How To Kiss

Arden and I hung out in the garden. Near the pond where I used to hang out when I'm still a toddler. We both sat underneath a tree, staring into the clouds and enjoying the comfortable silence.

This feels amazing.

But I still feel empty inside because my brothers are away...

"You have this lonely look on your face,"

"Hm?" I turned my head toward Arden who's still looking up to the sky. "What do you mean?"

"In the hallway earlier," Arden started. "I saw you touched the family's picture with a lonely expression. What's on your mind, Ezra?" His voice showed a hint of concern.

I mouthed "Oh" and looked back to the sky.

"It's nothing. I just, feel that time is going too fast. I'm going to have my social debut soon, I'll have my own property, joining the adult life, yadda yadda," I rambled.

Arden smiled. "I see. You missed the old times,"

"Hm," I responded with a small smile.

"Don't be sad. Time does pass, but it also continues,"

Arden gently wrapped his hands that are bigger than mine around my own, gripping it gently as he looked at me in the eyes. He showed me his gentle smile.

He's right.

I can't keep reminiscing about the past. I do miss it, but I need to go forward. I'll make even more fun memories.

"Yeah. Thank you, Arden," I smiled at him.

"Since I cheered you up, am I going to receive a reward?"

"... Seriously?" I asked sarcastically. Arden chuckled.

"I'm kidding, don't look at me like that,"

"Hmph," I huffed.

Arden leaned closer until our shoulders touched. Then he rested his head to my shoulder.

"Love you,"


It was so easy for him to say that. I still feel weird about it. I cleared my throat to get rid of my shyness.

"... Love you too,"

"Hm? what was that?" Arden playfully leaned closely.

I pushed his face away. "I'm going to kick you,"


Arden laughed happily. He grabbed both of my wrists and started to kiss my fingers.

I blushed at his sudden actions.

"What am I going to do with you?" Arden sighed. He lowered my hands down. "You're too adorable,"

"... Is that an insult?"

"Of course not,"

"Then what do you mean?" I asked sarcastically.

Arden smiled. His innocent smile switched to a somewhat dangerous smirk.

"... I just wanted to kiss you every single time, that's all,"



I feel like my heart just jumped out of my chest.

I looked at him in disbelief.

Seriously, I need to get used to the new Arden. He's not that little boy anymore.

I gulped.

"... I-I guess, it's fine," I mumbled.

Arden blinked. "What?"

I glanced in another direction. "... W-We're lovers, s-so...," I stuttered.



Why he's gotten quiet?

When I turned my head toward Arden, all I see was his red locks tickling my forehead. And his lips that crashed onto mine. Butterflies appeared again in my stomach, and my whole body is tensed. Arden slightly pulled away. We're staring at each other.

"Did I scare you? You're being so cute that I can't help myself,"


My voice turned quiet. Arden's eyes turned sharp for a bit before kissed me again.

He pulled me closer to him. His arms are wrapped around my slim waist. I was flustered and didn't know where to put my hands, so I wrapped my arms around his neck that deepen our kiss.

Is this really happening?

My mind is cloudy and my body is trembling.

His kisses are soft and gentle. My body started to adjust, and I can return his kisses.

Thankfully, there's no one following us. If someone saw us like this, I would throw myself into a hole and never come out.

I slightly jolted my body when I felt Arden's grip on my waist gotten tighter. His fingers are digging into my skin. It's not painful.

Rather, it's too... sensual.



The two of us stopped kissing after I accidentally let out a lewd sound. My face got warmer and warmer.

D-Did I just moaned?!

Arden slightly blushed. He smirked at me, then loosened his embrace.

"That's, quite dangerous there, Ezra,"

"... I agree,"