Binding Contract

Children have always been afraid of the dark. That is a known fact that every adult has believed for a long time. However, Selene is different, and her parents know that well. When Selene was still young, her mother caught her sneaking out in the middle of the night.  When she was asked what she was doing and why she wasn't afraid of going out alone, Selene answered confidently while staring right through her mother's eyes. "Only I can I see the stars in the night, and I always want to see them shine brightly. That is why I like darkness." 

Since then, her mother has been giving her a strange look. Although, she's been trying her best to hide it from her. Selene somehow understands her mother's behavior. When she recalls things from her childhood, even she thinks she is different from others her age. Since then, "weird" has always been associated with her. Selene is not surprised anymore when she dreams about her younger self while standing a few paces from her side. 

Selene watches as her younger self slowly places the palm of her hand on the smooth cold walls serving as her guide as she weaves through the long wide hallway of an unfamiliar mansion, leaving a trail of slight caress as she moves around at a leisurely pace. Since she was a child, Selene has always considered it a game. A game Selene likes playing for a long time after countless sleepless nights. It feels like she was back to her old self, but this scene and the place feels unfamiliar. Selene is unsure if she sees a dream from her memory or an entirely new, bizarre dream. 

Trying to distract herself, she shifts her attention to the dark sky to look for the stars but breathes a sigh of disappointment. It was a starless sky, and the moon was completely hidden behind the dark clouds. Nevertheless, she still likes to walk in the dark, and the stillness of the place gives her a sense of ease. It feels like she is being hidden without really hiding. Her younger self must be enjoying it as she does. And just as she suspected, she breathes a massive gulp of fresh air and then exhales slowly while a faint smile gently etches her lips. Afterward, she expertly weaves through the place, knowing when to stop avoiding things like huge vases placed near the wall or the potted plants near her feet, entirely unlike her older self, who struggles to keep up to her pace makes her curious. Selene can't recall this memory from her childhood despite having a good memory. Unexpectedly, her younger self suddenly stops short, and she bends over and retrieves a long and thin paintbrush. Her gaze travels to the balcony. 

Selene watches when her younger self walks in a young man's direction, standing motionless on the balcony. His gaze is completely fixated in front of his canvas while standing ramrod straight, and it feels like she is staring at a statue. She teasingly taps his shoulder, and she can see herself talking to the boy, but she can't hear a sound. And as if the moon chooses to play tricks on Selene, it decided to make an appearance just right after the boy endearingly stares at her younger self with a dazzling smile. Selene's feet faltered in its steps when she responded with a smile full of warmth. She can almost see her young, foolish self dazzlingly brightening. And when the young man lovingly held her in his arms, Selene's tears started cascading down her cheeks like a torrent. And just like always, she suddenly felt an unbearable pain and emptiness for no apparent reason. She doesn't understand why she's feeling this way. Selene never thought that feeling empty would be this heavy, and its weight was slowly crushing her. 

The girl with a loving expression undeniably looks like her, but she doesn't know the young man's face with the shining silver eyes. Suddenly, Selene's eyes get caught with the ring he's wearing on his left pinkie finger. Her hand automatically flew to the necklace she was wearing and stared at it while comparing it to the one the young man was wearing. Because it's dark, she is not sure if they are the same, but there's a growing suspicion that it's precisely the same ring that she has had since she was a kid. However, Selene knows that the call was given to her by her mother. Before she can even stop herself, she starts walking in their direction, fully intent on ending the cause of her confusion and anxiety. When she was a short distance away from their position, the young man slowly lifted his head and stared right into her eyes. Selene freezes in her tracks, recognizing the intense shining silver eyes in front of her. This isn't the first time she dreamed of him. Selene realizes that he is the dark-haired boy she killed in her dream. Abruptly, her stomach churns, and she feels like throwing up. And when a sudden dizzy spell overwhelms her, Selene loses her balance and finds herself falling endlessly.

Selene screams at the top of her lungs when her eyes clash with glowing hazel eyes, silently observing her at the side of her bed. While she was still reeling from the shock of her dream, an eerie look from an intruder made her jump out of bed, only to realize that it was Khalil. Selene stares at him in confusion, and Khalil stares back in silence. She shakes her head to get rid of the fogginess of her mind when Khalil breaks the silence.

"What are you doing?" Khalil asks, his soft and timid voice instantly melting her worries. 

Selene clears her throat before answering. "Nothing! I was just surprised to see you. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

Khalil points in the direction of the window. "It may still look a bit dark to you, but it's already morning. I want my breakfast."

Selene's eyes grew wide as saucers. She slaps her forehead in frustration. "Is it that late already? I'm sorry! I will prepare your breakfast real quick. Wait for me in the dining room?"

Khalil quietly nodded and started his wobbling steps as he slowly walked out of the room. Although Selene also struggles as she watches him, she decides not to hurt his pride. Khalil is already doing his best to move on his own. It would be rude to offer her help whenever he has difficulties because Selene pities him. Instead, she wants him to succeed. That is why Selene decided to feed him with delicious and healthy food to help regain his health. It's been four days since she started living together with Khalil and grandfather Kenshin, and she took it upon herself to cook for them. And because of that, Khalil instantly warms up to her. The only time he voluntarily talks to her is when he asks for food and asks her to tell him stories. She is grateful that Khalil doesn't ask anything about her. And just like Selene always does, to help herself cope with the sudden mind-blowing changes in her life, she decided to keep herself busy while waiting for Kaden to return. Besides, she's not allowed to step outside of the house. The villagers are not supposed to know about her existence.

When Khalil finally left the room, Selene immediately arranged her bed and then wore another layer of clothes to ward off the cold before heading directly into the kitchen. She finds grandfather Kenshin adding the kindling to the fire. "I told Khalil that I would be the one to prepare breakfast, but he utterly refused. He's quite taken with the food you cook," he suddenly said without looking up.

Selene chuckles. "Yes, he even went into my room to wake me up." When the fire is already strong enough to use, grandfather Kenshin lifts a heavy-looking pot and places it underneath the fire.

"Here, you can start cooking. I will be out for a while. Please take care of Khalil while I'm gone. I will try to get home before dusk."

Grandfather Kenshin starts gathering all his gears, already preparing to leave, when he suddenly stops in his track and looks up to her as if remembering something. "He isn't home yet. Let's wait and give him some more time. Kaden may be stubborn, but he will eventually go home."

Selene's heart sinks. It's already been days since she last saw him. Just where the hell is he staying? Selene heaved a huge sigh and nodded. "Yes, I understand. Don't worry."

When grandfather Kenshin left, Selene focused all her attention on the task. She immediately prepares breakfast while using the available ingredients they have at home.  Selene starts slicing the vegetables into small, thin slices and whisks them together with the battered egg before frying it. Since she was running out of time, she decided to make sandwiches with an egg patty and a slice of cheese as its stuffing. She also prepares two cups of warm milk with a glaze of honey. According to grandfather Kenshin, cheese, milk, and honey are expensive and rare products that they rarely get their hands on. That is why he has limited ideas on using those ingredients for cooking. It just also happens that a group of merchants visited the nearby town, and he managed to buy supplies from them. This is one of those times that Selene is grateful that she learned how to cook. She also attended cooking and baking classes whenever she had free time. At the very least, she can be of help with them.

Selene carries the food she prepared to the dining area, where Khalil is already sitting quietly. After saying a quick "thank you," he devours the food vigorously, and Selene watches happily because of his enthusiasm.

"You're not going to eat?" he asks as an afterthought. Selene chuckles before grabbing her sandwich and giving it a big bite. They fell into a comfortable silence while eating their breakfast when the front door slammed open. A battered-looking Kaden came into view. He walks inside the house with unbalanced steps and looks in their direction with glaze eyes before tripping and falling flat on the floor. 

Selene jumps immediately jumps from her seat and runs in his direction. She instantly checks for injuries and finds a few scratches on his cheeks and hands. His shirt is also crumpled and dirty. Aside from that, he looks fine. However, Selene caught a strong scent emanating from his body. She slowly leaned towards his unconscious face and took a quick sniff. Selene immediately draws back when a strong smell invades her nose. "Were you drinking all this time?!" Selene exclaims incredulously.

"He is a loose man," Khalil states while finishing his remaining sandwich. Selene stares at him with her mouth hanging open in disbelief. She can't believe Khalil just said that. "When he has a lot of time in his hands, he usually spends his days drinking and bedding women. That is why he told you not to worry and that he will eventually come home."

Selene is almost tempted to punch an unconscious Kaden because of what she's hearing. Just what kind of lifestyle does this man have that his innocent younger brother had to comment on something like that. Selene closed her slackened mouth and schooled her face into a neutral expression.

"I will take care of your brother.  Why don't you go back into your room and take a rest? I will come to your room later to continue the story from yesterday."

Khalil made a sound of disapproval but left the room without a fuss. She turns towards Kaden, who is still deeply asleep. If Selene punches him right now, she doubts he will wake up; that's how intoxicated he was.  Selene grunts in exasperation; she can't believe this inebriated man is supposed to be his guardian. She is already afraid of what the future holds. It feels like she will be the one who will have to look after him.

Selene goes inside Kaden's room with a tray of soup in her hands, and she already finds him sitting on his bed while massaging his temples. It had almost been half a day since he fell asleep as soon as he got home.  She walks toward him and offers the soup she prepared.

"Here, eat this. It's a hangover soup." 

Kaden looks up at her in confusion and down at the tray she holds. He didn't make a move to get it from her, and Selene decided to stand still with a small smile plastered on her lips.  Her eyes narrow, motioning for him to get the damn soup and eat it. Her message must have come across him because he finally accepted the bowl and quietly started eating it. Selene decided to sit in the vacant chair beside his bed and wait to finish eating. As she waits for him, Selene tries to distract herself by letting her gaze roams every corner of the room when she hears a loud thud from her side. Kaden slams his spoon on the tray. She's surprised it didn't break into pieces.

"What are you doing?"  Selene asks with a puzzled look on her face.

"Are you not going to leave me alone?" he asks back irritably. Selene looks at him calmly. Anyways, it's not like she is not expecting this. There is no way he will just forget everything after drowning himself in a drinking spree.

"No, I will wait for you to finish eating, and then let's talk. I'm not going to let you out of this house without coming up with an agreement with me."

Kaden scoffs. "And what makes you think I will listen to you?"

Selene's small smile turns into a grin. "It's because you don't have a choice."

"Ha! And what made you think that?!"

Selene rubs her chin as if thinking, profoundly irritating Kaden even more. "While you were dead drunk in your bed, I heard you mumbling in your sleep. You were calling my name so passionately that I got goosebumps. It seems like you're worried about me."

Kaden's eyes grew wide, and the side of his neck up to his ears had wholly turned red in embarrassment. "You—you must have heard it wrong! Who the hell do you think you are?!" he yells angrily.

Selene ignores his anger and moves forward. "Khalil said you're a promiscuous man. Is that true?"

"Don't worry. I have my preferences, and I certainly don't like children."  Kaden looks up at her from head to toe. And as if making his point, he made a face of dissatisfaction. 

Selene stands up indignantly. Although she's entirely not interested in his preferences, he doesn't like it when she is treated like a child. Selene glares at him. "I may look like this now, but I'm already an adult. I'm already twenty-nine years old!"

Kaden looks at her like she just said a lame joke, and she's tempted to slug him.  She hides her clenched fist behind her because she fears it might undoubtedly fly toward his face. Selene will not let him win. She just needs to use her trump card. She just hopes that she is right about her guess. 

"Anyway, what curse are you talking about? While you were sleeping, you kept rambling that I cursed you or something. No matter how much you restrain yourself, there's like an invincible power forcing you to come back."

Kaden freezes, and he cannot hide the incredulous look that splayed across his face upon hearing what she said. Selene must be right about her guess. "Did I really say that?"

"Yes, you did. Is that true? If it is, then that makes things easier. You, as my guardian, won't be able to ignore me just like you wanted completely."

It looked like Kaden couldn't hear her at that moment because of shock, and the guilty look on his face made Selene laugh out loud.  "That woman must have done something," she murmurs almost inaudibly. Thankfully, Kaden is quite busy being shocked that he hasn't heard her. 

Selene turns toward Kaden and crosses the small distance between them. She smiles at him brightly. "Anyway, it's not like I'm a heartless person. Although I don't want to trouble you, I can let you go just yet, not until I live independently. Until then, why don't we make a contract?"

Kaden turns to her in confusion. "A contract? You mean a binding contract?!"

Selene shrugs. "If that's what it is called here, then I guess that's it. What do you think?"

Kaden avoided her eyes and stayed immobile for a few minutes while various expressions played across his face. Luckily, Selene didn't have to wait for long because he suddenly turned to her with a determined expression. "Alright, let's do it. A binding contract."

As soon as Kaden said those words, Selene immediately took his half-eaten bowl and put it in his bedside drawer. Next, she opens his drawer to take out the paper and the ink and quill he owns. Selene snatches the tray from him and uses it so she can write on a smooth surface. She took a seat in front of Kaden, who was watching her with an indiscernible expression on his face. 

Selene clears her throat. "Let's make the contract now so you won't have the chance to change your mind." 

Selene shifts her attention to writing a contract draft while Kaden quietly waits for her to finish. After quickly writing the terms, she reviews them once again. Once satisfied, Selene gives it to Kaden along with the quill. He read it briefly and turned toward her. 

"This condition about not interfering in my personal affairs, let's change it into something as I will never interfere in his family's personal affairs."

Selene shakes her head vehemently. "I'm only going to agree to not interfere with your personal affairs because I think that's what you wanted me to do. However, it is a different story about grandfather and Khalil. Since I am also living with them, their opinions also matter. That's why let's just leave it like that."

Despite the glaring disapproval shown on his face, Kaden didn't make a retort and started writing on the paper. When he finished writing, he gave the paper back to her.

"I think the first clause should be corrected. It should be like you will have to ensure my safety even at the risk of your life." Selene pointed out evenly.

Kaden scowls at her. "Why the hell would I do that? Isn't it enough that I will ensure your safety at all times?" 

Selene heaves a huge sigh. "Alright, I will just protect myself even at the risk of my own life," she murmurs sarcastically. "But we absolutely have to improve the second clause. I will just add something." 

When Selene had finished writing, this is what they had stated in their final contract.

Selene Vanya Anyssa Rivera solemnly swears to uphold the following clauses written below while under Kaden Osmon Ashnard's guardianship.

1. I will not cause him any trouble, especially those that will put his family's safety at risk.

2. I will do everything to help him and his family in any way as long as it is within my capabilities.

3. I will never interfere in any of his personal affairs.

4. Once I can live independently, I will immediately leave and revoke his guardianship over me if he still wishes to do so.

  I, Kaden Osmon Ashnard, solemnly swear to uphold the following clauses written below while I act as Selene Vanya Anyssa Rivera's guardian.

1. While she is under my protection, I will ensure her safety.

2. I will help her accomplish her goals while staying in this world as long as it is within my capabilities. (that includes assisting her in adjusting and learning everything about her new life here)

3. I will never interfere in any of her personal affairs.

4. I will revoke my role as his guardian once it is time for me to do so.

This agreement becomes effective upon the date of the last approving sign. It will remain unless rescinded or modified by both parties' written mutual agreement. 

"Hold out your hand." Kaden orders. Selene hesitantly reaches out her hand to him. 


"We have to seal our contract" instantly, Kaden's hands turn into sharp claws. Selene's eyes grew wide, and her body stiffened in surprise. "Why are you acting surprised? Did you forget that you hugged me passionately in my beast form?"

Selene's grew red hot because of embarrassment. This drunkard is teasing him. "That was just a mistake!"

"If you say so." without asking for permission, Kaden pricks her finger using his sharp claws. When blood oozes from her fingertip, he instantly guides her finger and stamps it in their contract. He also did the same with his other hand. After sealing their blood on the paper, Kaden murmurs an almost inaudible chant. Then their contract burst into flames, leaving nothing in its wake. 

Selene gawked, not understanding what had just happened. She is about to yell at Kaden when she feels a burning sensation in her right hand. When she examined it, there was a strange glowing emblem engraved. She looked towards Kaden, and she caught sight of his exposed hand with the same engraved markings as her. 

Kaden grins dangerously, and she can feel all her hair rise in dread. 

"Our contract is finally sealed by magic. This is physically impossible to break. However, if you break our contract by some minuscule chance, you will face an inconceivable punishment." 

Selene thinks her heart stops for a moment. She can't believe she just dug her own grave. Her life spirals into a weird twist and turns without pause that this is undoubtedly bad for her heart.