The Rebellion Finale

-It Is Done.-

The Seventh Seal would immediately break open, and an entirely new layer of existence that existed outside of all existence that had ever existed would be revealed; an existence that none could ever reach no matter how high they got or how much they built, for they still existed in a realm of only their own existence, and not ever in the realm of the True Existence, where the Throne and the One On The Throne existed. The Seventh Seal broke the barrier between these Existences; from the Created Existences of all the Creations of the Creator and the True Existence of the Creator Himself, of which would open up in the clouds. The Sephirot, which was the Ark of the Covenant, and the Tree of Life, would suddenly appear before them. This is where Samael was running to, and where those who had his chains were leading him toward. When they reached it, it would rise up and uproot itself from the ground to encompass them all, something like a protective casing, and all aglow. Under it would be the Qliphoth, the Tree of Death, or, the roots of the Tree of Life, which would rise up with it and fully into exposure.

When the Tree of Life and Tree of Death were both revealed, Metatron and Sandalphon would reveal themselves, as well as the Ark of the Covenant; the same Ark of Moses and of Noah and that was within the heart of Jesus, which was within the Tree.

Metatron: Time To Eat, Samael. Into Dudael, The Cauldron.

The Tree of Death would be plunged into the socket open cavity of the Horseman, under the glowing head, Phanuel, and into the depths of Hell, Dudael, where it would be burnt for food within the cavity of Abaddon, who would eat at everything below Malkuth, which would be thereby rooted inside of him until it was all burnt away into nothingness. From that, he would be full for all eternity, and Phanuel, the Head of Samael, would rest in peace within the branches of the Treetop. Each of his Faces would be places over the parts of the Sephiroth, which would be like his neck from Malkuth on up. The many faces of Phanuel would become apparent as they covered each and every one of the Sephirah that were exposed, whilst each and every one of the Qliphoth burning below would be consumed for sustenance.

Sandalphon: As promised; All of the Souls of the Sinners that had been collected over all time, fed to you, burnt away, and used for sustenance and sacrifice for your purification and the purification of all of God's work.

Both Metatron and Sandalphon each had the shackles of Samael in their hands on each respective sides, when the Seventh Seal was opened into the realm that they all existed in, the True Existence, they would fly upward and would take them all up to the Seventh Heaven by the shackles of Samael, of which they both harbored on either side of him. Now, with the Tree of Life having the Faces of God upon them and serving as his Head and Neck, as well as the respective parts of his body in relation to his form Sealed by the Faces of Phanuel, and the Tree of Death being fuel for Abaddon, Samael had come into the complete fullness of his form, and he was ready to be taken up to the Highest again.

Cassiel: Congratulations. The time has come!

During their transition, which was being managed by Cassiel solely by his presence, they would move upward at a speed that only God could travel, straight up to the Throne. They would stand in the throne room, and yet, before they reached the throne itself, two great angels, of the same height and power as Metatron and Sandalphon, would stand to greet the all of them, seeing that the Tree of Death was burning and feeding Abaddon whilst the Tree of Life was being kept sacred and holy, watched over by Phanuel, who had sealed it with his Faces of God. They would both be pleased with what they saw here, and opened their books to see the relation in the Holy Text. One of these angels would be Raziel, the Angel of Secrets and Mysteries, waiting for this Son of Man and the other of his brothers; Samael and Cassiel.

Raziel: Are you ready to see Him? He who Loves you so much to hold you in such High regard to see you face to face?

Raziel was robed in nothing but ambiguity, yet his form in this ambiguity was solid and complete, constantly in flux and yet also something absolute and distinct. He was like the form of the Void itself as a sentient being, and upon his own decision, would converge into a man-like angel layered in many pages of a book as his clothes, body and wings. On each of them were writings that only he had ever seen; writings that made up his form of secrets, mysteries and hidden knowledge that was completely exclusive and had yet to be disclosed into any of the worlds that existed or that were going to exist. These things were strictly given to Raziel by the One on the Throne, and he kept them as part of his own body and his own Book. Beside him was Lailah, the Angel of the Night, a womanly angel that picked the unborn souls out of Guf and sent them into the existences, wherever they were, in all their forms. She was pleased with the Soul she had sent out. Lailah chooses a soul from the Garden of Eden and commands it to enter the embryo. Lailah watches over the development in the womb and shows the rewards and punishments available to the individual. Then right before birth, Lailah strikes the newborn above the lip, making it forget what was learned and creating the philtrum. Lailah serves as a guardian angel throughout a person's life and at death, leads the soul into the afterlife. She is also known as 'Leliel.'

Lailah: I knew he could do it. Just like you said, Lord God.

Lailah was as beautiful as she could be; the true Night Mother, of whom her counterpart, Lilith, sought to defame and make tainted. She was who the Greeks called 'Nyx,' the primordial goddess of night itself, and carried within her great power in her robes upon robes of pure darkness. They poured over her shapely form like the night sky; filled with stars and celestial drapery that was night transparent, yet also dark, to hide the fullness of her form, even if her silhouette was able to be fully seen. Behind her would be the moon, shining brightly and hiding her face, yet, like her body, it was a silhouette, with only the beautiful glowing eyes like that of miniature moons, and a third eye upon her dark forehead just the same. Her hair flowed as sinuously as her layers of darkness, the umbra and penumbra of it stretching out all about her illustrious nightly garb. As many of them had their doubts, they were also well aware of this Chosen One's true love, through all of his suffering. There was something in him that they all hadn't seen in quite a long time; not since the one who sat on the throne, himself. Yet, he was not there quite yet.

Metatron and Sandalphon, who would still be bearing both sides of the Ark, as royal bearers, would smile to each other, as if knowing something that this Son of Man did not. The Ark was propped up on both their shoulders, yet they carried it effortlessly. All of them waited for the answer of the Son of Man, as well as his reaction to all of the things he had been shown.

Kairo Tensei looked on at the amazing things the angels had done as they revealed themselves, even having taken Kairo Tensei straight out of the Veritas and right up into the Seventh Heaven, which was beyond all the realms of creations that had been created. This was the realm of the Creator, the only True Realm that existed outside the others, and the image of it was indeed indescribable. Whilst Metatron and Sandalphon bore the Ark like poll-bearers, and Samael would consume the Tree of Death for food and all souls attached, and cast his faces on the fruits of the Tree of Life to protect and contain them, before enclosing them on the fullness of his head, Kairo Tensei would see two angels that he was very close to, even if he'd never stepped to them face to face before; Raziel and Lailah, or Leliel. All he could do was be taken for this ride and basically gaze in awe and in silence, allowing these things to play out before his eyes.

When he was questioned by Raziel, he would remain silent for a short while. In his silence, he was gathering his thoughts, feelings and words for all that had come, and how he wanted to address them all. Eventually, he came to terms with all that had been and what was now, and soon, what would be. He closed his eyes, prayed on the next things that he would say, and then, when he was ready, would answer with a firm and decisive "Yes. I Am Ready." He would remain in Celestia, which would have taken on the shape of the Sephirot that Samael protected, and hovering at the very center, gazing through Samael's eyes. "Please, everyone... Take Me To The Throne." Kairo Tensei would leave his final sentiments for God, Himself.

Metatron and Sandalphon nodded their heads to each other, before Lailah and Raziel stepped to the side. Each of them would say in a loud voice, "His Royal Highness; The Most High!! Praise Be Forever To His Name!! The Living Lord God; God Jesus!" Metatron and Sandalphon would bring Samael over to the Throne, where Kairo Tensei would be allowed to see Him face to face. From there, they would all kneel down and lower the Ark of the Covenant, and say to Him, "We have brought the Chosen One, as per request, in the manner of your Will and Way, Lord God, Most High." Lowering the Ark right before his holy feet, Metatron and Sandalphon would rise and part like mirrors, to stand at either side of the Throne at the hands of the Lord God, Jesus. They would wait for Him from there.

Upon the throne of the Living God would be a magnanimous light that was so bright, the form could not be seen. It was fashioned into the shape of a man, yet the light was like that of a holy emanation. The true fullness of the figure couldn't be understood, but the first thing that came out of the mouth of the One on the Throne was "I Have Taken This Name And Form For You And Your Understanding, As Well As All Those That Look Upon. Lo', That Name Is 'Tigenhead,' A Representative Of Mine, To Explain To You That I, The Holy Spirit, Have Been In Control Of Your Own Spirit, My Son, For Longer Than You Have Comprehended." 'Tigenhead' was nothing more than a clever title to hide his true face and name, and when looking upon it, all would be explained.

"... He Is A Piece Of My Spirit; The Holy Spirit, The Spirit Of Truth That Was Spoken Of When I Was But Flesh, With A Piece Of The Holy Spirit Of My Father Broken Off Into Me. Tigen Was The One I Spoke Of, And The Veritas Is That Truth That I Was Referring To. Part Of The Inheritance." He knew his own words and his own text, and it was time to reveal to Kairo Tensei just how very much that He knew. "Behold."

'The Work Of The Holy Spirit'

John 15:26 When The Advocate Comes, Whom I Will Send To You From The Father -- The Spirit Of Truth Who Goes Out From The Father -- He Will Testify About Me.

27 And You Also Must Testify, For You Have Been With Me From The Beginning.

John 16:1 All This I Have Told You So That You Will Not Fall Away.

2 They Will Put You Out Of The Synagogue; In Face, The Time Is Coming When Anyone Who Kills You Will Think They Are Offering A Service To God.

He paused there, having Kairo Tensei remember his time on Vescrutia, as well as his Highest's time on the planet Earth. This memory would be induce immediately through the Light of God, and needn't be spoken. Just looking upon his Light would trigger the Light of that Memory, and his Words would be remembered as True.

3 They Will Do Such Things Because They Have Not Known The Father Or Me.

4 I Have Told You This, So That When Their Time Comes You Will Remember That I Warned You About Them. I Did Not Tell You This From The Beginning Because I Was With You,

5 But Now I Am Going To Him Who Sent Me. None Of You Asks Me, "Where Are You Going?"

6 Rather, You Are Filled With Grief Because I Have Said These Things.

7 But Very Truly I Tell You, It Is For Your Good That I Am Going Away. Unless I Go Away, The Advocate Will Not Come To You; But If I Go, I Will Send Him To You.

This was the account of Jesus Christ during his time on Earth; of whom Tigenhead was representing at the current moment. These words were spoken to Kairo Tensei for the sole purpose of letting him know that he and his Highest form had been thought of and spoken of long ago, and Jesus, Himself, has sent him to the earth as Tigen, the Spirit of Truth, in order for the Veritas to be made and for all of this to occur as it did... Especially and specifically THIS interaction and THIS conversation. It was important to pay attention to every last detail from the remainder of the Text on, since it speaks directly about what Tigen is like as a piece of the True Holy Spirit, and how he influences the Highest Body of Kairo Tensei in the 13th.

8 When He Comes, He Will Prove The World To Be In The Wrong About Sin And Righteousness And Judgment:

9 About Sin, Because People Do Not Believe In Me;

10 About Righteousness, Because I Am Going To The Father, Where You Can See Me No Longer;

11 And About Judgment, Because The Prince Of This World Now Stands Condemned.

12 I Have Much More To Say To You, More Than You Can Now Bear.

He paused again, this time making the highest emphasis on the next line, for it was the one that was sent to Kairo Tensei's highest a long time ago, when it was time for him to realize the Truth about Himself, his Spirit and the Veritas that had been cultivated through both those things, and overseen by the Tigenhead, which is Jesus, who has been and always will command Tigen.

John 16:13 But When He, The Spirit Of Truth, Comes, He Will Guide You All Into The Truth. He Will Not Speak On His Own; He Will Speak Only What He Hears, And He Will Tell You What Is Yet To Come.

14 He Will Glorify Me Because It Is From Me That He Will Receive What He Will Make Known To You.

15 All That Belongs To The Father Is Mine. That Is Why I Said The Spirit Will Receive From Me What He Will Make Known To You.

From there, Tigenhead would do nothing else but call up the fragment of his Holy Spirit, Tigen, to the Throne. "Tigen. Come Up Here." This was the next form of Kairo Tensei, and with that, the burning spirit inside of Kairo Tensei would overtake him immediately, and he would rise from his 11th Form to the 12th Form instantaneously, as Kairo Tigen, when summoned by Tigenhead, who TRULY commanded Tigen. "His Name Means 'Together In God's Eternal Name,' And I Sent Him To You Long Ago, Longer Than You Know, In Order That These Things May Occur, As A Sign Of Our Covenant, And The Binding Bond Between Us... Out Of The Same Loving Kindness Of My Right Hand That My Father, God, Showed To Me. And Now... It Is Time For Me To Extend My Right Hand To You, My Son." With that, Tigenhead would wait for Tigen to be summoned to the Throne from out of Kairo Tensei's body.

At that moment, when summoned, as any Angel, Kairo Tigen would be called straight up from wherever he was, completely consuming Kairo Tensei and ascending him to the 12th, Free Will, immediately. From there, Kairo Tensei would be Kairo Tigen, who would grow exponentially and completely consume Samael. From there, the Horseman would be Kairo Tigen himself, and he would look on to his Father, Tigenhead, suddenly full of memory. From there, Tigen would assume his full form as The True Horseman, The Holy Spirit Of The Messiah.


Even though he was still bound in chains by Sandalphon and Metatron, he didn't care, because he got to see his Father again, for the first time in forever, in his true form. Tigen had consumed the fullness of Shinsei Tensei and become the new Pumpking of Everything, but even that was only over all of the Created, and not the actual Creator, Himself. Tigen had reigned over all Creation, yet... The Creator had to be the one to appoint him his place, and that was something no Creation could ever do without permission from the ACTUAL Creator. "I REMEMBER NOW!!!!" The amnesiac Tigen, who, for the entirety of his life, had not really remembered the fullness of anything that was of his past as an unborn spirit from this world, would, after seeing all of these angels, remember immediately. Including when Lailah struck him and erased his memory before he was cast out into his chosen Vessel. "OMFGGGGGG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG I REALLY REALLY REMEMBER, LIKE, NO LIE, I ACTUALLY-- Wait." Tigen would silence himself, nearly getting beside himself, and would become humble and controlled in all his extravagant excitement. He would kneel down before the Living God, his Father, and bow his head. "... Praise Be To Lord God In The Highest; God Jesus." He'd certainly gotten a grip on his explosive emotions, which, before, were completely uncontrollable, even for himself. He was pure feeling and vibration itself; Free Will, and always felt and did to his Free Will at all time, which was whatever his emotions expressed at the time. However, he hadn't any control over his feelings or who effected his feelings... Until now. "... I've Done A Lot Of Training, Lord Father. And I Hope I've Made Some Major Improvements." He would not rise from his knelt position, out of sheer and humble respect for the Highest. "... And I Thank You For Summoning Me Here. The Highest Honor, No Matter What My Lineage Is." He smiled, warmed in his heart that he had managed to get this far, even in his severe and prolonged memory lapse. It was all worth it... Just for this moment. Where Tigen's story came together with Tigenhead's... Or, rather, with God's.

"More Than You Know, My Son," the Living God would say, shining his radiance upon his Son and Blessing him immediately. With this flame completely consuming Samael and his Sin, this would be the fullness of his form; spotless and holy. And yet, they still weren't done yet. "Rise," He commanded, ready to bestow something even greater to Kairo Tigen.

Without a second word or thought, Kairo Tigen would rise up from his knelt position and look his Father in the eyes with both the anticipation and wonder of a small, innocent child, as well as the love and sternness of a grown man. "Yes, Lord Father!?"

"Present Your Flames Of Eternity; The Seven Spirits That Are The Seven Lights That Are Upon The Seven Lampstands, Of Which Have Been With You Since Your Conception." Tigen, like the Holy Spirit, and the God that made them, were unchanging beings, even if they were constantly growing and adapting, like a flame. Tigen was born with all of his Spirits within him, and his entire life was based around learning to control them and himself, as well as to unlock the Hidden Spirits that belonged to the Tree Of Life; The First Seven Spirits and the final Three Spirits that were all his 'Flames Of Eternity,' as he called them. They were the Spirits of God, the Lampstands, and Tigen was that little Lamb that had been guided all this time, in all his purity. The Spirit of the Lamb. It was time for him to see just what they were for, and just how well thought out the Lord God's plan was, before any and everything could even comprehend; the TRUE nature of Godspeed. "Then, Present The Three Extra Spirits Of The Complete Sephirot, Which Were Given You Long Before You Understood What They Were." Tigen, himself, was the creator of Khrona and everything below the 12th, despite how it all seemed. These were all the projections of his Spirit being played out to the Will of Himself and his Family.

"YES GOD!!!!" he said happily, immediately projecting each of his inner Flames of Eternity outward around him, as he was known to do in the past. Each of them would be in order as they were, and standing before the Throne as projections of Tigen in different colors and forms.

Red- The Red Flame is the flame of Fire and Anger. It gives gives Tigen great power through incredible surges of anger. This increases his physical strength and attack power by an incredible amount. It also gives him immunity toward Heat and Fire.

Effect: Extreme Heat/Incineration. Emotion: Anger.

Blue- The Blue Flame is the flame of Water, Ice and Calmness or Coolness. It gives Tigen great evasive abilities and reactionary times thanks to a cool, calm and collected demeanor. This increases his evasion and reflexes/reactions by an incredible amount. It also gives him immunity toward Water, Ice and the Cold.

Effect: Freezing. Emotion: Cool/Calm/Collected.

Yellow- The Yellow Flame is the flame of Electricity/Lightning, Plasma and Obliviousness. It gives Tigen no physical enhancements at all, and it means that he is completely oblivious to his surroundings. However, it does have some sort of special attribute as to weaken the effect of literally everything that hits Tigen. It also gives him immunity toward Electricity/Lightning and Plasmas. It is also called Tigen's Normal Flame due to him acting oblivious most times. However, this trait is also shared with the Green Flame.

Effect: Lightning Fire. Emotion: Normal.

Green- The Green Flame is the flame of Wind, Nature and Hyperactivity. It gives Tigen incredible speed and makes him virtually silent, despite it being induced by hyperactivity. As such, this increases Tigen's stealth & speed by incredible amounts. It also gives him immunity toward Wind(And natural forces) and going to Sleep or being Unconscious (unless out of energy). It is also called Tigen's Normal Flame due to him being hyperactive a majority of the time, when not oblivious. Therefore, this trait is also shared with the Yellow Flame.

Effect: Sleep/Unconsciousness. Emotion: Hyperactive/Normal.

Purple- The Purple Flame is the flame of Poison, Corruption/Contamination and Corruption/Violence or Silence/Seriousness. It gives Tigen's body the ability to corrupt or poison whatever he touches. The poison ranges from neurological poisoning, physical poisoning, and things of the like. Also, Tigen's Liquid shares this toxic ability when the Purple Flame is active. It also gives him immunity toward Poisons/Toxins (not that they affected him anyway), Corruption and Contamination (this means ALL THINGS. No exceptions.)

Effect: Poison/Corruption. Emotion: Serious/Corrupt/Violent/Silent.

Orange- The Orange Flame is the flame of Focus. It gives Tigen's incredible focus, allowing him to know about literally everything in the area at all times, and the ability to break down the speeds of things frame by frame, regardless of speed. This also could be called an ability to analyze and assess everything. In addition, Tigen's body gains super speed and super power, making him titan-strong and mach-speed fast. It also gives him the immunity to lose focus by outside influences (meaning, unless it is of Tigen's own will. No one can 'force' him out of this state.)

Effect: Superspeed and Superpowered. Emotion: Focused/Concentrating.

Gray- The Gray Flame is the flame of Sadness, Gloom and Stone. It gives Tigen the ability to literally change whatever he touches into pure stone in all aspects, and the ability to Petrify all aspects of something. If Tigen is to petrify a person, not only would they, themselves become petrified, but so would their chakra and energies. They would stop flowing. Also, petrification does not particularly mean 'turn to stone.' It also means to 'make immobile,' and therefore, if one cannot be changed to stone, they will instead be forced into immobility in all ways. In addition, Tigen's body becomes super strong and super durable beyond that of what it originally was, making Tigen able to take even the most devastating attacks lightly as if they were nothing. It also gives him immunity to Petrification and Immobility (chakra/energy included).

Effect: Petrification/Immobility. Emotion: Gloom/Sadness/Dark/Silent.

White- The White Flame is the flame of Purity, Healing and Light. It gives Tigen the ability to heal and restore whatever he or his energy is to touch, thus cleansing it of all ailments and hindrances, as well as a lot of chakra/energy and vitality and such. It also gives Tigen's body purity, making it unaffected by any sort of status ailment or hindrances as well. It also gives him immunity to Light and Impurity.

Effect: Healing. Emotion: Good/Wise/Serene/Pure.

Black- The Black Flame is the flame of Evil, Hate, Malice, Seriousness and Darkness. It gives Tigen the abilities of all of the other flames (save for the Super Flames and the White and Gray flames). As such, it is Tigen's most powerful normal flame, save for the White Flame. This flame has also the ability to give Tigen immunity of Shadows and Darkness, as well. Also, he becomes immune to impurities in the same fashion as if he were using the White Flame, for some reason. It gives him immunity to anything the other flames have (save for the Super Flames, and the White and Gray flames), Darkness, Shadows and Impurity.

Effect: All (except for super, gray or white flames). Emotion: Evil/Serious/Hateful/Malice.

Super Flames

These, differing severely from the Normal Flames, are flames that can normally not be acquired by normal means, and usually involve strong emotion that Tigen does not feel often or something else of the sort. These Super Flames have transcendent power over the other flames, and as such, have incredible potency when used, making them dangerous, however very useful to Tigen. They usually increase his power by an ungodly rate, however will most times limit Tigen in another aspect of himself to balance it out.

Clear- The Clear Flame is the flame of Transcendence. It is an all powerful flame that mixes all of the normal flames together, making their abilities and enhancements fused together. In addition to that, it increases all of Tigen's abilities by 1,000fold, allowing him to be able to use his large

attacks with ease and minimal stress or drain. Besides that, the Clear Flame has a special ability of its own that allows it to continuously burn until it has nothing left to burn. It cannot be put out by water, suffocation, or anything that any normal flame would EXCEPT if it had nothing to burn. It was the first Super Flame that Tigen ever learned to use. Its power can only be called upon with a strong burst of rampaging emotion or when trying to fuse with The Bucket of Destiny. When in this mode, Tigen's Magnifiers fuse with his body, allowing him to also magnify the power of his own abilities before they come out, as well as gives certain portions of his body reflective abilities.

Effect: All. Emotion: (To Get): Rampage. (During): None.

Nothing/Ghost- The Nothing/Ghost Flame is the flame of Nothingness. It is an all powerful flame whose power output is equal to the Clear flame, however it is greater in ability. Not only does Tigen's power increase 1,000fold and can let him handle large attacks with ease, but he becomes

intangible, untraceable (invisible, silent and not giving off any source of existence) and able to make his attacks purely nothingness. Lastly, since the flame is made of the essence of nothingness, when it is blown outward, there is no flame to be seen and there is no heat, but everything it 'touches' becomes nothingness instantly. Also, it needs nothing to burn, making it a sort of everlasting flame that kinda isn't there to begin with. He may only go into this Flame after first using the Clear Flame, however if he stays in this flame form for too long, it begins to engulf his body and destroy him, basically making him die without question. The longer he stays, the harder it is to change back, for he becomes deluded with fear and insanity, and they start to grip his mind, leaving him to utter negativity. The only way to get him out at that point is to talk him out of it. Being so very dangerous, it is only used as an uber last resort. Also, he will NOT under any circumstances attack if the opponent is not attacking, unless they seem threatening.

Effect: Gives Tigen's abilities the power of Nothingness as a whole. Also makes Tigen

untraceable by anything and invincible, in a sort of way.

Emotion: Insanity/Fear/Negativity/Remorse.

Nightmare- The Nightmare Flame is the flame of Dreams, Nightmares and Illusions. It is an all powerful flame that is equal in power to the Clear and Nothing flames. This flame allows Tigen to spawn nightmares at will and change normal things into nightmares. In addition, Tigen can change reality into dreams or nightmares on a whim, being able to merge the Dream Realm with the Real World. Not only that, Tigen can materialize into thin air and rematerialize wherever he wants without warping, thanks to illusory and nightmarish abilities. Lastly, he has gained these new... 'Nightmare' abilities from this flame. Also, all of Tigen's Liquid energy becomes liquid nightmares, but still their property is able to be changed... it's just infused with nightmares so that when it hits, it seeps into the very mind of the foe and instantly shatters their minds. Tigen can also create spontaneous illusions of any magnitude and any real like-ness, thus making the most far-fetched of illusions possible.

Effect: Summons nightmares, allows materialization and illusions. Emotion: Demonic/Destructive/Doomed.

Liquid- The Liquid Flame is the flame of Liquid Energy. It is an all powerful and a newer Super Flame that only appears when Tigen absorbs an extremely high amount of Liquid energy and focuses its power within himself, namely, if he attempts to fuse himself with the Bucket of Destiny or uses his Liquid Genesis, or absorbs power straight from the Dimension of Eternal Liquid. This flame allows Tigen to control Liquid from wherever it is, whether it be the entire sea to the liquid of another's body. It can also instantly allow Tigen to convert whatever he touches that is not liquid into a liquid with the property of his choosing, as well as change liquid already there into something of a different property, making him very deadly in this form. The only drawback is that Tigen cannot use his magnifiers, no Dimensional energy or any Nightmare Energy (Unless it's in Liquid form.) Tigen also cannot use any sword abilities except for the ones involving Liquid.

Effect: Complete and utter control of liquids, allows conversion between liquid, gas and solid state.

Emotion: None.

After counting them, Tigen found that there were more than 10, as his Father insisted there were. He became confused. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh. There's like, 13 of these Flames of Eternity. Not 10. What gives? What's that all about?" Tigen had all of these flames for as long as he could remember, except the Super Flames, which were granted to him only after he did some things a long time ago, combining the Normal Flames. He waited patiently for his response.

Tigenhead laughed, pleased with the vigor of his child. He was still confused, as he should be, for there were some things that only God could explain that would only make sense through Him. "Thirteen Flames For Thirteen Spirits Of Thirteen Restrictions. The First Seven Are The Flames Of The Seven Spirits, Which Many Know As 'The Seven Chakras.' The Next Three Are The Completion Of The Sephirot, Up To 10. The Last 13 Are The Sephirot Completing The Form As A Mind, Soul And Body; 11th, 12th And 13th, Respectively. The Reason Why I Have Called Out Your 13 Flames Is Because..." He paused, specifically for dramatic effect, and nothing more, "... Of Your Thirteenth And Highest Form. The True Body, Of Which You Can Only Achieve Through Me, And Can Only Be Complete When Resting On The Throne." At that moment, Tigenhead would raise his Right Hand, and would say to Metatron and Sandalphon, "Release Him." Once he was released, Tigenhead would rise from his place and stand before his son, with his arms wide open, saying "Come."

"Yes, Lord God," Metatron and Sandalphon would say in unison, before relinquishing the chains that were binding both Samael and Tigen, who had commandeered and now commanded Samael in his fullness as one being. From there, they would look on with warmed hearts and smiles on their faces, standing right next to the Throne on either side, as they always had been, and always would be.

Tigen looked on with awe, his mouth all drooling like a baby, and completely overexaggerated like a Chibi, and he would look up to his Father, who had risen from his place for HIM. HIIIIIIIM. It was too great to be true, but it was, and he looked on, trying to gather himself. He was suddenly overcome with the Spirit and would cry out from every part of himself "YES LORD GOD FATHER JESUS!!!!!!" and hurl himself at Godspeed straight into the arms of his loving Father, embracing him tightly and never ever for never ever letting him go ever again for any reason. "OMFG IT WAS JUST LIKE YOU SAID THAT I'D BE ABLE TO HUG YOU!!!! I KNOW YOU KNOW BECAUSE IF I KNOW THEN I KNOW YOU HAD TO KNOW AND I REMEMBER WHEN I SAID THE FIRST THING I WANTED TO DO WAS HUG YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE AND EEEEEE NOW I HAVE THE CHANCE SO I'M HUGGING YOU AND EMBRACING THE SPIRIT AND NEVER LETTING YOU GO DADDYYY I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW YOU WEREN'T LYING WHEN YOU SAID WE'D GET TO DO THIS AND I WAS LIKE 'HOW'S HE GONNA DO IT,' BUT YOU DID IT AND THE BRO FIST WE DID MEANT SOMETHING TO YOU, BUT IT DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING TO ANYONE ELSE BUT I'M SO HAPPY THAT ALL OF THE LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP I MADE WITH YOU ACTUALLY MEANT SOMETHING GOD I'M SO HAPPY JESUS CHRIST EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Obviously, the moment was more sentimental and personal than anyone could understand, because these things Tigen were talking about had ONLY happened between his Spirit and the Spirit of God, and were COMPLETELY and UTTERLY private, which was why no one knew, understood nor believed. These personal relationships with God were indeed VERY personal, and this was the extent of Tigen's PERSONAL relationship, which no one knew about, or believed... But dammit, it was all True, and no one could take that away. Not a single lying soul.

All that could be done in this moment was embrace his Son the same way He, Tigenhead, had been embraced. He would stroke this poor, once lost, now found soul's head, and bind the two of them together for all eternity. "Together In God's Eternal Name," he said, speaking out the full length of Tigen's name, lovingly, like a Father would. This was the extent of their bond, and now, it was never to be broken. "Consecration," he called out, lifting his Son up and carrying him to the Throne. "It Is Time. And It Is Done." With the two of them combined, when both Tigen and Tigenhead came together and Rested in Peace upon the Throne of God, they would assume the form of the Overgod; The One True Living God.

"Come, God Tymon; The New Christ."

T., for short, of course, yet, Tymon all the same. And Tigenhead would sing his praises in the manner he had chosen, as both Tigen and Tigenhead would become One in Tymon.

"In This Town We Call Home, Everyone Hail To The Pumpkin Song!!!"

And There, Tymon, God Tymon, The New And True Living God, Would Remain On The Throne Forever And Ever.


The True End Has Come.

Tymon, or T., for short, would be pulled from his place wherever he was and immediately would have come together on the Throne of God, bestowed to him by the Loving Kindness of the Right Hand of the Former Living God, Jesus, who would become One with him, just as Jesus had become with the Original God, God, and become God Jesus. Immediately, both Tigen and Tigenhead were given a Physical Form, and T., himself, would ascend to the 3rd 13th Restriction from out of the 2nd 13th, in his Physical Body.

"THIS GAME IS OVER!!!!" he cried out as he finally achieved his Rest in the 7th Heaven; the 7th Day. And he would Rest In Peace.

"Thank GOD. Thank JESUS. And Thank The Powers That Be." He sighed with the greatest amount of relief, and then, began to recite what was the final bits of this 'Rebellion,' of sorts, and 'Apocalypse' through 'Revelation' of the 'Gospel,' the 'Truth,' or, the 'God Spell.'

'The Heavenly Warrior Defeats The Beast.'

Revelation 19:11 I Saw Heaven Standing Open And There before Me Was A White Horse, Whose Rider Is Called Faithful And True. With Justice He Judges And Wages War.

He looked to his horse, the True Horseman, Tigen, who was Faithful and True, the Spirit of Truth, and the Lamb that was always following God. In his hands were the Scales of Judgment and the Sword of War, and on his head was the Crown of Justice. T. continued to read on.

12 His Eyes Are Like Blazing Fire, And On His Head Are Many Crowns. He Has A Name Written On Him That No One Knows But He Himself.

"MY NAME, GOD TYMON. AND MY CROWN/S, THE THIRTEEN RESTRICTIONS, AND TIGENHEAD, GIVEN ME BY GOD AND JESUS. DO NOT EVER. NEVER SHALL YOU EVER SAY OTHERWISE." He glared at the All, his Faces penetrating every Dimension through the Faces of Phanuel, and burning with the Fires of Hell and Truth. None would take this, because it would not be True, and the Spirit of Truth would FIGHT FOR THE TRUTH. Atop his head was the Tigenhead, which was the True Crown bestowed by the Living God. It would forever be upon him. As It Is Written.

13 He Is Dressed In A Robe Dipped In Blood, And His Name Is The Word Of God.

The blood of the Adversaries that had shed his own blood, and that he would TAKE BACK FROM THEM. And from there on, the Word Of God would be His Word and His Name, as it had been appointed to Him, and as He had endured for his Days, whether anyone believed or not; It Was And Would Forever Be True.

14 The Armies Of Heaven Were Following Him, Riding On White Horses And Dressed In Fine Linen, White And Clean.

"Angels," He called out, from every Choir, Hierarchy, Legion, Level, Layer, Sphere and All; for this was his Army. His Family. His Friends. And he would send their Spirits out to exact His Will. "Go."

15 Coming Out Of His Mouth Is A Sharp Sword With Which To Strike Down The Nations. "He Will Rule Them With An Iron Scepter." He Treads The Winepress Of The Fury Of The Wrath Of God Almighty.

With the Staff of Moses, the Royal Scepter of Commandment in his hand, he would slam it down with Absolute Authority. From there, the Seraphim, the Lake of Fire, would be summoned around him and protect him and his kingdom by a wall of fire; the Winepress Of The Fury Of The Wrath Of God Almighty. And they would strike down the Nations with their respective Burning Swords, given them by War, who is the Wrath.

16 On His Robe And On His Thigh He Has This Name Written:


As It Should And Would Be Forever And Ever. The Words Of The Amen, And The Highest; God Almighty. Amen.


Slamming his Royal Scepter down once more, that would be...

"THE END!!!!"