"Nayla, promise me ... if it's five months, you will ask for a divorce from Mr. Ardian." Kenzo said with a sad look because Nayla still insisted on marrying Ardian.

"Okay Ken, you take it easy." said Nayla, rubbing Kenzo's face lovingly.

"I love you Nay." said Kenzo staring at Nayla's beautiful face.

"I love you too Ken, be careful when you come home, it's late at night." said Nayla with a feeling of unwillingness if Kenzo had to go home.

"I'll go home first, Nay, you have to hurry home before midnight." said Kenzo kissing Nayla's forehead.

Nayla gave a small nod.

After Kenzo left on his motorbike, Nayla looked at the pitch black sky and a little light rain.

Nayla comes into the house looking at her watch which shows nine o'clock in the evening.

Behind the window of the house, Ardian's heart was like a thorn when he saw Kenzo kissing Nayla's forehead.

"Oh God, give me patience, and sincerity, so that I don't get too hurt." Ardian said to himself as he pressed his chest ached.

"Mr. Ardian." called Nayla knocking on Ardian's door.

"Wait a minute Nay." said Ardian walking to the door and opening it.

"I went straight home, sir, I'm afraid the rain outside is getting heavier. " said Nayla after Ardian opened the door.

"Sorry I can't take you Nay, I borrowed the car again, Maman, will I just take you on your motorbike." said Ardian feeling bad about letting Nayla go home alone.

"No, sir, it's okay ... I'll just go home alone." said Nayla smiling.

Accompanied by Ardian, Nayla walked out of the new house until the terrace heard the sound of thunder and Nayla jumped into Ardian's arms.

"Oh my God, sir Ardian why must there be another thunderbolt." said Nayla with her eyes closed hugging Ardian's body tightly.

"I'll take you home, Nay, the rain is still not too heavy." said Ardian again feeling his heart racing.

"No sir, I'm afraid the thunder will come again, take me inside sir." said Nayla, hugging Ardian tighter.

Ardian was getting more and more unable to move, between calming his heart and Nayla's hug that was stifling his chest.

"But it's night Nay, you have to go home." Ardian said softly.

"I'm really scared sir, leave me here until the rain stops." said Nayla with a pale face with a trembling body.

"OK, let's go inside ya Nay." Ardian said with his eyes closed.

"Oh God, if indeed Nayla is my soul mate, let fate bring Nayla closer to me." Ardian said to himself.

In Ardian's embrace, Nayla was led to a special room for guests.

"Nay, while you are here huh ... you can rest now, I'll tell your dad first." Ardian said about to leave the room, but Nayla did not let go of her embrace in the slightest.

"Nay, it's just the sound of thunder outside. You don't mind, you're safe here." said Ardian trying to remove Nayla's hand.

"Where are Mr. Ardian going?" Nayla asked looking at Ardian with a frightened face.

"I'm going to Nay's room, my cellphone is in there." Ardian said a little confused by Nayla's fear that was like a traumatized person.

"I'm coming sir, don't leave me alone here." said Nayla begging.

"All right, let's go to the room." said Ardian hugging Nayla's shoulder, while Nayla tightly hugged Ardian's waist.

Arriving at her room, Ardian led Nayla to the bed.

"Lie down Nay, put on my blanket ... I'll call your father." said Ardian as he picked up his cellphone and called Sasongko.

"Hello, good night Dad." Ardian said to Sasongko while looking at Nayla who was hiding behind a blanket.

"Yes, Ardian, is Nayla still there? it's heavy raining here, is it also heavy there?" Asked Sasongko who knew Nayla's weakness.

"Yes Father, there is also thunder here, Nayla is afraid that I will take her home." said Ardian honestly.

"It's okay Ardian, let Nayla sleep there. But dad asks ... you marry Nayla right away so you can guide Nayla to become a better and mature woman." said Sasongko at length.

"Okay Daddy, I have to talk to Nayla first, whether you want to marry me this week." said Ardian while looking at Nayla again who was staring at him.

"Okay Ardian, Daddy wait at home tomorrow to discuss your marriage." Said Sasongko then ended the call.

Ardian took a deep breath, then looked at Nayla who was still staring at him.

"Dad wants us to get married asap, how about you? do you want to marry me Nay?" Ardian asked looking into Nayla's face.

Nayla nodded quickly.

"Yes, I do, sir." replied Nayla without hesitation.

"Thank goodness, thanks Nay." Ardian said stroking Nayla's hair.

"But sir, our agreement is still valid, right? you don't break your promise?" asked Nayla, hoping Ardian would keep his promise.

Ardian smiled as he looked gently at Nayla.

"As long as you don't ask, as long as my life I will be with you Nayla, but if you ask, I will grant it, so don't be afraid anymore about it, okay?" Ardian said in a low voice, making Nayla's heart unable to breathe anymore.

"Now, do you believe me?" Ardian asked in a soft voice.

Nayla nodded slowly.

"I trust Mr. Ardian, please don't break my trust, sir?" said Nayla hopefully.

Ardian nodded and rubbed Nayla's cheek gently.

"Now sleep, I keep you here." said Ardian sitting on the chair beside Nayla.

"Will Mr. Ardian hug me? I'm still afraid of the sound of thunder." said Nayla who still heard the sound of thunder even though it was not as loud as in the early rain.

"Hold my hand Nay, you will feel calm." ucap Ardian took Nayla's hand and grasped it tightly.

"Close your eyes, and feel that if I take care of you, be near your side, then you will be calm." whispered Ardian while gently rubbing the back of Nayla's hand.

Nayla's eyes were closed, sleeping curled up under the blanket with Ardian's hand in hers.

For almost two hours Ardian sat guarding Nayla so she could sleep soundly, after being sure that Nayla was fast asleep, Ardian got up from his seat and moved to sleep on the long sofa.

Ardian let go of his fatigue that had not yet rested from the afternoon, his thoughts were always on Nayla, the young girl he loved so much.

Too tired, Ardian fell asleep on the sofa without wearing a blanket.

Nayla, who had slept for several hours, woke up early in the morning. With slightly heavy eyes, Nayla searched for Ardian's whereabouts.

Nayla got down from her bed, when she saw Ardian asleep without wearing a blanket.

Attentively, Nayla took her blanket, and covered Ardian's body.

Without realizing it, Nayla rubbed Ardian's face, who looked very tired.

Ardian's skin felt hot.

"Did Mr Ardian have a fever?" Nayla asked herself with her hand still groping Ardian's forehead.