Overprotective Brothers

During our quiet dinner, I've been busy staring at my father. The food he's eating- It looks so good. I missed eating meat. I wanted to chew, not drinking milk all the time! Father took a glimpse of me from the side of his eyes, noticed that I've been staring at him eating.

"Isn't it time for Ezra to eat solids?" Father asked, breaking the silence.

"I suppose it's time," Christopher said. "Four-month-olds baby can eat solids,"

"That's correct," Mother nodded.

"Then order the chefs to prepare solids for Ezra," Father said quietly as he took a sip on his drink.

I thought solids are disgusting. They want me to eat those garbage? I frowned, then pouted my lips. I looked over to the other side of the table. Raphael and Juno have been quiet all this time during supper. But then my eyes met with Juno's.


It's only briefly; then, he continued eating. I wonder what happened to him and Raphael.

"How's your training?"

Father asked. I wondered who he aimed that for.

"It went well," It was Raphael who answered. I turned my head to him.

So he's been training all this time?

"Juno also worked very hard. His training with the ranger is going very well. He'll be able to keep an eye on Ezra soon," Mother said.

Training too? Wait a second. So all this time, these two have been training since the incident? For me?

My eyes twinkled.


Everyone looked at how I wiggled my tiny arms around happily. Father looked puzzled as he held me tighter, afraid that I would fall off from his grip because I'm moving too much.

"What's wrong with him? He looked happy," Father asked.

Mother softly giggled. "Maybe he knew that his brothers are working hard for him?"

Raphael and Juno wide their eyes. They looked surprised. Then, the unexpected happened. I saw for a millisecond that the two of them looked flustered. The expressionless Raphael, he cleared his throat and continue eating with a tiny blush on his cheeks. Juno twisted the corner of his lips to form a thin smile for me.

I saw them all!

"Gyaa!" I giggled happily.

"I worked hard too!" Leorys yapped, frowning.

"Me too!" Sehan joined in.

"Mhm, sure," Christopher ruffled Sehan's hair roughly. Sehan whined at that.

"I bet I'm working harder than all of you brats!" Edgar exclaimed happily, grinning while pointing at the twins.

"Not true!" the twins exclaimed in unison.

"... W-We all worked hard... because we love Ezra..."

Everyone turned quiet when we heard the most shyest of them all finally spoke. Sylvester's face is red like tomatoes. Even mother looked surprised.

I take everything back about them.

I love my new family.

Well, ok, my father is still a little mad. And the twins are little pricks as well. But I still love them. I smiled brightly to all of them, causing their eyes to twinkle happily.

The dinner ended up nicely.

Before going to each other's rooms, they said their goodbyes to me. Father pat my head, Christopher showered me with kisses on the cheeks, Sylvester just nodded at me shyly, Juno stared at me for a bit before disappearing, Edgar tickled my feet, the twins did the same thing, and then Raphael. He smiled at me!

Mother brought me back to my room that's been protected by magic. Kissed my forehead and told Rosemary to take care of me while I'm sleeping.

"Sweet dreams, my love," Mother said in a gentle tone before leaving my room.


Her smile went bigger, and then she left the room.

I yawned and turned my body over. My eyes are heavy, my tummy is filled, and my brothers and parents love me.