
"So you be the Qiè and I will be the Qī."

Shen Miao looked enquiringly at Lu Wan-er. With Lu Wan-er's graceful tone of voice, one did not know where it came from. Initially, when she heard Lu Wan-er's words just now, she felt that it was not false that each of the Lu family was intelligent. However, these words made Shen Miao feel that she was unable to know what Lu Wan-er's bottom line was as one did not know if Lu Wan-er was really a fool or not to discuss Imperial matters.

"If Lu Xiǎojiě has the heart, one can talk to Diànxià about it." Shen Miao smiled gently, "It is useless to say these to me."

"I naturally know of it." Lu Wan-er looked at her in slight disdain, "I am here to tell you this today, only because that one hopes that you have some self-knowledge and take the initiative to speak to Diànxià of your willingness to be the Qiè."

Shen Miao almost laughed out loud. She raised her lips slightly and said, "This is something I will not do."

"What did you say?" Lu Wan-er's eyes widened, seemingly not expecting that Shen Miao would actually refuse.

The volume of their conversation was so loud that the surrounding Fūréns' gaze all directed towards them. Shen Miao did not hide away from them and smiled, "With regards to the matter of being a Qiè, I will not do it. The matter of bringing in Qiès for one's husband to spread out the branches is something I will not do. In the beginning, when Rui Qīnwáng came to my Shen Residence to propose marriage, he had already said that there would not be any other female in the Inner Courtyard of the Prince Residence. If it wasn't that, I would not marry so far away to Long Ye."

The surrounding Fūréns were stunned when they heard it.

On matters of relationship, it was not fair between males and females. In the Inner Courtyard of males, there would be three wives and four concubines and no matter if it was Great Liang or Ming Qi, it was not that there were no couples without anyone else but it was very rare. Ordinary males would not be able to withstand the temptation, much less the wealthy families, official families and the Imperial family.

Prince Rui of First Rank had a handsome and romantic appearance, with a powerful position that he gained at a very young age thus the world that he faced would be filled with flowers. How could a person like him only have one woman in his entire life?

This lady from the Shen family of Ming Qi indeed had a really big face and did not know how high the sky was and how thick the earth was!

Lu Wan-er was so angry that her face was ashen as she said word by word, "Rui Qīnwángfēi, this is jealousy. A fit of female jealousy means that one has a dereliction of virtue."

Shen Miao smiled, "Most likely it is. I have always been easily jealous. If Rui Qīnwáng had not proposed this condition, I most likely would not be tempted."

Lu Wan-er was so angry that she could not say anything.

Shen Miao's attitude was like a thorn that made others unable to take action. The surrounding Fūréns were also flabbergasted. Initially, when Shen Miao came to Long Ye, she did not live with her tail between her legs or lowered her head to be insignificant but instead was so arrogant that she even offended the Lu family, which Emperor Yong Le had to restrain from. One did not know where had she gotten the courage from or was she so stupid to such a point.

Naturally, Shen Miao was not afraid.

Even if Emperor Yong Le was not satisfied with her and wanted to bestow another marriage to Xie Jing Xing, he would not bestow Lu Wan-er to Xie Jing Xing. Even though Lu Wan-er said that she would provide a boost to Xie Jing Xing's career when she marries Xie Jing Xing, not to mention that Xie Jing Xing does not rely on female's ability to climb up, even Emperor Yong Le would not dare to let Xie Jing Xing marry the Lu family easily.

With regards to Consort Jing, most likely one was helpless on it. However if Lu Wan-er also entered the doors of the residence of Prince Rui, then both brothers of Great Liang's Imperial family would have relations with the Lu family. It was not a good thing for an outside family to have such power. Fu Xiu Yi could use Shen Miao and tie the Shen family together because the Shen family was loyal by nature but the Lu family already had bigger ambitions.

Be it emotions or reasons, Lu Wan-er would not be Emperor Yong Le's choice. Even if this current moment of Shen Miao strongly rejecting Lu Wan-er's suggestion was passed to Emperor Yong Le's ears, it would still be along the lines of Emperor Yong Le's mind.

When Lu Fūrén and Lu Wan-er were both frozen in place, one heard a light chuckling from the opposite side, "Qīnwángfēi is indeed one who is dispositioned. Rui Qīnwáng is young yet valued relationship and righteousness, he is indeed a rare male."

Shen Miao looked towards the speaker. That person sat beside Ji Yu Shu's mother and was a slightly thin Fūrén. Wearing a tea green coloured robe and having a darker complexion with straight eyes but because of one's mature age, it seemed to make her distant from others. Her eyes were somewhat long and seemed to be studying meticulously when looking at others as if they could see through others. It made others feel uncomfortable and at first glance, one could tell it was a shrewd and intelligent person.

Ba Jiao took the chance of pouring tea for Shen Miao to softly speak by her ears, "That is Ye Fūrén of the Prime Minister residence."

With only this sentence, Shen Miao understood. Civil Ye family and military Lu family. It was assumed that this Ye Fūrén was a person of the Ye family of the Prime Minister residence, who were the two famous aristocratic families of Long Ye. Unlike the Lu family, which was somewhat arrogant, this Fūrén of the Ye family was much more restraint but could also let Shen Miao feel that she was even more difficult to deal with

Ye Fūrén looked at Shen Miao and suddenly smiled, "The relationship between Rui Qīnwáng and his Wángfēi is very affectionate. It seemed that during the Imperial Hunt, Wángfēi would also be following along."

Shen Miao said with a smile, "This is still to be discussed with Diànxià." She was unable to talk freely or recklessly. One feared that the entire room of people today in this Bright Summer Banquet had ill-intentions, thus she dared not take anything lightly.

"It is Wángfēi's first time here, thus, one does not know of the beauty of the Imperial Hunt. It is an interesting event that Wángfēi most likely could also join in the fun." Ye Fūrén continued.

However, Lu Fūrén and Lu Wan-er did not speak as they were blocked by Shen Miao today and were very unhappy in their hearts. Now that Ye Fūrén was speaking, they did not have any intention to help.

Shen Miao looked at Ye Fūrén. She seemed to be forcing her to comply with this hunt.

Ji Fūrén, who was sitting beside Ye Fūrén, spoke with a smile, "Everyone must not force Rui Wángfēi already. Rui Wángfēi is young and like what Ye Fūrén said, it is her first time and one feared that there would be some shyness. Those who go to the hunt were all old acquaintances so naturally one has to think about it.

She had taken the initiative to resolve the problem for Shen Miao.

Shen Miao looked surprised but Ji Fūrén smiled and nodded at her.

Ji Fūrén's husband was the current dynasty Left Minister and the official position was not low thus the surrounding Fūrén would not refute her words. Ye Fūrén heard it and it was not good to continue to be aggressive and thus looked at Shen Miao, making Shen Miao frown slightly.

This Bright Summer Banquet then went by blandly. Lu Wan-er most likely was too angry with Shen Miao and immediately left. Lu Fūrén, who remained there, treated Shen Miao blandly. Since the host of this Bright Summer Banquet was Lu Fūrén, the other Fūréns followed Lu Fūrén's footsteps and intentionally treated Shen Miao coldly.

However, when Shen Miao was young, she was always treated coldly and thus did not place it in her heart. As she drank the tea, she listened to Ba Jiao explaining the relationships of all the Fūréns and remembered it to heart. Not only did these cold treatments not affect her, but it also allowed her to fully remember these people's relationships.

When leaving, naturally no one sent her off. Just as she was about to board the horse carriage, unexpectedly someone stopped her.

Upon turning one's head back, it was Ji Fūrén.

Ji Yu Shu's mother had a dignified and amicable temperament but her appearance was similar to Ji Yu Shu. She smiled as she saw Shen Miao, "Yu-er had said to me that when he was in Ming Qi's Ding capital city, one had received Rui Wángfēi's care so today I thank Wángfēi on behalf of Yu-er."

Shen Miao blushed in her heart and continued to say that she dared not. After all, it was her that made use of Ji Yu Shu's Feng Xian Pawnshop on a lot of matters.

Ji Fūrén saw that there was no one around and approached her closer to speak softly, "Today Wángfēi had also seen, the Lu family's Sì Xiǎojiě… Single-heartedly wants to marry to the Rui Qīnwáng residence but Wángfēi does not need to place her words to heart. If it was possible, then Sì Xiǎojiě would already be Rui Wángfēi. It is the only effort on one's lips. As for the Imperial Hunt that Ye Fūrén mentioned today, it is better for Wángfēi to mention it to Qīnwáng. Wángfēi mustn't be schemed into this deep water." Seeing that there were other Fūréns that were coming out of the Lu residence, Ji Fūrén said, "It is inconvenient for me to speak about the rest. If Wángfēi is free, do come over to the residence to sit. Most likely you are not familiar with Long Ye and I can talk to you about it." After that, she said her goodbyes to Shen Miao and hastily left.

On the road back, Shen Miao kept thinking about today's matter. She did not put Lu Wan-er's words to heart but one did not know why, she felt very bothered with that Ye Fūrén.

She asked Ba Jiao, "In the banquet today, it seemed that one did not see Ye Fūrén's daughter. How many gūniángs are there in the Ye family? Why did they not bring any out?"

Ba Jiao was startled before she shook her head, "There are no gūniángs in the Ye family."

"Why are there no gūniángs?" Shen Miao frowned.

"This is a matter that everyone knew in Long Ye." Ba Jiao said, "The Prime Minister residence's Prime Minister Ye and Ye Fūrén were married young. Shortly after marriage, they had a daughter but unfortunately, she died young. Ye Fūrén was overly grieved and the relationship with Prime Minister Ye got weakened. Prime Minister Ye later brought in a Qiè and the Qiè gave birth to a son, which is the current Ye Shàoyé of the Prime Minister residence."

Shen Miao frowned, "There are no more other descendants in the Prime Minister's residence?"

Ba Jiao shook her head, "After Prime Minister Ye had Ye Shàoyé, there was an assassination and he hurt his root and thus it was impossible for him to have any descendants."

Shen Miao was flabbergasted. For such a high ranking aristocratic family like the Ye family, how would there only be one son? She asked, "There cannot be only one Shu-son in the Ye family?"

"That is not so. When the Qiè gave birth to Ye Shàoyé, she passed away as she was physically weak… But there are others who said that the Ye family killed the Qiè. After Ye Shàoyé's birth, he was raised under Ye Fūrén's name and had the position of a Di-son. But." Ba Jiao paused, "Even with a Di-son position, this Ye Shàoyé was not valued by Ye Fūrén."

"Why is this so?" Shen Miao was curious. Even though it was not one's flesh and blood but under the situation that there were no other children and that he was raised under her name, Ye Fūrén should treat this Di son better so that it would be better for the future.

"Ye Shàoyé was born with congenital disease and his feet were unhealthy. This kind of people would not be able to enter officialdom, thus, there were people who said that this generation of the Ye family would fall onto one's insignificant younger brother-in-law."

Shen Miao then understood clearly in her heart. So he was crippled, no wonder Ye Fūrén did not value him. Thinking about this, her heart brightened. Civil Ye family and military Lu family. The Lu family already sent Consort Jing into the Palace but the Ye family did not. It was not because the Ye family did not have ambitions but because the Ye family did not have any daughters. One feared that if one sent one's relative daughter in, it would not be easy to control.

Now the current circumstances… Shen Miao could almost guess Emperor Yong Le's plans.

The Ye family was unable to be equal to the Lu family due to the descendent matter and if they were to ally with the Lu family, once the ambitions in court were successful, it would only be the Lu family that would gain advantages. People would always have inferiority. Why was it that both of them were aristocratic families but in the end, you alone get everyone while one slowly diminishes? It is better for me to overturn the water.

Emperor Yong Le most probably wanted to provoke an internal struggle between the Lu and Ye family and subdue the Ye family before dealing with the military power of the Lu family. It would be much easier like this.

It was just that the Ye and Lu family had good relations for so many years and their interests were intertwined. The Ye family had the Lu family's weaknesses and how could the Lu family not have the Ye family's weaknesses? It was not an easy thing to drive a wedge between them.

As her mind was thinking about these matters, Shen Miao did not realise that the horse carriage had returned to the residence of Prince Rui of First Rank. It was only until Ba Jiao called out "Zhǔzi" and someone knocked on her head and said, "What are you thinking that made you so entranced?"

It was only then that Shen Miao saw Xie Jing Xing. He had returned early today and was still wearing the dark red official uniform with an imposing look. Shen Miao got spirited and pulled his sleeves and headed to the study in a rush, saying, "Just in time. I have things to ask you…"

Xie Jing Xing was stunned first before being helpless and let her pull him forward. It was Ba Jiao and Gu Yu, who were at the side, who were stunned silly. Ba Jiao said in all smiles, "Fūrén is indeed proactive."

Gu Yu said, "That ought to be!"

Tang Shu appeared from behind and said, "Look what look. Still doesn't work!"

Ba Jiao and Gu Yu stuck their tongues out and quickly left. Tang Shu looked at the closed doors and shook his head before sighing, "The red has not fallen so how can it be proactive." (Meaning… The sheets are clean and our Jiao Jiao is still innocent)

When in the room, Shen Miao then told Xie Jing Xing of what had happened today. Xie Jing Xing said, "The Imperial Hunt?"

Shen Miao nodded her head, "It seemed somewhat unusual."

"The Imperial Hunt is on the second day of the sixth month of every year and it was the established standard by Xiān Huáng (Late Emperor)." Xie Jing Xing said lazily, "However, Huángxiōng and I would only be wandering outside and would not go deep in."

"Why?" Shen Miao asked.

"Dangerous." Xie Jing Xing lowered his voice.

Shen Miao was startled.

When Xie Jing Xing saw her expression, he laughed and raised his eyebrows, "Scared already?"

"What is there for me to be scared of?" Shen Miao looked at him, "Do you mean that there will be someone that will take action against the Huángdì and you? In the Imperial Hunt, the Imperial guards are all inside so who would have such courage?"

"You have seen the Mo Yu Army before." Xie Jing Xing suddenly changed the topic, "Those are my people and have nothing to do with Great Liang's army. Huángxiōng also knows about it. Do you know why the Mo Yu Army was raised?"

"Because the Imperial army is not trustable?" Shen Miao quickly asked but she somewhat could not believe in her heart.

Xie Jing Xing snapped his fingers.

Shen Miao did not say anything.

The world had said that Emperor Yong Le was Great Liang's wise Monarch and the younger generation of Great Liang was of high esteem. It seemed that the commoners were as such but the officials and soldiers were not as loyal as rumoured. There was no fighting and scheme in the Imperial family of Great Liang but there were external aggressions.

The Imperial army of the Imperial family was passed down from generation to generation, that was to say that the Late Emperor had passed down the people but they refused to comply with the current Emperor Yong Le. Thinking about the cool tone of voice Xie Jing Xing used on the Late Emperor previously, Shen Miao became curious in her heart. She hesitated for a moment before looking at Xie Jing Xing to ask, "Speaking of which, at the beginning when you drifted to the Ding capital city of Ming Qi, what exactly were the circumstances and on-goings?"

Hearing that, Xie Jing Xing's gaze slightly changed. Shen Miao said beside him and she could feel the coldness of his emotions at that moment.

After a while, Xie Jing Xing smiled and reached out to stroke Shen Miao's head, "How come there are so many questions? Want to know my secret again? If you want to know, then come and exchange yours." He smiled warmly, "One's body can also do."

Shen Miao rolled her eyes.

Xie Jing Xing again said, "But you seemed not to be angry with Lu Wan-er's words at all?" He was slightly dissatisfied, "Someone covets over your Zhàngfū and you are not furious at all? Shen Jiao Jiao, you really have no conscience."

Shen Miao said, "Anyways, you will also not agree to it, isn't it so? The Lu family is ambitious and you most likely do not have a heart so big as to raise a poisonous snake at one's side."

Xie Jing Xing laughed out loud and stared at her mouth, "Aren't I raising a poisonous snake at one's side? It is also a beautiful snake."

This person could not be serious for more than three sentences. Shen Miao could not be bothered to talk to him and just said, "The Ye family… What do you think of the Ye family?"

Xie Jing Xing pondered, "The Ye family people are smarter than the Lu family and know how to endure silently. Perhaps it is because of the matter of descendants, they are not as arrogant as the Lu family. Huángxiōng and I planned to start from the Ye family and incite disharmony between the Ye and Lu families."

Shen Miao pulled back her hand. She did not know why but when she faced Ye Fūrén today, she had an indescribable feeling. She seemingly felt that the Ye family was not as easy to deal with as it looked on the surface but this thought came unfathomably, that she did not know how it happened.

However, Xie Jing Xing saw her strange look and asked, "You seemed to have something to say?"

Shen Miao shook her head. It was most likely she was too paranoid, thus she asked, "Will you be attending this Imperial Hunt? Ji Fūrén told me not to be schemed by others and I felt very strange."

Xie Jing Xing's expression turned slightly cold, "This time even if one is unwilling to go, you have to follow."

"Why is it so?"

"Today it is the sixtieth year sacrificial ceremony stipulated by the Xiān Huáng. In the Imperial Hunt, Huángxiōng must hunt a lion in the hunting grounds as it represents that the common year would be smooth and he is a wise monarch."

Lion? Shen Miao said, "That is a wild beast." In a general hunting ground, naturally, safety was the most important. After all, the people who were hunting were all high ranking officials and aristocrats and it was not good for one's life to be harmed. There would not be lions but wild hare or foxes, else life would be lost in a moment of carelessness.

"Beasts are not to be feared." Xie Jing Xing's lips were raised but his smile was somewhat cold, "Beasts would not release arrows secretly and are much safer than people."

"Only the Imperial army can be brought in and that was the rules set by Xiān Huáng. However, it is difficult to say if the people of the Imperial army are loyal or not." Xie Jing Xing raised an eyebrow, "So you have to know that this is a match that the Xiān Huáng left for us brothers. To let everyone under Heaven's watch, Huángxiōng and I do not have any choice even though one knew clearly about it."

He then looked at the sorrowful Shen Miao and pinched her face, "But you can rest assured that nothing will happen to you. Even though the females of the Huángjiā follow by name, there is no need to enter the hunting grounds."

Shen Miao asked, "Do you have the assurance to manage?" There was a bad premonition in her heart and seemed to have seen through Xie Jing Xing's joking expression that he was not relaxed at all.

Xie Jing Xing stared at her and shook his head, "No."

Shen Miao's heart was lifted up tightly.

Xie Jing Xing smiled, "Swindle you only."

Shen Miao glared angrily at him. Xie Jing Xing stretched out lazily and said, "After the hunt is over then one will speak to you about matters of the Palace so that you will not think of it all the day." He said in a smile, yet not a smile, "You are now my Xie family people, so one has to carry some things."

Shen Miao's heart moved. Did it mean that Xie Jing Xing planned to tell her about his secret? Xie Jing Xing's identity, how he drifted to the Ding capital of Ming Qi, with Emperor Long Le's and Xie Jing Xing's attitude towards the Late Emperor, she had felt that there was something in it. One could feel the heaviness of the matter vaguely as Xie Jing Xing's frivolous mention of the past was not a common experience.

Even though she would be pleased to know about these secrets, why did she feel so uneasy about this Imperial Hunt? It was like something bad would be happening. Her heart was beating very fast and despite all the efforts to calm it, it was still restless.

She kept silent but her fist was secretly clenched.


In the Imperial Palace of Great Liang, Empress Xian De was listening to the palace maid reporting on the events of today's Bright Summer Banquet and when she heard Shen Miao's 'with regards to the matter of being a Qiè, I will not do it. The matter of bringing in Qiès for one's husband to spread out the branches is something I will not do. In the beginning, when Rui Qīnwáng came to my Shen residence to propose marriage, he had already said that there would not be any other female in the Inner Courtyard of the Prince residence. If it wasn't that, I would not marry so far away to Long Ye', Empress Xian De could not help but laugh out loud. She was naturally gentle and dignified and was calm normally but when she laughed, there was actually some charm of a young female.

"What made Huánghòu so happy?" Emperor Yong Le's voice was heard from outside. His expression was a little cold and when he saw Empress Xian De's appearance when he stepped in, there was a peculiar look that flashed in his eyes.

Empress Xian De was smiling somewhat unrestrained, "Cai Lian, repeat Wángfēi's words to Bìxià."

The palace maid by the name of Cai Liang quickly lowered her head and mimicked Shen Miao's words again. After hearing, Emperor Yong Le brushed his sleeves and said furiously, "Babbling nonsense! Completely lack of regulations! Extremely impudent!"

Cai Lian jumped in shock and her entire body was somewhat trembling. The anger of the Emperor was not something that a small palace maid like her could bear.

Empress Xian De looked blaming Emperor Yong Le and said to Cai Lian, "Withdraw first."

Cai Lian was relieved and quickly withdrew. Empress Xian De then smiled, "Jing Xing's wife has a temper that is made in Heavens like him. Both of them are so straightforward, they are really temperamental people."

"It's alright that Xie Yuan is being wilful, you are also following him to be wilful?" Emperor Yong Le looked at Empress Xian with dissatisfaction, "Huánghòu seemed to like Shen Miao very much?"

"It had been a long time since someone this interesting appeared in Long Ye." Empress Xian De smiled and watched Emperor Yong Le sit by her side. Her tone of voice was soft but her voice was unable to hide the praise, "Look like a smart person but it is rare that one could maintain a sincere heart."

"One cannot see where the smarts are and also cannot see the sincerity." Emperor Yong Le said coldly, "It is however only a female that can dig for thoughts."

"If it was truly the case, with Jing Xing's astute nature, how could he not see it and still be extremely liking her?"

Emperor Yong Le disapproved, "Xie Yuan is young and cannot tell the difference between right and wrong, thus, his heart and mind are confused by that woman."

Empress Xian De sighed. She knew of Emperor Yong Le's stubborn personality and did not want to compete with him, "In anyways, Běngōng viewed Jing Xing's wife as a good person."

"If she was really good then she would not boast shamelessly and speak of jealousy." Emperor Yong Le was very dissatisfied, "Could it be that Huánghòu thinks that not spreading out the branches for the Zhàngfū and bringing in Qiès is the right behaviour?"

Empress Xian De smiled faintly, "That is naturally excellent. It is just that only very few females could do it. It is Rui Wángfēi's fortune that she could do it."

"Huánghòu!" Hearing that, Emperor Yong Le's brows wrinkled and the gaze that he used to look at Empress Xian De was very strict.

"Chénqiè words are of indiscretion." Even though Empress Xian De said as such, there was not much apprehension in her expression as she said, "Be it persuading or not, it is better for Bìxià to worry less about the residence of Rui Qīnwáng. Jing Xing is one that has a mind of his own, by interfering, it would only attract his malice."

"Zhèn has one's viewpoint." Emperor Yong Le said seriously.

After a moment of silence, Empress Xian De said, "Is Bìxià prepared for the Imperial Hunt next month?"

"Only prepared a life." One was unable to see any expression on Emperor Yong Le's face, "Zhèn has already arranged everything."

"Can Chénqiè go along?" Empress Xian De asked, "Chénqiè wants to follow Bìxià's side."

"Zhèn will bring Consort Jing along." Emperor Yong Le said, "If something happens to Zhèn, there is still you overseeing the Inner Palace."

Empress Xian De hang her head down and did not speak. After a moment she lifted up her head and smiled gently, "Chénqiè understands."

"The person Zhèn cannot feel reassured is Xie Yuan. Zhèn felt conscience-stricken to him when he was young and was hidden in Ming Qi. But now even the stratagems are fixed, Zhèn could not finish the promise. In the future, if he hates Zhèn or understands Zhèn's painstaking effort, what Zhèn could do is only this much." Emperor Yong Le looked outside as he said in disappointment and frustration, "It is unfortunate that Mǔhòu (Imperial Mother) was unable to see him before her death."

"If IMǔhòu knows in the underworld and sees that Jing Xing is outstanding, she would be delighted." Empress Xian De consoled.

"Huánghòu." Emperor Yong Le suddenly said.

Empress Xian De looked at him and heard Emperor Yong Le speaking, "It is exhausting for you for all these years."

"It is Chénqiè's blessing to be able to share Bìxià's troubles." Empress Xian De smiled. Her expression was calm, seemingly no matter how great the suffering was would not repel her grace and elegance at all. She said, "Chénqiè has accompanied Bìxià for decades and Bìxià treats Chénqiè very well. Chénqiè is already content."

Emperor Yong Le looked at Empress Xian De and seemed to want to say something. His lips moved but nothing was said. He only looked somewhat complicated at Empress Xian De before moving his gaze away and onto the bronze crane in the main hall that was spitting out green smoke.

Empress Xian De also looked at her sleeve quietly, as if those words that were just spoken were very commonly said. It was just that those eyes were a bit wet.