Mysterious Boy

Four years had passed since mother's death. Things are going so-so in this household. It's not as lively without mother, of course, but we managed. I think.

I heard father is going to bring mother's oldest sister to help him around the house. Aka taking care of my brothers and me. He finally decided that after four years because he doesn't trust anyone, including his late wife's sister.

Understandable. He's been betrayed many times and got me in danger from trusting people.

And I think her name is Amanda?

But to be honest, I don't really care.

Because today, on February 18th, Raphael will return from boarding school! I missed him so much it hurts. I haven't learned how to read or write, so we can't exchange letters. I can't exchange letters to brother Christopher and brother Sylvester.

Juno is supposed to go to school since he will be fourteen this year. But he refused to go to school and waste his time training and becoming Conover's eyes and ears.

Father agreed to it with no problem.

And I can't believe those wicked twins with a snort on their noses have grown so much—ten-year-old energetic brats.



I love them, but Gosh, they're just so energetic. They're like dogs.

"Let's play sword fighting with us!" Sehan exclaimed happily.

"No," I refused blatantly.

"What? why not?" Leorys asked, sulking.

"Because I can't beat you guys," I replied with a dry tone.

"We'll play gently," Sehan said.


I sighed.

"Besides, I wanna wait for brother Raphael,"

"Right, he's returning today. And brother Christopher will return on April," Leorys smiled brightly. Sehan grinned.

"I can't wait to meet him!"

"Me too!" I exclaimed happily. Leorys lifted me from the ground and spin. I laughed happily.

The three of us laughed in the empty hallway before making our way to the first floor.

We ended up arriving in the garden and explore the tall bushes. Then, as I predicted, we played hide and seek.

"Ready or not, here I come!" I exclaimed.

I started to walk around casually. I was enjoying the morning breeze, letting the wind brush my raven-haired hair. I walked to the corner of the bushes, then take another path, then to the left. They're challenging to find.

Meh, I'll look for them later.

I'm going to enjoy my alone time near the pond.

The pond in this property is my favorite place to be.

Because I could enjoy the view while staring into my reflection from the water.

I'm hella cute.

"You're the cutest, baby," I pointed at my reflection, grinning widely.

"Yes, you are,"


Woah! Who's that?!

In a panic, I turned my body around to see who's talking. But no one is there.

"Over here,"

I looked up. The tall tree right beside the pond; there's a boy there. He's obviously older than me. Around seven or eight. A mysterious-looking boy with his hair that resembled snow. His skin is tan, with a beauty mark under his sharp marble-like eyes. His outfit looked like a commoner's outfit—Brown vest with a white shirt underneath.

And no shoes?

I raised one of my eyebrows at him. I looked around the place.

How come Juno couldn't detect this trespasser? Is he one of the servants' son?

"Uh, who are you?"

"Hm, I thought you're a cute noble kid. Isn't it impolite to ask a stranger their identity without releasing yours first?"


Woah, this guy is already irritating.

I cleared my throat. "... I'm Ezra Conover. I'm four," I told him while lifting my right hand toward him with my four fingers up.

"Ooh, what a brilliant child," He giggled.

His voice, it's so soft. His looks are so different from his personality.

And isn't he a child too?

I stared at him.

"Why are you here? if my brother found you, you'll be in big trouble,"

"Ah, I wouldn't have to worry about that. Because it's only you who could see me,"


The boy suddenly leaped from the tree branch, floating seamlessly and landed to the ground gracefully. He slides his hands inside his pockets, looking down at me with a generous smile on his handsome face.

"Woah, you're using magic?" I asked with sparkling eyes.

"Hm, perhaps?" He shrugged his shoulders. He floated again. This time he's circling me.

I have to admit, I'm impressed. I've seen magic because of Juno and Christopher, but this one seemed more magical than all of that.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously.

After I asked that, he stopped circling me, and leaned forward. Our faces are very close. His eyelashes are so long. And there's something inside his marble-like eyes. It's like- a Moonstone gemstone. With a tint of yellow and orange. What a peculiar eyes.

"Decide it for me,"