Inside the Cafe...

"Why didn't you pick up Nita's call, Bara?" asked Bagus Bara's friend as well as Bara's personal doctor.

"She must be scolding me again Gus." said Bara as he took a sip of his vodka drink, which had run out of several glasses.

"It is certain that Nita will be angry with you because you forgot your promise. Better, I take you home now. You've had too much to drink." said Bagus while supporting Bara's arm.

"She doesn't love me Gus, she already loves Johan." muttered Bara, his eyes red and watery.


Dealova quickly entered Bara's mansion to immediately meet Chelo. 

"Aunt Narti !! Aunt Narti!" Call Dealova while walking toward the kitchen.

"Where is Aunt Narti? nothing here. Maybe it's still in Chelo's room?" Dealova asked herself and walked quickly to Chelo's room.

"Aunt Narti?" Call Dealova into Chelo's room.