The captain of the Black Snake pirate crew came up to me. He holds a broad ax in his hands.
He wasted no time talking to me, and he started to attack me directly. He threw his ax at me at a spectacular speed.
Thanks to my new skill, I could easily avoid his attack. When the ax hit the ground, I jumped on the captain's head and kicked him. His head hit the ground and full of blood-spattered.
I kept kicking him until he died. I'm going to raise a lot of money when I sell it to the navy. I will not need to save in the future.
I recovered all the pirate bodies and headed for the island's naval base. On the way to the navy base, everyone on the long road was shocking.
He had never seen someone dragged a gang of pirates so quickly. Especially since these pirates are not just anyone, many people in their crews have bonuses.
I didn't pay attention to the people around me. I just walked over to the Navy base.
After a few minutes of walking, I finally arrived in front of the Navy base. The naval base of this city is quite large.
I'll trade the pirates for the money agreed upon, and I'll leave immediately. I will come back here once I have become even more powerful.
I entered the main hall of the navy base. I put all the pirates on the ground and shouted.
"I came to recover the bonus from all these pirates !!!!! "
I shouted as loud as I could to make myself heard. Soon a person with a white coat came up to me.
"Hello, young man, you came to collect the bonuses from these pirates, right? "
I looked at him and noticed his cape. His cape is the same as the navy's rear admiral.
" Yes, that's right. I would like to collect their premiums as soon as possible. "
I don't want to waste time in this place. I have to train to become enough to get into Main Line !!
"Okay, wait a while here, I'll get the money back for you." Sit over there. There are chairs. "
He pointed to the chairs; I walked over to the chairs and sat down.
Counter Admiral soon returned with two huge bags of money. He handed it to me, and I picked it up directly without making a sound.
" Thank you. I think I'll come back later to redeem other bonuses. "
After saying his words, I got out of the Navy HQ. I went back to the boat I had stolen to put down the money I just earned.
I quickly returned to the city of pirates, and I was at the hotel where I had taken a room, and I slept.