The choice was made

"Are you sure, remember this is the only time you can change your mind?" He said with a slight smirk on his face.

"I'm sure this is what I want." I said with confident. With that Khonsu raised his staff in the air and lighting came out at the tip of it.

       Then he said " come forth Anubis the God of the dead, and come forth Osiris the God of the underworld. The one named Lucian has accepted the deal and now will work for us." Suddenly I felt the ground shaking like the earth itself was shaking to extinction.

Two doors were raising up from the ground. One to the left of me and the other to the right. The door on the left looked like a oval ghostly portal but it was calming. The frame was like marble carved only by a master stone carver. The details where so beautiful with trees and flowers of unknown origins. But the door to the right was completely different.

It was something from a nightmare. With blue and red aura. I swear to this day I could hear screaming so loud that it was deafening. The frame was made out of some sort of metal like iron but stronger. The door also looked like it was plaque by many years of battles but only minor damage was taken.

As the two doors fully rosed both Anubis and Osiris came forth through the doors. Their presence were so powerful I didn't dare to have lifted my head any higher than I needed to. As they looked at me Osiris let out a chuckle that sends chills throughout my body.

" So this is the mortal you spoke of huh? Khonsu, you sure know how to pick them? Your right about his spirit is strong but do you think he can handle the task ahead?" Said Osiris.

"You are right Osiris" said Anubis. "I say I do have my doubts but I wage he can performed without failed. At least until his replacement comes forth, that is." To my surprise, I was relieved to hear that one day I will be put at rest with my love Banafrit.

After the short exchange Khonsu tapped his staff on the ground grabbing the attention of both gods.

"Osiris, Anubis, I called you cause he has the spirit and I think he will do the task despite the repercussion of his choice. But now our time is short, as you know so shall we begin?" With that statement I became so scared that doubts were creeping up in the back of my mind.

They nodded and then all three Gods surrounded me. They raised their magical items to the air and auras from each of them began to collide to the center. With lighting striking around me, I hear them chanting something in unison. It was a different tongue, something that I have never heard of.

"We three gods are here to give you the power to escort the dead into the afterlife. From this day forward you are the living dead. We grant you a item that will hold both power and the second curse we take from Banafrit . It will serve as a reminder that you will forever be in our service and if you ever deviate from the task you will never be able to be with the one you love.

One day you will find your replacement and tell them your story. If they so choose to takeover, then and only then you will be at rest and once again reunited with Banafrit." With a loud crack and multiple bright flashes of light the chant was completed.

After that things have calmed and a scythe came down and landed into my hands.