Role and Responsibility

It was a little late in the evening when Marchioness Rozeman arrived in the mansion from her business outing. Selene is waiting for the Marchioness inside her study while reading one of the books from her collection. The book is titled "The Chronicle of Gods." It's an exciting read, and it gives her information about how this world is created and the names of Gods and Goddesses that rules heaven and the underworld. Maybe, she can borrow it from her. She hasn't seen a book like this even in the library. Selene had only read a few pages, but she can already tell that it's well written and perfectly detailed.

A few minutes later, the study door opens, and Marchioness Rozeman comes inside still in her work clothes. Selene stood up and greeted her with a curtsy. The Marchioness took a seat opposite her before Selene settled back on her chair.

"I apologize for interrupting your rest, but I just need to ask you something important," Selene formally stated as she clasps her hand in nervousness.

The Marchioness scrutinizes her face, and her brows knitted together as realization dawns on her face. Her mouth turns into a lopsided grin. She instantly understands the "important" thing she's talking about.

"It's alright. I presume it's about a rumor you've heard when you went to town earlier."

Selene quietly nodded. "I want to hear the explanation from you to avoid further misunderstandings. It's not true, right?"

"If it is, then what will you do?" Marchioness Rozeman asks back without hesitation.

Upon hearing her reply, Selene felt all her blood drained out of her body. Her body grew numb with fear, and she had to press her lips together to stop it from trembling. Even if it's just a joke, Selene doesn't want to get engaged to anyone. She doesn't belong in this world. Selene doesn't plan on getting close to anybody that will make her think twice about going home. This place is not where she belongs.

Marchioness Rozeman exhales slowly, suddenly looking utterly troubled. She looks tired as she squeezes her eyes shut and pinches the bridge of her nose before looking back at her. "Then is it that knight? Do you prefer Sir Ashnard more than Prince Nicolai?"

A vein just popped out in her temple as Selene's jaw slackens in shock. She can't believe that they're talking about her preferences right now! Lady Rozeman takes advantage of her silence and continues talking about her speculations.

"I guess I can see why you like him more than that prickly Prince. Sir Ashnard is more mild-mannered and thoughtful. He is also very protective of you. However, this situation could be troublesome."

Selene indignantly shot up from her seat. Her face has turned scarlet, and she can feel the heat creeping down her neck and to her chest.

"It's not what you think! I don't like him that way!" Selene yells, barely able to control herself. She breathed heavily as she fights to control the loud drumbeat of her heart. Kaden is just protective of her because he is her guardian, and Selene thinks of him as an important friend that she can trust with her life.

The Marchioness looks at her wide-eyed, and she can see her lips slightly quiver as she tries her best to smother her laugh. In the end, her mouth twisted in a knowing smile. She motions for her to sit down. "You can sit down. I apologize for offending you."

Selene collapses on the couch. "It should be me who should apologize. I'm sorry for bursting out like that," Selene mumbles while still trying to regain her composure.

Marchioness Rozeman clears her throat before talking. "You don't have to worry. The story about you and Prince Nicolai getting engaged are just rumors. There's no real talk that occurred. It is just a rumor to fend off your suitors from the other high-ranking nobility."

"You should have told me that about earlier," Selene mutters. She couldn't hold back her frustration anymore.

"What do we do? If you're going to act this way, then it will be difficult for you to live in the capital."

Selene tilts her head in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Even though you're clever, you're surprisingly naïve in this kind of thing. Didn't you know that young and unmarried women allowed to visit the palace are prospective brides of the Princes? If you're planning to infiltrate the palace by pretending to be close to the Prince, isn't it only natural for others to assume that you're someone special to him? All eyes will be on you not only because you're the Prince's woman but also because you are my daughter."

Ysabela watches as Selene grows incredibly quiet. It's the first time she'd seen her at a loss for words. It's evident that she's feeling conflicted about the situation. After saying her mumbled goodbye and despairingly leaves her study, Ysabela lets out a long sigh. She shouldn't know that Prince Nicolai was the one who suggested that farce. She should think that she did that, or else she might do something that could affect their plans. It's plainly apparent that the Prince has taken a liking to Selene, especially after sending his trusted people to look after her. The Third Prince is known across the Empire as violent and temperamental. Even when he was growing up, he spends most of his time sneaking outside the palace playing and starting a brawl with the other street kids. It also didn't help that his mother's native land is from the ruined Kingdom of Arcova, and she was labeled as a traitor that further tarnished his reputation. It's only a few years ago that the citizens see him with mixed admiration and fear after defeating the barbarians who attempted to infiltrate the borders of the Empire. The Third Prince overpowered and defeated the enemies with only a few men on his command. And a person like that is considerate of someone, although he still couldn't indeed hide his possessiveness. Ysabela can't really say if he is doing an excellent job of fending off others when a rival is staying close to Selene more than ever? This is getting troublesome. Although she still doesn't know the Prince's real intention, she has no intention of backing down from their plans. In the end, she needs to get the revenge her family deserves.

The darkness slowly stretched and swallowed their surroundings while humming a silent lullaby that puts people to sleep. However, two souls are still wide awake, planning for a short and forbidden rendezvous. Carol furtively looks around the dirty kitchen area before handing in the basket full of treats to Lady Selene. With only a single candle illuminating against the dark, she could barely see her master's face hidden behind the cloak.

"My Lady, you should be quick. The guards are currently doing their rounds in the front part of the residence. You only have ten minutes before they arrive here. Try not to get caught," Carol whispers. Although she's trying her best not to make any unnecessary noise, Carol can hear her heart drumming loudly against her chest.

Selene gingerly accepts the basket and quietly nodded. They are currently in the back of the kitchen that is only a few minutes away from the barracks where the knight sleeps. She plans to sneak in and see Cessair and Kaden for a bit since she's not allowed to do that in the morning because the workers may gossip, and it will only put them in an awkward position. After talking with Marchioness Rozeman, she just has this urge of badly wanting to see and speak to them. It's also been a long time since she spoke to Cessair. She even brought some treats to appease him.

"Thank you, Carol. I owe you." Selene murmurs.

Carol shakes her head. "It's alright, My Lady. I should be the one saying that. I think you should go now."

Selene nodded before turning towards the door and slowly opened it. Upon checking that there were no guards around, Selene finally went outside and started walking towards the barracks. She just has to follow the footpath, and thankfully, the moon is glowing brightly along with stars that night that it serves as her light. Selene breathed a gulp of fresh air as she continues her pace, savoring the hushed silence and coldness of her surroundings. Despite wearing a cloak, the cold seeps into her bones, and it felt invigorating. She really likes these hours of darkness.

However, Selene freezes in her tracks when suddenly a distant memory resurfaces in her mind. It's like she is watching an old and bad grainy movie of a young boy with shining silver eyes. Just like in her dreams, she can barely see his profile, and she can only rely on his vivid eyes and familiar voice to recognize him. The young boy with shining silver eyes lovingly looks at a young girl and whispers beside her ear as they huddle together inside a dark and cold room.

"I feel the same. I love the night because it's only the time when we can be together. It's like there are only two of us in the world. I don't want this night to end."

And then, just in an instant, the image and the voice disappears into nothingness. Selene clutches her chest as she wheezes painfully. It's that boy again, the boy that she doesn't recognize but seems to be someone familiar and significant to her. Selene feels weak-kneed, but she decided to continue her plan despite her struggles until she finally reaches the window in Cessair's room. She can see a faint light coming from the window, so he must still be awake.

Selene lightly knocks on his window, and it hasn't been a few seconds when Cessair's alarmed dark eyes peek from inside. Selene smiles in return while showing off the basket that she's been carrying. As if snapping out of his shock, Cessair frantically opens his window and help her get inside. After locking it, he then moves to the door and secures the bolt before looking at her.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" Cessair whispers as he examines her from head to toe. "Are you hurt somewhere?"

Selene shakes her head. "I just want to see you and talk to you for a while, and I can't do it with many people watching my move every day."

Selene looks around the room, and she can see that the design is frugal and neat. It just has enough space for two people to live in. They have two beds inside, and each has their study table. There's also one wooden closet located in the corner. As Selene looks at one of the bed, she realizes that it is still neatly made. Kaden must not have gone back yet. Selene looks at Cessair questioningly.

"If you're looking for him, then he's out somewhere I don't know. He's been acting weird since he came back in the afternoon."

Well, Kaden has always been acting weird and grumpy, and earlier feels like his usual mood every day. "Besides, aren't you together earlier?" Cessair added in a gruff voice as he looks at her pointedly.

"Yeah, but you know how he is when working. He is as cold as the weather in Lyriboña," Selene replies as she sits on the floor near the window to hide from anyone walking outside. She taps the floor beside her, urging Cessair to sit beside her.

"Sit beside me. I brought some snacks."

Cessair exhales loudly. "You can really be defenseless sometimes," Cessair mutters while he tentatively takes a seat beside her. Selene ignored his remark and decided to open the basket and gives him one of the meat sandwiches that Carol prepared.

Cessair starts devouring the food voraciously, and while he was busy eating, Selene captured one of his hands. She tightened her hold on him when he tried to struggle away from her touch. And just like before, she didn't see any onslaught of Cessair's memories in her mind. It's as if there's a massive wall blocking her magic, preventing her from seeing anything. Selene decided not to prod to respect his privacy, and she actually felt relieved that she wouldn't have to see his memories.

"Wha—t what are you doing?" Cessair harshly whispers as he gawks at her. Despite the dark, she can clearly see that his face is bright red from embarrassment.

"Just focus on eating. I'm going to heal your wounds while you do that."

Cessair must have been really working hard. She can detect fresh cuts and bruises enveloping his skin. Even before he started training to become a knight, his body has been covered with wounds because of how he was beaten black and blue by Mr. Vanderbilt when he was still his slave. His body was also malnourished at that time. It's only after a few months that they started living here that he gained some weight. When Cessair was freed from being a slave, they agreed not to talk about his past with anyone to avoid complications. Now, he is just Cessair, a knight in training supported by the Marchioness and her important friend. At first, Selene has doubts if Cessair is fit to become a knight. He seems to be the type to like reading books more than wielding a sword. And true to her observation, Cessair appears to be reading something before she disturbs him.

However, it was Cessair who insisted on becoming a knight. And for his body to cope with training, he needs to eat a well-balanced meal. Based on what she can feel through her magic, his body is weak because he lacks proper nutrients. At this age, Cessair needs a well-balanced diet for his body to develop correctly.

"You don't have to heal me! It's just a scratch!"

"I have to do it, or else I won't be able to get some sleep," Selene mumbles in reply while focusing her healing magic on flowing freely into his body. A bright bluish-white light appears on her hand as she continues healing him.

"You're really unbelievable!" Cessair mutters angrily. Selene watches as his mouth sets into a hard line. She scowls back as she pinches his hand out of spite.

"What's wrong with you people, Kaden also said that earlier. And I know that it's not a compliment."

"Because you always do an outrageous thing without thinking!"

Selene chuckles despite her irritation. "That's why it is called outrageous. And how can you say that when I'm healing you like this. Your body is still growing, so you need to learn how to take care of it."

"Stop treating me like I'm a child!" Cessair bristles in protests while he glares at her.

"But you are a child," Selene retorts with a grin. Cessair is like an angry hedgehog in her eyes.

"I'm already thirteen! And we're only a year apart!"

"And that means I'm still older than you. You have to call me, older sister."

"You're not my sister. I'm an only a child!"

"And I always wanted to have a younger brother. Is this how it feels to have younger siblings? And how can you always talk back like that? Are you in your rebellious phase?"

When she's finally done healing him, she let go of his arm, and Cessair immediately put a distance between them. Her forehead creases with concern.

"Are we fighting?" Selene asks as she peers at him through her eyelashes.

Cessair exhales tiredly, but he scooted back towards her until their shoulders bump into each other. He looks at her with adoration. He could never stay mad at her for a long time. "We're not fighting. But so that you know, I can also protect you like the others. I can also be of use to you. That is why I want you to rely on me even a little."

Selene leans her head on his shoulder, liking the warmth emanating from his body. It's like a cocoon that soothes her. "Treasure you're self more. You're not a thing that the likes of me should just use. Besides, I'm already relying on you like this; that's why I'm here. That means your presence is more than enough."

She can feel Cessair takes a sharp intake of breath, and his shoulder slightly trembles. Selene closes his eyes while savoring the moment. Even by a little, she can feel her anxieties slowly wash away.

Selene stayed with Cessair for a little over an hour before heading back to her room. Unfortunately, Kaden seems to have no intention of going home. Selene wonders if he's doing some work or something. Although Cessair insisted on escorting her back, she declined since it will be more dangerous if they got caught together by the knights who are doing their rounds. It might only start unwanted rumors.

Nevertheless, she's going back with an empty basket but a full heart. Her spirit lifted just by talking and bickering with Cessair. Selene chuckles as she quickens her pace when she suddenly heard sounds of a twig snapping from behind, and followed by barely inaudible footsteps. Selene freezes in her tracks, and she quickly looks around her surrounding to find some kind of stick that she can use as self-defense, but she couldn't find anything. Her hands tighten on her basket as she runs towards the nearest thick bushes and hides behind it.

A dark-robe man appears from behind the tree in just a few minutes, looking around as if finding someone. It doesn't look like he is one of the knights. It seems like an intruder managed to slip past the security.

"Is he a thief?" Selene murmurs without taking her eyes off him.

"You're not entirely wrong because I'm here to abduct you," a gruff voice whispers from behind. Selene was caught off guard; she didn't realize there will be two intruders. It was too late for Selene even to defend herself when a piece of cloth was instantly placed over her nose, and she accidentally breathed in its bitter and robust scent. Selene feels sleepy all of a sudden. Before she loses consciousness, Selene hears the man muttered in frustration.

"She looks exactly like the description, but this could be bothersome. I didn't realize she would be a high-ranking noble from a neighboring kingdom."