The Creeping Shadows


  Zeno grudgingly hefts the strap of his pack as it continuously slips away from his sweat-stricken shoulders. The result of his years of just lazing around and refusing to engage in combat exercises is paying him back with a vengeance. It's only been just a straight week of hellish training prepared by his older brother, but he's not sure if he will be able to survive.  And now, as a part of his training regimen, he was left at the heart of the Devil's Hollow Forest, and he only had two days to get himself out of the devil's den. Isaac instructed him to integrate the skills he had learned throughout his training and come out unscathed. 

Zeno wants to strangle his brother to shake some sense into him for asking something impossible. Still, before he knew it, Zeno had already got teleported against his will. He is unsure if he will be able to get out, but the only thing Zeno is sure about is that he could continue walking on this thorny and confusing path because of his willpower. Isaac is intent on making his life harder. If only he is not wearing this cursed band that seals his power, he should be able to summon Razor, his contracted beast, to fly out from this damn forest. 

Zeno stomps angrily and then continues walking when he bumps into something hard. He yelps in surprise when he feels a tingling sensation in his arm. Zeno stares, horrified as the blood slowly oozes from his skin. His skin was scraped by long spiky creepers coiled in the massive tree beside him. He didn't pay careful attention to his surroundings because he was preoccupied with other things. He squeezes his eyes shut and counts inside his head until ten. Zeno is trying his best to calm himself. He hates seeing blood the most. He is not fit to be a knight, and though he has magical powers, he prefers to live like an ordinary citizen. 

After finishing the usual exercise, Zeno feels light as a feather. When he opened his eyes again, everything around him became brighter and sharper.

He sighs. "He shouldn't have left me here," Zeno murmurs. "He knows how bad I am with directions."

Without knowing how to go back, he might have to stay overnight in this creepy forest. He is dead tired and hungry. However, he needs to go on. Against his will, Zeno continues the agonizing trek while getting familiar with the landscape. As the hour passes by, this time, he finds it more comfortable to dodge the poisonous plants and wild beasts noiselessly waiting behind the shadows of trees and bushes. Zeno decided to use the survival technique he liked the most, but Isaac liked it least, evasion.  He has no intention of using the sword hanging uselessly at his side. 

The Devil's Hollow Forest is endless and gloomy, but it is widely known for its various herbs, poisonous plants, and strong wild beast. However, it is also notorious for its deafening deadly silence. The only sounds that the people usually listen to when they find themselves lost in this forest are their heavy breathing and their chests' loud thumping. Even skilled hunters end up being haunted because of that illusion. The eerie atmosphere became even chilling because of the darkness. Only a few swaths of sunlight can get through the thick canopy of trees; people find it difficult to distinguish whether it is still day or night. People are scared to go into the forest except for hunters who collect and sell beasts' meat and those hired to collect herbs. There are bandits with their shady business that try to wiggle away from the guards' eyes. That is why when Zeno hears an ear-splitting cry that shatters the stillness of the forest, he already has an idea of who it might be. From the sound of it, the location is just probably nearby. Disregarding Isaac's lessons and advice about the art of stealth, Zeno runs in the direction of the cry as fast as he can, leaving a resonance of scrunching dried leaves and brambles beneath his feet. 

When Zeno found what he was looking for, his heart stills, and his blood boiled. Three massive men clad in black robes encircle a dark-haired young woman holding a knife. She held it tightly like she was holding it for her life. On the other side are other females varying from adults to children, with hands behind their back, continuously screaming for the young woman with the knife to stop fighting. However, she didn't listen. She stabs the air as the men jeers and laugh, clearly enjoying the sight.  At that moment, Zeno has a dilemma. Even though he wanted to help, there was no way he could take on those burly men. It was only recently that Zeno started having his swordsmanship training from Isaac. He won't stand a chance. He will be signing to his death, and only an idiot will do that. 

"Step back." the woman with the knife growls out. Her beautiful face contorts in raw anger. 

"Now, now, drop the knife. We wouldn't want to leave a scar on your pretty face," the other replies while stealthily walking forward, trying to steal the chance to unhand her.

"Be careful, George! She will cost a lot of gold." his comrade jeers.

"Shut up! I know that," George yells without taking his eyes off his prey.

"Drop the knife, woman! You're wasting your time. Submit yourself, and nobody gets hurt." 

"I refuse!" she replies with gritted teeth. "I will never submit myself to anybody!" as if emphasizing her point, she took another slash in the air, making George step back an inch, but her attempt to defend herself wasn't enough. The beast motions for the other man at his side, and the burly man twice his size, rips away a child from her mother's grasp. He lifts her by the chain in her neck like a rag doll. The child whimpers in pain, and so does he.

"Please! Not my child! Please spare her!" her mother pleads while her face is stricken with tears. The burly man kicks her in the stomach, and she coughs up blood.

"If you don't stop this now, someone will die," George's comrade threateningly places the tip of the knife to the child's neck, drawing just the right amount of blood to stir the crowd. The young woman falters. George seizes that chance and attacks her as fast as lightning. In an instant, he manages to twist her arm around her back while the knife clumsily falls to the ground. The woman continuously struggles against his steely arms.

Zeno glance at the golden band securely places in his right hand. He promised Isaac not to use his powers until he finishes his training regimen, but Zeno can't just ignore the people who need help, especially if he can do something about it. He might not be good with the sword, but he can at least use a bit of his magic to knock them out. 

"I will just apologize to him for breaking the seal," Zeno whispers. He places his left hand towards the golden band, instantly breaking into two. Zeno flexes his hand, and he can feel the tiny sparks of energy in his fingertips. Zeno thinks he could at least make a small fireball. If Isaac knows that he could easily break the seal he placed on him; he will go ballistic. Isaac will absolutely do everything to find a more powerful bracelet that could keep him on a tighter leash. He usually says it is better to prepare for the worse, or he might lose control and go on a rampage just like before. 

Zeno casually walks in their direction, stomping his growing dread, and he plasters a threatening smile.  "Let her go. You shouldn't force a girl like that when she doesn't like you. It makes you look pitiful." 

Although Zeno tries his best to put on a scary expression on his face, he is not confident that it will be sufficient to scare them away. He always has a pretty face that lures men and women of different ages. That is why tons of perverts flock towards him day and night. Even Isaac is getting annoyed because of it. One time, they had to buy something in a crowded town, and he forced him to cover his face. He understands his brother's sentiment even though he is too beautiful for a guy. Between them, Zeno inherited his facial features from his mother, who was always known for her beauty. Zeno has a small face, softer facial features, and fuller and symmetrical pinkish lips than boys his age. He also inherited his mother's sea blue-green eyes matched with thick and long lashes. He also grows his long golden blond hair that reaches just above his shoulder blades, making him look like a girl. 

George's gaze moves in his direction, and his eyes narrow. He carefully examines him from head to toe, but his eyes linger longer on his face. Zeno stares back, not letting his lecherous gaze bothers him. A smile breaks out on his face when he has his fill, and he grins almost too viciously. His attention already wholly zeroed in on him. It wasn't the first time Zeno received such gaze, revolting malicious eyes that spokes volumes of heightened obsession and carnal lust. George throws away the girl like an insignificant pebble in the road, just as he suspected. His other friend caught her on time and twisted her arm so she wouldn't struggle so much. Zeno hears a faint sound of bone-cracking, and he can see tears streaming down her face. However, the girl didn't cry out. She bit her lip so hard just to stop herself from screaming. She has no intention of giving up.

"How old are you? Fourteen or maybe Fifteen?" George inquires. His face is beaming, and he can almost read what's on his mind.

Zeno smiles sweetly. "I'm not obliged to answer you." 

He ignored his taunt and continued. "You see, I have this client who loves pretty young boys like you. You're like a fresh and innocent flower in full bloom, ready to be plucked. You will definitely fetch a high price. What do you say? Do you want to live in comfort and luxury? I will help you."

Zeno couldn't help himself, but he laughed so hard his stomach ached. He has always been used to receiving various praises for his beauty, but it's the first time he has received such compliments from a brute like him. He wipes the tears that suddenly form in his eyes and tries his best to smother the onslaught of laughter bubbling just beneath the surface.

"You sound like that pervert I know from my hometown. Unfortunately, I don't want to live in luxury. I feel honored by your offer, but I respectfully decline."

"Is that so? Then, I have no choice. I will just forcefully take you with me. Try not to struggle too much. I don't want to leave a mark on your beautiful face". He draws his massive sword from its sheath hanging behind his back and aims it toward him.

"I was waiting for you to say that. I will also give you a piece of advice, do not push your luck." Zeno can already feel the amassed energy in his fingertips. He just needs to aim straight, and then it's his sure win. Zeno stealthily positioned his hands, ready for the attack, and George did the same. A steel arrow whizzed past him and struck George in the chest. Zeno stares dumbfounded. Suddenly, a different group of men clad in black robes appears like a lightning bolt. They swiftly attack and disarm the thugs who took the women hostage without breaking a sweat. Zeno's hand went slack at his side as he watched the spectacle before him.

A few inches shorter than him, a raven-haired-brat walks in his direction briefly. He looks like a noble just by looking at his clothes. There is also a dangerous glint in his eyes that you wouldn't find in any normal kid. This kid seems wise beyond his years, even though it looks like they're the same age.

"Are you Zeno? Isaac's younger brother?" though his words didn't carry any contempt, his voice says otherwise. 

"Yes, but who are you?" Zeno asks cautiously. Why does this kid look like he hates him, or did he just imagine it?

"I apologize for the late introductions. I am Augustus Irwin Faulkner, Prince Nicolai's aide." Augustus bows sincerely like a proper gentleman. However, there was nothing gentle about his eyes. He can see a depth of dark blue eyes devoid of any pleasant emotion. 

"As the prince commanded, I am here to escort you back to the town," he informs in a short, clipped tone—his eyes searing right through him. He is just too intense for a brat. 

Zeno's lips contorted in a forced smile, and he bows deep while rehearsing his line inside his head. He better not get into his wrong side. He's giving him the creeps. If he is the prince's aide, it got something to do with his brother's work. He doesn't want to cause any trouble for Isaac, and ultimately he doesn't want to earn the ire of a noble like him. 

"I' am grateful for your help, and I also apologize for taking the time to come here," Zeno said as apologetic as possible. Augustus snorts, and it doesn't escape his ears. Zeno meets his gaze, and he receives an absolute contempt glistening in his eyes.

"You don't look anything special," Augustus viciously spat out. "And here I thought you're strong just as I heard in the stories." 

Did he just insult him? Why does he have to be rude when only their first meeting? Before he could even stop his mouth, his temper got the better of him. "What about you? You're just a prickly brat who doesn't have an ounce of cuteness in your body!" Zeno fumes.

Augustus' face turns red like a ripe tomato. He glares at him like there's no tomorrow. "Do you know who you're talking to?!" he shot back with gritted teeth. It looks like he is about to breathe fire and burn him alive.

"I don't want to know! You're just a pompous brat!"

"And you're just a coward and a weakling! You don't deserve to be by His Highness's side!"

"Who cares about what you think—" he stops short when what he said finally sinks in. Suddenly, Zeno feels a warm, familiar hand on his shoulder. He looks up and sees Isaac's annoying smile. 

"Stop fighting." Isaac chides gently. 

Zeno takes off his brother's hand on his shoulders and glares at him. "What does he mean by that? I told you, I don't want to be one of you!"

Isaac grits his teeth, and he can almost see a vein protruding in his temples. However, just as always, he manages to control his temper and smoothly gives him a sermon. "It is a great honor to be chosen by the Prince. He has heard of your accomplishments and acknowledges your abilities; refusing his generosity is an insult. Besides, we need a summoner in our midst."

"I don't want to be one of his puppets. Everybody knows—" 

Zeno freezes midsentence when Augustus mercilessly points the tip of his sword to his neck. He didn't realize he was drawing his sword, and it was too fast that even Isaac couldn't react. 

"I may be a magician, but I'm confident with my sword skills. To be someone who deserves to stay by His Highness's side, I always polish my skills to protect him. I will not hesitate to cut down anyone who dares insult His Highness. And I don't care even if it is your brother, Isaac." 

Zeno can almost feel his icy-cold wrath through his sword, and she shudders in fear for his life. He meant every word he said. Isaac grips the sword's sharp edge and urges Augustus to put it down. "I understand. I will make sure to discipline him. You can put down your sword."

Augustus stays motionless for a few minutes, draws back his blade, and returns it to its sheath. Augustus stares at him icily.  "Just as His Highness ordered, you are to head directly to the agreed place. You have to make haste. He doesn't like waiting. We will take care of the mess."

Augustus walks towards a black mount waiting nearby. He quietly watches as they leave the forest, the unconscious mercenaries and their captives. In the end, he couldn't do anything for them.  Zeno had seen many people like them in these trying times who were sold as enslaved people. Slavery isn't something new. Even the Empire adapts such a practice for hundreds of years. However, until now, Zeno still couldn't stomach it. He hopes that the rude brat will make a wise decision and wouldn't let them suffer even more than they already did.

Zeno felt his brother's hand tightly grip his arm and drag him to his mare. "Where are we going?"

Isaac stops in front of him and stares at him gravely. "In the kingdom of Lyriboña, the prince got information about the spirit-beast that he wanted to obtain. The Spirit Blossom Festival will start soon. Foreigners are once again allowed to set foot inside the kingdom. It will be an inconspicuous day to investigate." 

The Spirit Blossom Festival is celebrated once every three years in the Kingdom of Lyriboña. However, it is a simple celebration for the citizens and a significant event. A new group of priestesses who completed their rigorous education will be out for display before the foreign dignitaries and thus marks the start of the week-long festivities. There is only one reason why representatives from various nations spend their precious time traveling to the far north: to choose powerful priestesses who will become an asset to their country. Zeno heard that the second prince of their Empire of Ebon would participate in the festivities. Yet, Prince Nicolai will send his men to investigate. 

"So, the rumors are true. The third prince is creating an army of demi-humans to overthrow his brothers. I heard the Emperor is on his deathbed. It is only a matter of time before he chose his heir."

Isaac heaves a huge sigh and starts massaging his temples. "I suggest that you don't speak carelessly like that in front of His Highness if you don't want to die. "

"Who cares? It's not like there will be a chance for us to talk with one another." 

"He is coming with us, and it will be a long journey. It will take us fourteen days to travel there by ship; you should watch your behavior."

Zeno stares dumbfounded. His brother's owner had finally gone crazy. He should just leave the work to his pawns; why does he have to tag along? If the others know about this, they will surely do everything to drag him down, including them. They will inevitably be entangled in this power struggle. Yet, his brother willingly involves him, his precious younger brother, in this mess. If they're not careful enough, they will be killed.  Zeno wants to scream at the top of his lungs. This is why he wanted to become an ordinary citizen. He will gladly do so if he can only throw away his family's name.  Living a long and peaceful life will merely remain a pipe dream. Being the Empire's Sword is nothing but a burden that ultimately squashed his parents' lives into nothingness for Zeno. Still, his brother Isaac is the only one who thinks otherwise.