Fateful Encounter

"Are you going inside? Why don't we go together?" the woman with the red veil asks cheerily.

Selene can feel Kaden's grasp tightens in her arm. The tension emanating from his body is so potent that she can almost taste it. Since they left the village, Kaden had been on edge, and despite their disastrous first impressions, he's comfortingly overprotective of her. It must be too much of a burden to him. Selene gently removes his hand from her and looks at Kaden while putting a nonchalant expression on her face.

"Why don't you go now and do your business. I will wait for you to come back." Selene said calmly, silently telling him through her eyes that she would handle it and that he didn't need to worry. The woman may have acted weirdly, but she seems to be harmless. Selene can only feel her curiosity as the woman stares at her keenly. Though she's still emanating a powerful impression, she can't ignore it. Selene is curious to know who she is.

Kaden exhaled in frustration but decided to give in to her request. "Alright, wait for me and just don't go anywhere. Here take this. It's an entrance pass."

Selene dubiously looks at the thin silver card handed out by Kaden. She's itching to know where he got it and the fake identification card, but it seems like her questions will have to wait since they have a curious on-looker at their side.

Kaden turns towards the woman before breathing in deeply. Selene can see him openly glaring at her. "Please enjoy your time. I will go back to fetch her later. Be careful on your way." After saying his short but threatening speech, he left without looking back, and Selene watched as his figure disappeared along with the crowd.

"Do not worry. I mean no harm. I'm just curious since it's the first time I've met someone like you."

It was Selene's turn to sigh heavily. Why do weird people keep on popping into her life? "Am I that transparent? How can I keep myself safe when people around me keep on figuring out who I am when I'm not even doing anything?"

The woman chuckles heartily. "I beg to disagree. I think you're doing better in blending in. I'm just a special case." She points towards the thin silver band she's wearing.

"Your brother has outdone himself. It isn't easy to get your hands into a magical tool to keep your aura hidden, but it will not be effective against me. Just like I said earlier, I'm a special case."

Selene forced out a faint laugh. "I don't know if I should be relieved or not. I'm hoping that you're the only special case I will run into."

"If you're interested to know who I am, my name is Lucia. It's been a long time since my last visit to the capital, that's why I'm enjoying it very much. I tried to get away from my guards, hoping they wouldn't find me soon. I still want to spend my remaining time in your presence. Why don't we go inside?"

Selene nodded and reluctantly followed Lucia inside. She just decided to focus on what she needed to do.

Once she entered the Central Library, Selene was captivated by the place's stately glass interior design. From the long grand central rooms that feature dramatic vaulted glass ceilings to glass floors to rows of leather-bound books carefully placed inside the new white bookshelves that fill up the room. Almost everything inside is in white shades, including a separate cavernous room where white tables and chairs were carefully laid out. And when Selene looks up, there are beautiful frescoes depicting humans and monsters alike that adorn the ceiling. When she went back to the rows of bookshelves, Lucia followed her around and insisted on helping her. Because Selene couldn't turn her down, she asked Lucia for assistance. With just a snap of Lucia's fingers, without anyone looking, many books fell into her hands though she insisted that they should carry the books without using her magic. Selene didn't want to draw any more attention despite not seeing any visitors aside from them and some workers inside.

Selene gets her hands in some books about magic, herbs, and poison like "Sorcerer's Compendium," "Lexicon of Venoms and Poisons," "Silverglow, and The Treasure of the North." She also needs to scour over some thick history books, though most of them only discuss the history and religion of the Kingdom of Lyriboña.

Selene has learned that this world's magic has been slowly dwindling. However, the Kingdom of Lyriboña remains influential because of its devotion to its Goddess. The people of Lyriboña worship Arete, the Goddess of Virtue. Arete is a personified being of virtue, goodness, and courage. She is usually depicted as a fair goddess of high bearing, dressed in garbs of white.

According to the texts, the female citizens' highest moral excellence can be demonstrated by remaining chaste and offering themselves to their Goddess. The woman's virtue is deemed the foundation of a good moral being and behavior with high ethical standards. As such, living by its principle, the Queen is not allowed to get married. The throne's successor is chosen by the will of the Goddess and the recommendation of the High Priestess.

The High-Priestess resides on an island named Felora. According to the legends, she has a guardian spirit believed to be a water serpent. The High Priestess rarely leaves her residence, but she only does so on important occasions, such as selecting the next Queen or welcoming a new group of Priestesses during the Spirit Blossom Festival.

Since the country's founding, the most coveted position anybody can have, regardless of status and wealth, is to become a servant of the Goddess. And it is to become a Priestess. Those who possess an enormous amount of mana can become a candidate for the position of a Priestess. And at the tender age of seven, all-female are required to undergo a ceremony to determine their capabilities. The Priestesses were those that protected and revered sacred teaching. It is also their job to protect the Kingdom and its citizens. They are regarded as guardians, healers, educators, and mystics. They also facilitate holy ceremonies and rituals. And it is a lifelong commitment that requires wisdom and discipline.

In response to the dwindling mana and magic users, the officials from other kingdoms decided to boost their strength by acquiring priestesses—that is how the Kingdom of Lyriboña has established a friendly relationship with the other countries and how the Queen manages to stabilize the country's economy. That is the most crucial reason for the festival's celebration.

"No matter how I look at it, it's like selling one of her children," Selene whispers lamentably. However, because of the geographical and weather issues, she can somewhat understand that it's a last-ditch attempt of the monarch not to let their citizens starve to death. She can't blame her.

Selene looks toward the veiled woman sitting across from her. She awkwardly clears her throat before talking. "I just realized something earlier, compared to the outside of the capital; the weather here seems less extreme or manageable. Why do you think so?"

Selene remembers the sparkling river she saw inside the city just earlier, a complete opposite of what she'd seen outside these walls. Lucia spares her a glance before returning her attention to the book she is reading. The book's title says, "Silky Whispers of the Duke." From the title itself, it doesn't look like an academic book.

"It's because the Queen protects the capital through her magic."

Selene cocks her head in confusion. "If she can do that, why can't she do it to the other parts of the kingdom?" She clearly remembers the state of things in the town of Blackspire. It won't be long before the young people there start dying one by one.

Lucia shrugs her shoulder as if not caring one bit, "I don't know. I can't really tell what the Queen is thinking."

There must be a much more serious reason if she is the type of Queen who allows the Spirit Blossom Festival despite wanting to be isolated and not letting foreigners step foot inside her kingdom. She seems to be a prideful character, but she's not the person to abandon her people.

Selene looks outside while thinking, "Maybe she's not just strong enough like before? I mean, magic is dwindling in other parts of the continent, but the Kingdom of Lyriboña remains strong when wielding magic. However, it doesn't mean that this place is immune to the problem. If we compare it to some sicknesses, because this place is far from the other countries, the illness just gotten delayed or is slow in spreading here. If my hypothesis is correct, how long will this kingdom survive? "

Suddenly, Selene can feel a burning stare, and she turns back her gaze to Lucia, who looks at her gravely. "That was smart of you to realize this kingdom's issues in just a short period."

Selene doesn't know if she's praising or mocking her. She decided to change the subject to the thing she was most curious about at the moment.

"Have you seen the High Priestess before or her guardian spirit? Aside from the Queen, she must also be tasked to look after the kingdom, right?"

It was only subtle, but Selene could feel the sudden change in the air around her. "Why are you asking?"

Selene cocks her head while thinking of a good enough response, but she comes up with none. "Let's just say I'm curious. According to this book, the High Priestess resides with her guardian spirit on an island. She rarely goes out of her residence, aside from a special occasion."

Lucia shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. I haven't seen her before."

"Her guardian spirit must be cute. I mean, it's nice to see a water serpent once in my lifetime. We don't have that where I live."

"What are you talking about? She's not just cute. She's beautiful!"

"Really? Then, how big is she? She couldn't be as big as the White Wolf, just like in the fresco, right?"

Lucia looks up in the direction of the frescoes she's talking about, and her eyes grow wide in indignancy. Her voice suddenly turned serious, and she stared right at her.

"Child, you don't know what you're talking about. How could you compare a divine being like her to a mere wolf? Of course, that White Wolf cannot be compared to how magnificent and gigantic my sweet Blossom is!"

Selene gaped in disbelief. "Is Blossom her name? Is she one of the Powerpuff Girls? You have a talent for giving an embarrassing name, High Priestess."

"How rude of—" Lucia stops shorts when she realizes something too late. "How did you know?"

Selene shrugs. Her guess was spot on. That must be why she's getting a weird vibe from her. "Just a wild guess; you said earlier that you're a special case. And it's weird of you to cover your face like that for the whole time."

After hearing her reason, Lucia belts out a hearty laugh that draws the attention of others walking inside the library.

"Ssssshhh! Tone it down." Selene pleads irritably. Why do all the people she met keep laughing at her face like it's her hobby to make a joke? First, it was Elijah, then Mardella, and now her.

"By the way, who are Powerpuff girls?"

Selene waves off her hand. "You don't have to know. At the very least, they're a lot more charming than you."

Selene opened her pack and took out the small wooden box she received from Grandfather Kenshin that, until now, she's unable to open. She had already tried many things to open it, but she failed. Selene even wanted to break it, but it looks more sturdy than it looks. Selene could make out some rune-like shapes in the box that she thought might be sealed by something like magic. She's hoping that Lucia knows how to open it.

She places the box on the table and pushes it towards Lucia. She gently takes the trunk and carefully examines it. "Do you know how to open it?"

Lucia immediately nodded, and Selene instantly sighed in relief. "I do. If you're the real owner of this treasure chest, all you have to do is put a small drop of blood into the center; then it will open."

"So that's how it is. I appreciate your help."

Lucia pouted as if hurt because of her dispassion for the sudden revelation. "Are you not going to ask anything else?"

Selene shakes her head. "Maybe, some other time. I'm sure we will meet again."

Suddenly, a young woman dressed in a simple white dress shouted while running towards their table. "My Lady! I've been looking all over for you!"

"You're finally here!" Lucia waves her hand enthusiastically. Looking at her now, she doesn't look like the legendary High Priestess in the textbooks. Though she can't see her face, she looks much younger than she initially thought by the tone of her voice and her body's shape.

"What we're you thinking? You have an audience with the Qu—" the young woman instantly stops talking when she spots Selene. She can see the suspicion in her facial expression.

"Why don't you wait for me over there? I just have to give something to a new friend of mine."

The young woman unwillingly followed her request and waited in silence for her master. Lucia opens her palm in front of her, and a gold coin appears in her hand.

"Take it. If you ever get into trouble, just put a drop of your blood in the coin before flipping it. This coin is a small token of our first meeting."

"I hate to be indebted to someone. If there is a chance that I will use this, then I will repay your kindness."

Lucia smiles at her affectionately, and she suddenly looks blinding. Selene accepted the gift gratefully, and she watched as Lucia left the library along with her aid. She spends her remaining time reading all the books that she can get her hands on. Before Selene knows it, the library is about to close for the day. She reluctantly left the room and started to walk outside the library. Selene forgot to ask him when they would meet, but he will surely not pick her up too late.

Selene freezes in her tracks when the place suddenly becomes dark and deafeningly quiet. She looked around to find someone roaming around, but she didn't see anyone. It's weird for people to disappear like that suddenly. Selene was about to run outside when she felt a cold and large hand clutching her wrist.

"Don't move." the owner of those cold hands whispered in her ear. Selene freezes up because of dread, and she can feel her heartbeat spiking up at an abnormal rate.

"Who are you?" Selene demanded, but her voice came out weak. His presence rattles her. He chuckles in amusement.

"No one you need to know. I'm just here to take you away," the man replied coolly. The next thing Selene knew, he grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the wall. Selene gasps in surprise, and a whimper escapes her lips. Selene could feel him digging his fingers into her shoulders. When Selene met his dark gaze, she felt like all the air in her lungs left her in a whoosh. Like the cold moon, the coldness in his eyes envelopes her instantly.

"Hair the color of the moon and eyes that burn like the sun," he mumbled while giving her a calculating gaze. "Exactly like the description" suddenly, he laughs so hard she feels insulted. Selene knows she looks weird, but it doesn't give him the right to laugh about it outrightly. She's about to give him a piece of her mind when his face swiftly becomes grim again.

"You're one unlucky girl, getting entangled by that beast's problems."

"What are you talking about?" Selene asked, confused by his ramblings.

"We don't have time. Take a nap first, little girl."

"Wha—" she felt his cold hand in her neck and then a dull pain before everything went dark.