Ch. 2

On the same airship #1,900, a group of engineers were walking around checking every department of the ship. A 40 year man was leading the group. They all came from airship number 100. The airship for top engineers.

Every 6 months, ten people of the engineering airship are chosen to go to ever airships to check out their departments and technology.

To be more fair, they had the airships numbers from 1-2,000 on a tiny of paper, they put the numbers in a box and the group leader puts their hand inside and take out one tiny paper.

"Have you heard!"

"What?" Woman B asked.

"Adele just gave birth to a daughter."

"What!! I thought she was due into 1 months."

"Yes, she was, but she fell and was forced to go into early labor. It's been 30 minutes since I saw the nurses cleaning out the room." Woman A answered.

"Do.. do you think she survived? I mean at this time we are usually at our lowest in medicine. It's why we are told not to get hurt at this time." Woman B said with concern.

"I don't know, but since the child survived, she might did too or not." Woman A said as if it was honestly not her concern.

And just like that, Woman A and B kept walking farther away as they continued their conversation completely not caring about the engineers checking the emergency alarms around the ship.

None of the engineers honestly cared but the man who was leading the group stopped working the moment he heard the conversation from beginning to Woman A saying that there might be a chance that either the child or mother died due to lack of medicine.

The man was a descendant from the scientist who figured out that Earth is dying. His wife died with his child at labor 15 years ago. They were both engineers and fell in love the moment they saw each other. And since she was his first love, he decided that she would be also his last.

Yet deep inside he always wanted his own child. In fact, he even thought of adopting but never had the time. So maybe... just maybe this was a gift sent by the gods.

"Sire, we have checked every corner of airship #1,900. Should I inform our pilot that we are ready to depart?" A man in his 20s asked. He was an engineer and very well accomplished at his age.

"You go first. I have something I need to take care off." The man that's in his 40s said.

"Yes sire," the younger man answered with a salute then walked away to inform the pilot.


The 30 year old man watched as his subordinate walked away from him.

He turned around and walked further towards where he believed he saw map of the airship.

5 minutes later he found the map on his right side. Looking at the maps key, he located where the hospital is at.

"Excuse me." The man said once he founded a nurse.

"Yes?" The nurse answered as she stopped walking.

"I'm Jack, an engineer. Do you mind if you can take me to your doctor?"

"Yes sire. Please this way." The nurse replied while pointing with her hand to show the direction he should follow behind her.

As they got near the doctors office, the old man thanked the nurse with light-orange hair. He knocked the door three times before he heard a come in.

As the doctor heard knocking, he said come in. When he saw it was the top engineer Jack. Jack was a 40 year old man and he was the leader of squad #2. The second most important squad. He immediately stood up from his seat and shamed his hand with Jack.

"Please have a seat. What a honor having you sire in this office. Would you like some tea or any refreshments?"

"Thank you doctor but there's no need for tea. I just heard that a mother just gave birth to a child."


"Did the mother survive?" Jack questioned.

"Unfortunately not sire." The doctor said dejectedly.

Few moments of silence went through. Until jack cleared his throat and once more spoke.

"I was wondering since the child has no parents no longer. Do you mind if I can see the child?"

"Yes, of course," the doctor as he started leading the way to the NICU.

As they walked to the NICU, the doctor explained the situation to Jack from the woman previous miscarriages to the husband probably dead to the current event they are at the moment. He even emphasized that the poor girl child was an orphan.

Deep inside, he hopes and prayed for someone to adopt the poor child. In fact, he knew that there's a high chance Jack will adopt the child as he heard of rumors saying Jack wanted to adopt a kid but never having time and once he sees the child's beauty, he will be hooked.

He would personally have adopted her but he already has three kids which are the max a couple are allowed to have. It was a law set by the SGS. Another law was that once you get married, you aren't allowed to divorce so we always had to be careful on who we want to spend the rest of our life's together. The only time a man or a woman are allowed to remarry is if one died due to war or health issues.

After a century of the Earth being gone, humans has traveled through the Milky Way looking for a planet to recall home.

"Here she is. Aurora Glendor," the doctor pointed to the child that was sucking on her thumb.

Aurora meaning dawn for she was born at the time of dawn. Glendor meaning pure and good.

The child seem to have senses that there was people staring at her as she tried to turn half way but failed miserably. Seeing that she can't turn on her side, she started waving and smiling at them.