Judgement Day

"Order Ezra's demon to threat aunt?"

Sehan looked over to Leorys, Leorys only shrugged his shoulders.

Juno is thinking for a bit. He nodded slowly. "That's quite helpful. If Ezra's demon can threat aunt to stay quiet and make her stay here and work for the next three days until Raphael return, that would be great,"

"Exactly," Edgar gave Juno a thumbs up.

"Uh," I smiled nervously.

Crap, I'm not confident yet. It's true that Io appeared with his demonic form to protect me from aunt, but what if it's just luck? Is the seal he mentioned already broken?

"Let's try it, Ezra," Edgar said.

I nodded once, then cleared my throat. My brothers looked over to me, anticipating.

"Io," I muttered.

"Hello, little master,"


I yelped in surprise when I hear Io suddenly appeared right in front of me. My brothers looked surprised when they saw my reaction.

"What happened?" Sehan asked in concern.

Right, they can't see Io.

Io looked around, smiling. "Ah, little master's brothers,"

"Can you turn visible?" I asked.

"Hm," Io titled his head a little, then floated around Juno. "Certainly,"

Then he turned visible. Juno widened his eyes when he saw a boy appeared, floating around him.

"Woah," He mumbled.

"T-This is a demon?" Sehan asked, looked curious. Leorys also seemed fascinated, same as Edgar.

"Human version, to be exact," Juno said.

"Wow," The twins whispered.

This must be the first time they see demons.

"Hello, humans," Io greeted them.

Edgar grinned. "Amazing! little bud, you can tell him our plan!"

"Plan?" Io asked, interested.

"I told you before about my aunt," I started. "We think maybe you can give her a little scare to make her stay silent,"

"Interesting," Io chirped. He floated toward me, then landed on the ground. "But, the seal is only cracked. It's not broken yet, so why should I listen to you?"

A twitch appeared on my cheek. Not this again.

"You sly demon, just do as I say!" I yelled.

Io's smirk grew wider. "What was that?"

"I said, do as I say,"

Hm, I'm starting to understand why Io is hard to control. I was too weak. Father told me to treat demons as pets; I have to be sterner. Io's smirk turned into a smile.

"As you wish,"

Inside Amanda's chambers, she's lying down on her bed. Her body is trembling. She still felt that strong cold grip on her neck, she thought she's going to die. But Rothe will be home anytime. Until then, she'll execute her plan.

"Y-Yes... It'll be okay Amanda,"

Amanda mumbled to herself.

Her body jolted in surprise when she heard something fell on the corner of the room. Amanda frantically threw her blanket away and changed her position to sit. Her eyes are wide, filled with terror.

"W-What was that?!"

No response.

It was her perfume that fell to the floor. But the windows were closed. There's no wind or anything that could make that perfume fell to the floor.

Chills crept to her spine. The sudden temperature drop caused her to grit her teeth. It's eerily quiet.

"M-Maids, maids!"

No response. No one is outside her room. The quiet room is now filled with Amanda's heavy breathing and her hasty heartbeat.


Her body froze when she heard a growl above her.

She gulped, then slowly turned her head up.

The sight caused her to mute. People couldn't scream during a terrifying situation—a horrifying sight of a creature who's staring back at her hungrily. The row of sharp fangs with saliva dripping out of its mouth hit directly onto Amanda's forehead.

Before she can scream, the creature fell on top of her.

Covering her in darkness, suffocation.

And a nightmare.