Qīnwáng Diànxià treats Wángfēi very well and dote this much."

"It is of no wonder that when Bìxià wanted to bestow a marriage to him previously, he declined. So he had a special liking for Wángfēi."

"Wángfēi is also very beautiful and look very matching."

"After a while, she can give birth to little heirs."

Shen Miao also heard all these words and in a flash her face became red. The common people in Long Ye seemed to be very kind that most of the things discussed were congratulations or praises. Shen Miao did not feel awkward at all. All the while she had felt that human nature was originally evil and people would always comment on things that they did not know about but did not know that these comments were enough to ruin a person's life. Coming to Long Ye and marrying Xie Jing Xing, she was after all Ming Qi people, thus, she thought it would be just like previous and there would be a lot of criticisms but not only did she not hear any, she did not feel surprised but inexplicably moved in her heart.

At the back of the entourage, Ji Yu Shu said to Gao Yang, "Sān Biǎogē really put in a lot of effort. In order to let the common people in Long Ye accept Sǎozi, he had long begun to release rumours."

"It is difficult for a hero to pass the hurdle of a beauty." Gao Yang shook his fan and gave a long sigh, "And what about it?"

"It is just that Bìxià would definitely be angry and there are also those gūniángs from those families that are deeply affectionate with Sān Biǎogē. This time, Sǎozi have to suffer."

"What is there to be scared of?" Gao Yang said, "Shen Miao is not an ordinary person. It is not confirmed who will be torturing who." After finishing, he sighed, "Now that one has returned to one's original position, one somewhat missed the days spent in Ming Qi."

"Who says one doesn't?" Ji Yu Shu also signed and patted Gao Yang's shoulders and said in somewhat of a difficulty, "Let's go."


Great Liang's Imperial Palace covered a wide area and numerous side halls were connected together with golden glazed tiles and red pillars and walls. Most likely the Imperial family loved gold and red colours as the entire Palace was very imposing.

The stone lions at the doors were majestic and proud, the dragon throne was made from gold, with golden dragons hovering. The head of the dragon was at the back of the chair with two red jewels as its eyes and the dragon tails were wrapped around the armrests. The tails were vividly carved in detail as if at the next moment it would fly out from the throne and sore into Nine Heavens.

There was no one in the empty court except the man seated on the dragon throne at this time. He sat straight and majestically, but no one knew why; the sun was about to set, but there was no candles lit, and as the light dimmed, that majestic back figure appeared extraordinarily lonely.

The clattering sound of footsteps was heard in the main hall and a female came over slowly, dragging the long dress train as she wore the nine phoenixes crown on her head with a soft smile and headed step by step towards the male who was sitting on the dragon throne.

She said, "Bìxià sit here alone again and did not tell Chénqiè." (臣妾 Chénqiè - This Consort (calling themselves))

That male then raised his head and seemed to see the oncoming person, "So it is Huánghòu."

Empress Xian De smiled gently, "What matters are Bìxià troubled about?"

"Jing Xing has returned today." Emperor Yong Le patted his heart, "And he brought back that Ming Qi female."

"Zhèn had told him countless times to break contact with that female. Not only did he not listen, but he also intercepted Zhèn's people and even marries that female back to Great Liang and brought her back to Long Ye to be the official consort."

"Bìxià does not like Shen Miao?" Empress Xian De's voice was soft.

"Not my clan so one's heart will be different." Emperor Yong Le only said nine words (it would be eight words in Chinese).

These words, however, represented his meaning. Not Great Liang's people so one would not do anything loyal to Great Liang.

"Bìxià does not like Shen Miao but Jing Xing likes." Empress Xian De said, "Else he would not marry Shen Miao back to Long Ye from so far away and would not gift ninety-nine sets of betrothal gifts and would not have arranged a good reputation with all the commoners under Heavens." After pausing she then said, "And would not have even rebelled against Bìxià."

"Seductress." Emperor Yong Le said heavily but anger was suppressed in his voice.

"Perhaps Shen Miao really have some extraordinary points." Empress Xian De comforted, "Jing Xing has always been a chile who has his own opinion. Bìxià had chosen that many beauties but they did not even enter his eyes. Now he actually willing to take such steps for Shen Miao, there must be some reasons. Bìxià is not willing to trust Jing Xing once?"

"It is not that Zhèn does not trust Xing Xing. It is that Zhèn does not trust Shen Miao." Emperor Yong Le said.

"But Bìxià does not have any ways right?"

Emperor Yong Le looked at the other part with some dissatisfaction, "The Empress want to say that Zhèn is incompetent?"

"Of course not." Empress Xian De smiled, "From the beginning, Bìxià has never been able to steel one's heart towards Jing Xing so Jing Xing would be this unrestrained and would act first and report later. Naturally, he also understands in his heart that Bìxià would not really punish him in anger."

"You are correct." After a long while, Emperor Yong Le replied, "But there is no more time."

"It does not matter who Jing Xing marries as Zhèn do not want to control him but he cannot bring variables back. That female's identity is too special. If Jing Xing believes her words then in future would bring changes to the situation in the future. Zhèn will never allow such changes to happen."

"There is no more time." Emperor Yong Le's voice because very serious, "For the sake of the country, Zhèn can sacrifice everything and harden one's heart."

Empress Xian De's brows slightly wrinkled.

"Zhèn let him marry the official consort and Zhèn can also let him bring in a secondary consort." After speaking he stood up and walked down the long ladder and out of this quiet hall.

Empress Xian De stood at the same spot and her gaze was somewhat pained but afterwards, she sighed and followed out.

There was only one Prince of First Rank in Great Liang and it was Emperor Yong Le's younger blood brother, Prince Rui of First Rank. This Prince Rui's identity was very mysterious as it was said that when young he had been travelling around with abled people. Thus, from a young age, no one had seen how this Prince Rui of First Rank looked like. One feared that even Deng Gōnggōng who followed Emperor Yong Le the longest also knew nothing of this Prince Rui of First Rank.

It was until two years ago when it was suddenly reported that Prince Rui of First Rank had returned to Long Ye and at the praying altar, the commoners also saw the true appearance of this Prince Rui of First Rank. He was indeed beautiful and unparalleled elegant and magnificent. All the hearts of Long Ye's females were attached to this Prince Rui.

However, for a Prince Rui of First Rank suddenly appearing, everyone would be sceptical at first and said that it could be that this was an impersonator but after thinking about it, the Imperial family was so strict and harsh in the protocol so it would not be the wrong person. Moreover, the appearance of Prince Rui was so beautiful as the late Empress Dowager and had some similarities with Emperor Yong Le. The Xie family of Great Liang's Imperial family was all beautiful and this was a fact that was nailed down without a doubt.

When this Prince Rui returned to Long Ye and regained his identity as Prince of First Rank position, he immediately went to court with high ranking officials. Some of the officials objected to it saying that this Prince Rui of First Rank had not touched matters of the court for so many years and was ignorant of all matters on Great Liang so how could one let him participate in the court? Wasn't this making a fool out of things? Emperor Yong Le flew in a rage and punished the officials who created the most vicious few officials but most of the officials opposed it and Emperor Yong Le could not punish all of them.

Afterwards, it was still this Prince Rui that personally took action and handled a number of difficult tasks that the court had been unable to solve and those opposing voices became weaker. They said that the other party knew nothing about the court matter so how could one obviously have knowledge of it? One did not participate for many years but one had the abilities so it could only be explained that one was a genius.

In short, in the eyes of Great Liang's commoners, he was a youth who had a good temperament and abilities and the most important thing was he was also very rich.

For instance, this residence of Prince Rui of First Rank was as gorgeous as the Imperial Palace after renovation.

However, Emperor Yong Le was a wise sovereign and was very tolerant of this younger blood brother of his thus he did not blame Prince Rui about this matter. It was just that the commoner who passed by would often drool as they stared occasionally at the main gates of the residence of Prince Rui, thinking which unmarried daughter of which family would have such good fortune to enter this Prince residence to be the Consort. This was even better than entering the Palace to be a Consort.

Who knew that after much guessing, Prince Rui of the First Rank would actually marry a Young Lady of Ming Qi as his wife.

When Shen Miao stepped into the main doors of the residence of Prince Rui of First Rank, a group of uniformed guards stood at attention and greeted her, "Welcoming Wángfēi."

Xie Jing Xing's hands were on Shen Miao's waist as he instructed everyone, "Carry in the stuff in. Is the bridal chamber ready?"

"Replying to Diànxià, it is all arranged." A fifty-plus-year-old steward looking person came running in from inside. He had kind features as he said, "May Wángfēi please look through."

"One has suffered." Xie Jing Xing said.

"Not at all. Not at all." The old steward smiled, "It is good that Diànxià has returned." He then raised his eyes to size up Shen Miao with curiosity.

Shen Miao faintly felt that the status of this steward was not low, else Xie Jing Xing, this kind of nasty person, would not have spoken nicely, thus, she lifted her head to smile slightly when meeting the other party's gaze.

That steward seemed to feel somewhat flattered and his face became red in an instance.

Xie Jing Xing pulled Shen Miao and headed in with dissatisfaction, "Stop looking already."

When Shen Miao reached the bridal chambers that the steward mentioned that it was ready, she could not help but felt her tongue was tied.

Seven or eight people were able to sleep on that bed and the pillows were covered with a soft blanket, with everything in bright red. Disregarding that since a bridal chamber would always be that festive but what was the meaning of having a 'spring painting' pasted on the walls of the bridal chambers?

And there was also a variety of incense burners around.

Shen Miao said, "It is better for me to find another place to sleep."

"What is the matter, Fūrén?" The steward asked, "Please speak of any dissatisfaction you have with this room. This Lǎonú (老奴 - Old servant) will instruct others to change."

Xie Jing Xing swept a glance at the old steward, "What nonsense is pasted on the walls? Tear it down."

"This cannot be done." The old steward insisted, "All these are very meaningful, after all, this is part of Diànxià's and Fūrén's marriage. One had heard that both of you have yet to enter the bridal chambers. Since it is the first time in the world, there would always be some doubts. This Lǎonú had search for these for a long time."

Shen Miao, "…"

The servants in the residence of Prince Rui of First Rank were just too direct in terms of their words. Even though she was not a shy and delicate young lady, when one hears such unconcealed words, one would still blush.

Xie Jing Xing put down the dagger in his hands and stared at the old steward. His eyes seemed to be able to kill others as he said, "Many thanks, Tang Shu."

"But there is no need to teach." He gritted his teeth, "I know."

Tang Shu was startled and said immediately, "But there is no end to learning."

Shen Miao shook her sleeves and left. This was a conversation that one really could not listen to.

She had experienced the chaos with the soldiers and horses this day. When Shen Miao came over, she did not show any delicate side and moreover Long Ye was really an outstanding place so there really nothing to be picky about. The servants here treated her very respectfully but the calling of 'Wángfēi' still made her somewhat embarrassed.

She was, after all, not used to listening to it.

Even during dinner, Tang Shu also specially cooked some light side dishes to the tastes of Ming Qi's Ding capital city's people for her. In the afternoon, Xie Jing Xing left and most likely he was also very busy during the day after all this was not like Ming Qi. The Xie Jing Xing that returned to Great Liang was the 'Prince Rui of First Rank' that was busy with official matters.

After washing up, the skies were already darkened and Shen Miao returned to the bridal chambers. It was not that she was willing to come here but because other than this bridal chamber, there were no other rooms that were prepared for her in the residence of Prince Rui of First Rank. Jing Zhe and Gu Yu continue to come over to serve her and Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang were also promoted to top-ranked maids.

As Jing Zhe combed Shen Miao's hair, she said, "Before coming to Long Ye, Núbì was thinking that one is unfamiliar with the land and people here and there was some fear in one's heart. One did not think that after coming here, one felt rest assured. The people of the residence of the Qīnwáng treats Xiǎojiě very respectfully. It seemed that Gu Ye had taught them well." (奴婢 Núbì - This servant)

"Still calling Xiǎojiě?" Gu Yu said, "One should start calling Fūrén."

"Yes. Yes. Yes. One should call Fūrén." Jing Zhe quickly changed her words and continued, "No wonder everyone said that Great Liang is good. From the looks of it today, it is worthy of its reputation. Not to mention Fūrén, even Núbì like this place a lot."

"Oh?" Shen Miao teased her, "Isn't Ding capital city good? Why like this place more?"

Jing Zhe thought about it, "It is not that it is not good but one felt that the people here treat Fūrén much better. Once Fūrén comes to Long Ye, it is with the identity of the Qīnwángfēi. This is a good start thus one feel that it would get better and better in the future."

Shen Miao laughed. When one was in Ming Qi, the Second and Third households of the Shen Residence had hearts with ill-will and Old Shen Fūrén did not have good intentions towards the Eldest household. Her circumstances and the Shen family's circumstances were very dangerous. It seemed that from the eyes of the maids, her life was not at all easy. In addition to the rumour of her being an idiot, one's heart was filled with disagreement.

It was different in Long Ye. She married over with the title of Rui Wang Fei of First Rank and with Xie Jing Xing's attitude to her, the people surrounding would not dare not to respect. A good start should always make one satisfied. People would unconsciously choose to forget one's past and choose a new beginning.

It was just that Shen Miao did not find that it would get even better in the future. Not mentioning Ming Qi's side, one feared that the plans that Xie Jing Xing was executing were not simple. Great Liang's dangerous situations were not necessarily lesser than that of Ming Qi. One feared that it would be even more dangerous and more complicated.

It was difficult to disembark after riding a tiger and a dragon was not a tiger. Currently, she could only thicken her skin to push forward.

However, in her heart, it had been a long time since it felt relaxed and lively.

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Jing Zhe and Gu Yu speaking, "Greetings to Diànxià."

Shen Miao's eyes looked up and saw Xie Jing Xing walking in. Xie Jing Xing said, "Withdraw." Jing Zhe and Gu Yu quickly withdrew.

He walked to the front of the table to sit down and waited for Shen Miao as she comb her hair and said, "Is one getting used to it?"

"There is no problem." Shen Miao said, "Long Ye indeed lived up to its reputation."

Xie Jing Xing poured tea for himself, "But you need to keep your spirits up."

Shen Miao was suspicious, "What other matters happen to you again?"

"Huáng Xiōng had handed a decree to call you and me into the Palace." He said, "Huáng Xiōng is one who is old fashioned and is very dissatisfied at me marrying a Qī (wife) so most likely he would frighten you about it."

Shen Miao glared at him, "Oh? Very dissatisfied with you marrying a wife? You indeed took action behind his back and lie to my parents that he had long agreed."

Xie Jing Xing smiled, "Just a plan of convenience. Besides if he was dissatisfied with you, so what? There are so many people under Heavens that are not satisfied with you, that in Ming Qi there were like a school of silver carps that are moving down a stream. You cannot just send them on their way." He said in a lazy posture with a gesture of decapitation.

Shen Miao also laughed, "Are you suggesting something to me?

"One did not." Xie Jing Xing said, "Our Xie family is different from the Fu family people and would not fight within our kins."

Shen Miao, "One did not see that you all are people who have loyalty and righteousness."

"Don't believe?" Xie Jing Xing asked.

Shen Miao shook her head, "From ancient times the Imperial family had been emotionless and the family relations one currently have is was because there was no entangled interest between both of you. Or it is to say that if one stood at a different side or one day when your position was different or perhaps in order to snatch something or protect one's thing, one would take action. At that time there would not be any mention of blood ties." Even though she tried her best to speak calmly, she could not help to reveal her hate towards it in her voice.

Xie Jing Xing stared at her for a long time and Shen Miao seemed somewhat uncomfortable with his stare, "What are you looking at me for?"

He shook his head and sighed as he smiled, "You don't seem to believe in the relationships in the Imperial family."

Shen Miao pursed her lips and did not speak. One could not blame her for not believing as she lived in the depths of the Palace in her previous life and as the Mistress of the Six Palaces, she had seen many things that no one knew. In this world, a female's life was suffering and it derives from many sources. Even when Mei Fūrén fought with her, it was all for a male's favour. However, the males in the Palace were different. She had seen Princes who doted one's concubine the day before and the next day would gift the same concubine to an advisor in order to pull them over to their side. She had also seen males who in order to balance the forces of all parties, would accept a compromise and let one's childhood sweetheart be a Píng Qī (平妻 - Equal wife) and marry a high-ranking official's daughter with an eight-manned sedan. Males abandoning females like worn-out shoes and males may not be able to take swords for brothers or being noble and benevolent. Instances of fighting between brothers and fighting between father and son were common.

Seeing so many of these kinds of things, Shen Miao found it hard to believe that there was family love in the Imperial family. Perhaps there were but it was just that she refuses to believe it.

"In the future, you will understand." Xie Jing Xing shook his head and changed the topic, "Huáng Xiōng is an alright person and is also a good Emperor. It is just that for you, it would not be possible to be friends."

Shen Miao thought that only Xie Jing Xing was able to say Emperor Yong Le as such.

"You do not need to be afraid when he threatens you. With me around, no one would dare to touch you." Xie Jing Xing said, "Huáng Sǎo (Imperial Sister-in-law) is not bad and one can be friends with. There would be opportunities in the future for you to talk with her."

Shen Miao's heart moved as Xie Jing Xing seemed to be explaining some things to her.

"You are not going tomorrow?" She asked.

"Why? Feeling scared alone?" Xie Jing Xing saw her raising her eyebrows and said, "I will go with you. It is just that Huáng Xiōng would definitely send me away. You do not need to put what he says to you in your heart and treat it as a dog fart."

Shen Miao was silent for a long time, "Understood."

Xie Jing Xing smiled and held her chin up to look at her, "Shen Jiao Jiao."


"Felt that after you arrived in Long Ye, you have become much more obedient." The smile in his eyes was stirring and filled with ill intentions, "Don't worry, this husband would not abandon you."

Shen Miao took a deep breath and pick up the comb on the dressing table before standing up, "I want to sleep. When are you leaving?"

"Leave?" Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, "Why should I leave my bridal chambers?"

Shen Miao eyes were wide open and Xie Jing Xing stood up to lie on the bed.

Shen Miao, "…"

Shouldn't this kind of thing be of tacit understanding? Didn't those fake couples in those novels would have one sleeping in the study and the other sleeping in the bridal chambers? How could Xie Jing Xing be like this?

She said, "Then I will go out to sleep."

Before the voice finish, her arms were pulled and before Shen Miao could stand steadily, she fell suddenly onto the bed and a pair of powerful arms held her and embraced her.

Shen Miao's nose was filled with the green bamboo scent on the male's body but as his chest went up and down from breathing, she dared not lift her head to look at the other party's expression.

One did not know how much time had passed when Xie Jing Xing's low voice sounded from the top of her head.

"Two months."

"What?" She raised her head unconsciously and her eyes met with a pair of peach blossoms eyes that was smiling but not smiling. However, there was some extremely aggressive intention that made Shen Miao's heart jump uncontrolled.

Xie Jing Xing hugged her and said lazily, "Give you two months. I would not tolerate it after two months."

Shen Miao was stunned and the corners of Xie Jing Xing's lips hooked up with a smile of evil intentions, "Being a gentleman was never my good point. I have never been a good person."

Shen Miao jumped up and said, "I will go to the study to sleep."

Xie Jing Xing grabbed her and said, "I will go out to sleep."

Shen Miao dared not look at his eyes.

After all, there were still people in the Shen Mansion in Ming Qi, so Xie Jing Xing would not dare to be unbridled. However, there was no one she was familiar with in Long Ye at the time, and the most important point was that there was no way for her to refuse. Xie Jing Xing and her were husband and wife, so whatever they did was fine.

Xie Jing Xing pushed open the door and seemed pleased with himself as he walked away.

Shen Miao patted her heart, which was still pounding furiously. Xie Jing Xing had become more unbridled after leaving Ming Qi and returning to Great Liang. It was as if there was still some restraint when he was in Ding Capital City, but he was now showing his original side to Shen Miao.

How did married couples in this world get along? Shen Miao had a thought. She had no idea how real couples truly got along in her previous life, from beginning to end; thus, in this lifetime, she was experienced in every other matter, but with regard to this, she was as ignorant as a child.

After a while, Shen Miao regained consciousness and simply draped the quilt over her head before collapsing.

When the carriage arrived at the mountain, there would undoubtedly be a road. Other matters could be influenced by the path she took in her previous lifetime, but in this case, one could only go with the flow.