"You don't worry Johan, don't think I'll get drunk. I'm used to drinking and I know what I'm saying, okay!! I have a secret that can make us rich! Right!! You have the right to be rich Johan?" said Ferdy with watery eyes and bright red face.

"What secrets do you have?" asked Johan finally listening to what his father was talking about.

"You are not my son Johan? You are not my son! You are the son of the rich people in this city!" said Ferdy right in Johan's face in a low but pressured voice.

"What are you talking about? I should just go home. I'll be back tomorrow. I just came here to tell you that I'm getting married soon." said Johan uncomfortably getting up from his seat and walking towards the door.

"Why don't you believe me Johan?! You're not my son! You're someone else's child that I kidnapped!! That's the truth!!!" said Ferdy when Johan had reached the door.