Arc Marine Base 4

Now that I have finished what I had to do in the Navy base, I am going to leave with Aron. There's no point in staying in this place any longer.

"Aron, follow me, let's get out of this place." I finished what I had to do. "

Before leaving the place with Aron, I took Daigin's sword. The sword that Daigin had is a better-than-average sword. The sharpness of the sword is much stronger than that of standard swords, so the sharpness must be better.

I put Daigin's sword around my waist and left with Aron. When we left, lots of guards had already surrounded us.

Aron pulled out his pistol, and I pulled out my sword. Aron and I started fighting with the marines.

Each time I swipe, ten Navy soldiers die. My swords are so powerful that it cuts through the air.

After a while I and Aron, we finished beating all the marines who had surrounded us. We were no time and headed out of the base.

We finally found the entrance to the Navy base. We went straight out of the bottom like we hadn't done anything.


"Hello, someone attacked the Loguetown base. What do we have to do! "

In an office, a man who seemed rather old. He has curly hair with an awful cut. His muscles are huge, could see that he trained all his life.

The person in the office is Chief Admiral Sengoku. When Sengoku received the call, he believed that the pirates who attacked the Navy base were pirates with small bonuses. But the Den Den Moshi rang again.

"Yes, here Chief Admiral Sengoku, what's going on !! "

He was pissed off, and he didn't understand why only two pirates could make such a mess in a Navy base.

"The pirates who attacked the base are Tayer. The pirate with a premium of 62,000,000 beli. He is reputed as the most fearsome pirate in East Blue. Everyone fears it in Loguetown. The second person is Aron, pirates with a bonus of 12,000,000 beli. Even if its premium is low, it is mighty. It could become a significant threat in the future. Especially since he may have joined the Tayer crew. "

Sengoku started to sweat. He never thought it would be Tayer attacking the Loguetown Navy base. He had heard of Tayer several times before, but he didn't take me seriously. Now he is starting to become a dangerous person for the future.

"What is Daigin doing. He usually can stop Tayer. "

He believed that Tayer was influential but that he could not beat a Commodore in the Navy. Before he could think, the person on the phone answered.

"I have just received new information concerning the Navy base. "

Sengoku was anxious to know that Tayer was captured. But the next moment, his expression changed.

"Commodore Daigin has just been beaten by Tayer. He's leaving the base. What we do Chief Admiral. "

Pearls of sweat fell from Sengoku's face to how such weak pirates can beat a commodore. Sengoku's face was distorted, and he swore to capture Tayer!