"Okay, thank you for this information. Don't worry, and I'll help you. "
I turned around and was ready to go, but before I left, the sky spoke. This time he did not want to talk about these problems but rather to discuss regularly.
"Sir, I don't know your name. Can you give it to me, please? I want to know whoever wants to help us. "
There is no point in hiding your name. On the contrary, in this world, you often have to give your name to become king of pirates. I quickly spoke.
"My name is Tayer. And I'm with my crew, Aron and Monogr. "
He nodded and let us go, the gentleman also told me before leaving that the pirates were hiding in the town hall.
Aron, Monogi, and I headed for the town hall. On the way, I explained to Aron and Monogi that it would be dangerous, but thanks to their training, they could fight against them easily.
When we went to the town hall, the villagers talked to each other.
"I know, Tayer. The Yuki pirates talked about it when I met them in town. They said that he is a pirate who must not be provoked. His premium is 124,000,000 beli after attacking the Loguetown Navy base. "
When they heard the villager spoken, the other villagers became shocked. They never thought that such a healthy person would help them. At first, they had no hope. But now that they know that someone so powerful is going to try to save them, they have had a lot of confidence.
We arrived in front of the town hall, many pirates talked and drank together.
"These pirates must be the Yuki pirates. Be careful; let's start by talking. If they don't want to give us back the villagers and they want to fight, you can defend yourself. "
Since I didn't want casualties for anything, I told them not to attack at first.
We continued advancing to the town hall, the town hall is a large wooden residence, the pirates added their crew's flag, and we could see the villagers working for the pirates.
One of the pirates saw us and shouted so that everyone around us could hear it.
"Be careful, and there are people there. It doesn't seem reasonable to take out your weapons. "
When the pirates finished shouting, everyone took out their weapons. They were on their guard, but before he attacked me, I put my hand in front of me and started talking.
"Don't worry, and I don't want to hurt you. I just want to talk to your chef, don't be so aggressive. "
When I spoke, the pirates relaxed a little. Their leaders are doing things with a woman in one of the town hall rooms so he can't come.
But Tayer did not know that their leaders were doing things with a woman. The pirates laughed, and the one who had spoken before repeated something.
"Ahahahahah. You can't meet our captain at the moment, but you can wait. "
In my life, I didn't like to wait, especially when the person who makes me wait is not as healthy as me.
"I don't want to be patient, tell your boss to come, or he may get out of hand." I don't want to kill you. "