Assault rifles firing filled the halls of the Asari's hope in the new galaxy, their Ark, their future seiged by an unknown enemy, their hopes and dreams for the new galaxy fading away into nothingness.
"We need to wake whatever Asari is in that stasis pod."
"We can't we were given strict orders to only open it if the Pathfinder is dead, we can't confirm that she is."
"I do not care open the stasis pod or we will die, its opens or we die, you can see on the camera feeds how easily they are cutting through our troops right?"
"Enough open it."
The cracked glass on the stasis pod opened, the sound of the pod opening drew some of the invading force in the direction of the Asari scientists, with a clunk, the door to the stasis pod fell off and out stepped a tall Asari, already wearing combat armour, the recently awakened woman stretched her long arms and said: "Report, why have I been awoken?"
The two scientists froze for a second before one of them forced out" You are the Dark Lady, those markings on your armour, I have only seen them once before, on Illium."
A slight smile appeared on the Asari's face, looking at the scientist who had just spoken, she asked" I was keeping an eye on a human at that time, a man who could do whatever he wished, a potential threat to the Asari."
The smile vanished from her face as she asked once more" Why was I woken?"
Remembering their situation once more the two scientists began to shake before one muttered" The we believe the pathfinder is dead, the ark is nearly lost, all of the surviving Asari entered the escape pods and were shot down to a nearby planet, only us and military personal are left however we have lost contact with them, we remembered about a military stasis pod in here and came to wake you up."
The Asari smiled and asked," Do the enemies resist bullets?"
"They seem to take less damage from conventional weapons."
"How about biotics?"
"Biotics work fine, are you going out there now?"
The Asari walked past the two cowering scientists, turned to them for a brief second, nodded her head and left through the broken door. Walking through the dimly lit corridors, the only sounds keeping the lady company were eerie cries coming from the air vents as well as the sound of approaching footsteps, a blue hue escaped from her body and rapidly lit up the corridor as it sped towards the incoming footsteps, upon hitting the incoming beings the lights faded and the woman shuddered.
'They are like nothing like what I have seen in the Milky Way, the exoskeleton, its strong, stronger than some metals, their biology, its amazing. It's a shame that they are hostile, learning about their history would be interesting. Into the vents, for now, an ambush will guarantee that they all die now, exoskeleton or not.'
Disappearing into a nearby vent, the Lady waited as the footsteps got closer and closer, finally, she had eyes on her targets. The vent began to gently shake as the space around the lady began to bend to her will, her eyes flashed blue as the vent exploded, impaling the aliens below her with the metallic shrapnel. Gently landing behind the aliens she began to examine them close up and to her surprise, one survived the explosion.
Freezing him with stasis (The Biotic ability) the lady gently walked up to him and asked"Why are you attacking us?"
The Alien snarled "Hesh"
The Lady laughed to herself before saying" A new hostile alien force, their own culture and language, this trip has already been made worth it. If you have no information for me then you may join with your brethren."
The Lady then broke the stasis effect on the Alien and warped the dimensions around it in a whip-like fashion, pulling it towards her, she gathered a mass of biotic energy in her hand and as the Alien came towards her, she slammed her biotic covered fist into its stomach, exploding its chest cavity, painting the hall of the corridor in the Alien's blood.
The lady took a deep breath and the biotic fluctuations around vanished as her body relaxed, examining the mess around her she noted that three of the Aliens looked identical, there was little difference between them, no gender identifiers like there were for the Humans, Krogan and Salarians. They also wore light armour over their boney bodies, the lady smiled, quickly scanning over the scene once more, she noticed three Alien assault rifles, only one of them seemed to still be useable.
Picking it up, the Lady fired the weapon at the wall and noticed the semi-automatic spray of the weapon as it released plasma-surrounded projectiles into the wall in a three-round burst, smiling, the lady placed the weapon in the holder on her back and made her way to the main sounds of combat in the ark...