"Ouch!! why are you biting my lip so hard little girl!!" said Priambodo with his eyebrows raised while touching his bleeding lower lip.

"Sorry Uncle...sorry, I didn't mean to. Really I was carried away by the softness of Uncle Pria's lips. I remember eating the tender empal meat." said Putri with a pitiful look but held back a laugh in her heart. Her anger finally paid off.

"You really are!! Look at my lips now!! they're sore and bleeding." said Priambodo wiping his bleeding lips with his hand.

"Sorry Uncle, don't wipe with your hands. Let me clean it with a tissue." said Putri as she took a tissue on the table beside Priambodo's bed.

With great care, Putri cleaned the blood that came out of Priambodo's lower lip.

"Are you still sick Uncle?" asked Putri with a look of affection.

"Still. Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want to bite my lip again?" Priambodo asked, covering his mouth with one hand.