The Man Of The House

For several days I was still in a state of shock. But those days had passed. The days ahead? They're boring. Being a baby is boring.

All you do is poop, eat, and sleep. Then repeat. And I have to go through all of that for precisely four months.

I'm a four-month-old baby who spent my days staring into the ceiling, suckle on my mother's breasts to eat, and getting hassled by the twins.

"He turned over! Look! Oh my God! go get brother Raphael!" Sehan exclaimed hysterically while shaking Leorys's shoulders. Leorys pushed Sehan away.

"Raphael wouldn't care about that! If Ezzy can do a handstand, then we can report it to Raphael!" Leorys scowled. Sehan pouted his lips.

"Then let's tell brother Chris,"

"That's better,"

The twins ran out of the bed after witnessing me turning over my body. Turning over like this is hard work. I slumped my face to my pillow, sighing tiredly. It's even more tiring since the two crazy elves kept visiting me since last month.

They're treating me like a living toy. Sometimes when mother is busy, they both will come to the room and tell me to make weird faces—or sometimes surprising me when I'm asleep. To be honest, I'm already used to it.


I blinked when I feel fingers on the top of my head. I glanced up to meet two pair of dark blue eyes. It's Juno! He rarely visited me. It's kind of exciting to see a new face other than those two dwarfs.



Juno slightly wide his eyes in surprise when I tried to reach my hand to his face through the railings. But he pushed my hand back. I looked at him curiously.

"... It'll get stuck," He mumbled quietly.

Oh, he's afraid that I'll get my tiny hand stuck in between my crib's railing, after saying that he disappeared again into thin air.

Ah, that's right. He's using magic. Magic is a normal thing in this word, apparently. Brother Christopher used protection magic to me a couple of days ago because Sehan and Leorys are the number one threat to me. Christopher is such a good brother.

Christopher told me his protection magic is not that strong, so it'll disappear after a couple of days.

"Hng," I mumbled.

Then silence returned. I sighed and turned my body around so I could look up at the ceiling. I'm so bored. I was so bored I wished the twins would come and bother me.

Nothing exciting ever happened yet since I'm just a tiny baby. I wanted to run around; I wanted to explore this new world!


I excitedly kicked my legs and rattled the toy that's placed beside me.

"What's wrong with you?"

I gasped when I heard a new voice. This one is fruity. Deep and strong. It was a man. He looked so much like Raphael! Black hair and those piercing cherry eyes. Whoa, he's so handsome. He's my dad.

Which means that his looks are totally in my genes.

F*ck yeah! I'm a handsome baby.

"Ba!" I exclaimed excitedly as I pointed my toy at him.

He raised one of his eyebrows.


No response. I thought acting cute to him would make him like me. I guess not. But then suddenly, he started to lean over and lifted me with his strong arms. He successfully carried me. It's so comfortable in his arms. I stared up to him, and he's staring at me back with his crimson eyes.

"... Your other brothers are bigger than you when they're about your age. You're like a gremlin,"


... This little-

"But," He continued, flashing a mysterious smirk. "You inherited my 'power.' You're a Coordinator,"


Coordinator? Power? What power?. This man's words are too confusing. Gently he put me back to my crib.

"Since you inherited my power, I'll give you a pet when you turned five years old." He said as he crossed his hands.

"..?" I tilt my head a little in puzzlement.

Pet? A puppy? Guppy? Ooh! I want a sugar glider!

"A demon,"


... Yes, my father is mad.