"Em...I'm angry with you, I'm jealous that you care so much for Mr. Tegar. Didn't you tell me yourself, that I was your lover? I think you were just taking advantage of me. You just ..." Not to mention Rangga continued his words, Putri's soft hand covered his mouth gently.

"Don't go on, I've never used you. I'm just asking for your help so that all the problems in my family can be resolved. I am very grateful to you because you are willing to be my lover." said Putri looking at Rangga with a serious look.

Rangga raised his head to look at Putri's face. Really, Rangga always misses that kind of look from Putri which he sometimes doesn't find.

"Never mind Putri, I'm sorry if I made you worry by leaving without telling you. And about drinking earlier, because I just wanted to forget my pain." said Rangga bravely grabbing Putri's hand and holding it slowly.

Rangga's heart was happy, because Putri did not reject him.