Great Power

My prediction was right. Father punished them, and they're not allowed to visit me when they have class or training. Except for Edgar, strangely. Edgar doesn't have any class, and he didn't train. But he's punished regardless because he's supposed to be guarding me from afar like Juno.

It's night time, and my brothers usually come to visit me, but they're punished. So I'm all alone. Not exactly alone. Rosemary is coming in to feed me and play with me. But I rather play with my brothers.

Oh, and I missed mother.

I can't visit her because she's sick. I frowned inside my crib, sighing.

All alone in this empty room with guards outside.



Oh! Someone came in! I wonder who it is. I heard footsteps coming closer; I turned my head around to see who it is.

... My mad father.

Rothe Conover, the duke of this house. The guy who could take someone's life easily when he's provoked. His piercing crimson eyes are staring into mine. He gently caressed my cheek with his rough fingers.

"... I'm sorry,"


Father lifted me with ease as if I'm a feather. He carried me to the window, looking up into the full moon. I looked outside.

And I'm in awe.

I never see the outside world other than this mansion. There's more building. How big is this property? So the mansion I'm currently staying at is not the main building? Not just that, I saw a training ground and forest. Then the gates that are far away. From among those gates, there are smoke and lights.

The city, It must be the city.

This world looked so magical.

Luminescence made my eyes gleamed like the stars above. All of my worries disappeared instantly. The incident that happened; about the kidnapping, and me sleeping for two weeks, I forgot about them for a brief moment.

I looked up to my father who's got a melancholy expression on his face. I wonder what he's thinking about.

"I have a lot of enemies," He started. "My enemies are your enemies, Ezra,"

"Bu?" I blinked.

"The power I inherited to you, it's imperative. I inherited from my father; my father inherited from his father. The power you currently have is blessed by the Gods solely to protect this land and our loved ones. Everyone in this world wants it. They'll do whatever it takes to have it. But if it's fallen to the wrong hands, this world will be ruined. It's a big responsibility, but it is also a great honor,"


Father glanced at me with sadness in his eyes. "... I apologized because I have to put such a big responsibility to you, my son,"

"... Agu,"

Well, It's true that it's unfair. But I expect it much. I've been watching too many reincarnated animes that I may expect something big to happen to me. Great power comes with great responsibility.

"Aga!" I exclaimed—Father wide his eyes in surprise.

I gave him a bright smile to reassure him that I'm okay.

Father slowly grew a smile on his handsome face. His eyes are warm.

"..." He held me tighter in silence. I clutched my hands to his shirt, snuggled closer.

I'll try my best to survive and use whatever power I have to protect everyone.