Close To Battle

I watch my demons roam around my mansion, doing their work with determination.

"You looked satisfied, master,"

I looked over to Lilith who's smiling happily toward me. I smiled at her back.

"Of course. Everything is great,"

"I agree,"

I let Lilith stay by my side since I chose her as my secretary. The two of us walk around the mansion peacefully while watching the demons work. Lilith was right, I'm satisfied. Seeing my demons working so diligently put a smile on my face.

"Young master, young master! a guest! a guest!"

I heard one little fairy fly towards me frantically. I blinked.

"A guest? Who is he?"

"Master Arden! Master Arden!"


"Bring him in,"

"Roger! Roger!"

The fairy happily flies away again with her friends toward the entrance.

I gulped.

Did he come all the way from the capital? Ah, my heart. My heart won't calm down. I walked over to the nearest mirror on the wall. Ok, hair? great. Face? cute. Clothes? just a plain shirt but whatever.

I cleared my throat.

"Master? are you nervous?" Lilith blurted out.

"Ack!" flustered, I yelped.

For a second I forgot that she's here with me. I blushed and crossed my arms, looking away.


Lilith smiled innocently. "Young master is terrible at lying,"


... A-Am I really?


I turned around when I heard Arden's chocolatey voice called me from the stairs. He walked up with two hellhounds behind him. Then the fairy flies toward me.

"Ah, thank you," I said.

The fairy twirl around happily. "My pleasure! my pleasure!"

Arden chuckled, amused by the sight. He seemed not bothered by the demons in this house. Dang, I wish I could make him flustered or something.

I signaled the hellhounds and fairies to go back to their work. They did and leave us alone, including Lilith. Arden walked toward me with his hands inside his pockets.

"Sorry for coming unnoticed,"

"Hah, you always come uninvited Arden," I rolled my eyes playfully. Arden smirked and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You're right,"

I scoffed with a smile on my face.

Not gonna lie, I love it when he's around.

After that, Arden and I went to have snacks in my room. We talked about trivial things. When I'm talking with him, it feels like time had stopped. It's comforting.

Arden put his teacup to the table.

"Actually, I came here to say something,"

I blinked when I heard Arden's sudden change of tone. Nervously, I put my teacup to the table. Not breaking my gaze.

"... I'm listening,"

"Have you heard about the Crown Prince?"

The Crown Prince? It's been a while hearing about him. No, it's been years. I never go to the palace before.

"No, I haven't," I replied honestly.

Arden sighed. "He's ill. He hasn't recovered yet. This news hasn't spread yet, though. Because if words spread about the Crown Prince being sick, there's a possibility that an enemy would do something about this,"

"Oh," I frowned.

"I said this to you because you're a Coordinator. Since the Crown Prince is unavailable at the moment, you'll be in charge of battles,"

"... Battles,"

That's right. I've been living in luxury all this time. Even though beyond those borders, our knights are fighting to their deaths in order to protect the nation. I take a sip of my tea, then sighed.

"I understand," I said. "Thank you for telling me, Arden,"

Arden smiled. "My pleasure,"

In charge of battles. That's a lot of pressure. But this is my duty as a Coordinator. I must protect the nation and everyone within the nation. That's what I'm born for.