"Uncle, can't you help me a little? So that today Nayla doesn't scold me all the time? Tell Uncle's wife, if you keep getting angry, the baby will be like me." said Priambodo with a pitiful face.

Ardian smiled, then hugged Nayla's shoulder.

"Nay, don't embarrass Pria in front of Putri. How can you make Putri fall in love with Pria, Right? if you never praise Pria at all?" Ardian said that it made Priambodo more embarrassed until his face turned red.

It was not only Priambodo's face that was embarrassed. But Putri's face was also red with embarrassment.

Nayla laughed while rubbing her stomach.

"Oh my God Ardian, it turns out that your words are more cruel to Pria." said Nayla with a happy look.

Adrien smiled patiently.