"I can't do it anymore, my patience has run out by doing everything you want." said Bara with both fists clenched.

"Why can't you do it Bara? You have to do it!" said Banu in a voice full of pressure.

"Why should I do it? I'm not afraid of all your threats Mr. Banu! You used to be able to threaten me by kicking me out of this house, but now I know that this house and all company assets are mine." said Bara after working hard for years to find out who he was and it turned out that he was the adopted son of Banu and Tina.

Banu and Tina have stolen all the property from their parents. And Bara is still lucky to find an important letter about her rights to the house and all company assets in the storage room in her Company office. Bara knew this from a lawyer for her father who came suddenly and told everything about Bara's past. Even Bara also just found out that she has a brother who has been kidnapped by Banu's orders.