
Brother Edgar was right. Everyone is busy. I even barely caught a glimpse of those daredevils Sehan and Leorys. I missed those pricks. Every day is getting duller and duller. If the evil man got captured, maybe everything will be better. I wanted to meet my brothers often. Edgar indeed started to visit regularly, but he's still as busy as everyone. He's guarding me with whatever power he's got.

I'm so curious. Why he's not telling me his power?

"Aaabuu," I exhaled as I toss and turn inside my crib.

Rosemary is making my lunch in the kitchen, so I'm left all alone. I'm not worried. Though, since this room is protected with protection magic, thanks to the magician that father ordered, if someone with ill intention comes in the room, the magic will alert the guards, including Juno, father, and Raphael.

I raised my hands to the air, then clenching them.

I wonder how important my power was that I was guarded so intently like this?


And one more thing. Why do I have a bad feeling? I feel so uneasy in this room. But no one is feeling the same way as I did. It's like I just got a lot more tired as days passed. I kept napping and napping. Maybe because I started to adjust to this baby's body? Do babies always feel this sleepy all the time?

Ah... My eyes, they're sleepy.

It's so heavy.

I'll just take one more nap until Rosemary comes back with my lunch...

When I started to regain consciousness, I heard sniffles. Did someone cry? I yawned and rubbed my tired eyes.


I startled when I heard my mother called out my name. What's wrong with her? She looks so devastated. Even thinner than before. She looked like she hasn't had enough sleep, I know that. Her eyes turned red, and her eye bags became blacker. She's not shining like the first time I met her. Is she sick? What happened?

"Call Rothe, please!" Mother plead weakly as she lifted me from my crib and hold me tightly in her arms. Rosemary nodded and scurried out of the room.

She's so cold.

I checked the window. It's dark outside. It seemed like I've been napping all day. But was it reasonable for mothers to react this way when their baby is napping?

Her reaction is exaggerated. She never reacted this way when I woke up from a nap. Something must've had happened.

The door abruptly opened with a loud bang. I flinched in surprise because of it. It's father. So his name is Rothe! Wow, I haven't seen him in two days. He kept attending those stupid banquets.

"Ba!" I exclaimed happily and reached my tiny arms to him.

My smile faded when I saw his state.

I have never seen him like this. His hair is a mess. His glowing red eyes darkened, and those bags under his eyes. He stopped in front of my mother, looking at me with wide eyes. His eyebrows are furrowed, then he took a long sigh of relief and massaging his head.

What's wrong with him?

"He's awake?"


He pushed the door to make it open wider; his eyes are red too. Like he just finished crying. I saw Christopher peeked behind him, and his eyes turned wide.

"He's awake! He's-" He stopped talking, he hiccuped and covered his mouth while letting tears flowing down from his eyes.

Then I heard the twins' voice calling out my name from a distance. From the corner of my eyes, I spot Juno, who has wide eyes. But he disappeared afterward.

"Raphael, bring your brothers outside," Father- or Rothe, ordered sternly.

"Yes..." Raphael answered quietly.

I know he wanted to come to me, but he obeyed father's words. I heard the others are loud outside, but it became silent. Raphael probably brought them far from the room.

Mother sat down on the chair; she usually sat while watching me. Her eyes are teary again. I looked at my father, curiously.

Seriously, what's going on?

"It's the magician,"


I wide my eyes in surprise.

"A layered magic, that's why Christopher couldn't detect it. The magician put a sleeping powder inside the protection magic. It's layered. For a child like Christopher, he wouldn't be able to detect it," Father's voice was quiet. Not his usual strong tone.

Layered magic? So, the magician that put the protection magic is a spy?!

Wow, you can't trust anyone in this place!

"I don't have my power anymore so that I couldn't detect it either... and I can't ask for another help after what happened. This is all my fault..." Father frowned. He clenched his hands into fists.

Mother grab father's hand weakly with her other hand, she shook her head.

"No... It's inevitable. Ezra's life is in danger since the moment he's born in this world, Rothe. Right now, I'm relieved that he's awake... I thought I wouldn't be able to see those ruby eyes ever again," Mother sniffled, caressing my cheek with her finger.

"Bu..." I won't go anywhere, mother. Please don't cry.

"Cynthia..." Father muttered. "I promise. I'll be more careful next time. This won't happen ever again,"

My mother, Cynthia, smiled weakly to father. The room turned silent again. Father gently caressed my hair, while mother gently sniffled while looking lovingly toward my way.

I need someone to explain to me what was going on.