"Thank God, Mr. Bara has come to his senses." said Narti with tears in her eyes. Narti was happy that what Dealova had said was true that Bara was better and would soon come to his senses.

"So how long have you been here?" Bara asked after remembering that before Narti took care of his there was Dealova who took care of his.

"Just this afternoon sir, after picking up Mr. Chelo from school." said Narti a little surprised to see Bara was pensive like thinking about something.

"Narti... before you two take care of me is there someone who takes care of me?" Bara asked a little weakly to make sure that Dealova was really taking care of him and what they were doing wasn't a dream.

"When I came, there was a nurse looking after Mr. What's wrong Mr. Bara?" asked Narti with full eyes.