"Why haven't you done it Love? did you change your mind again?" asked Johan with disappointment.

"I can't do it, because Mr Bara got into an accident." said Dealova telling Johan everything honestly.

"How did it happen? I do not believe it. Now how is Mr Bara? Is he okay?" Tanya Johan panicked because Bara had an accident with Dealova. Surely the reporters will not miss that incident. And Johan is sure that tomorrow morning there will be news about Bara.

"Mr. Bara is now in critical condition, and it all happened because Mr. Bara saved Chelo and me." said Dealova holding back her tears so that Johan would not hear her. Dealova didn't want any problems between herself and Johan.

"Now where are you at the hospital, Love?" Johan asked, not wanting Dealova to get into trouble with Bara again, so Johan intended to pick her up before the reporters followed Bara and Dealova to the hospital.

"I'm at the Medika Hospital." said Dealova while wiping her tears.