"Hold on Yan, Dad will come soon, we will go to the hospital right now." said Nayla stroking Ardian's hair which was drenched in sweat.

Ardian's body felt cold, with sweat flooding around his forehead and back, almost his entire body felt damp and cold.

"Nayla, I'm not strong anymore Nay." Ardian said in a low voice, the pain was so intense it was making it difficult for him to breathe.

With a feeling of fear, Nayla lifted Ardian's head and placed it on her lap.

"Be patient Yan, Dad will come soon. You must be strong Yan." said Nayla, holding Ardian's hand which was very cold.

"I can't breathe Nay, my chest feels tight." Ardian said starting to breathe using his mouth.

Nayla cried seeing Ardian's condition, who was so tormented with pain.

"Yes Yan, hang on Yan, soon we will go to the hospital." said Nayla with tears streaming down her head trying to calm Ardian down.