Begins, Now!

I don't know how long this war has lasted. One day feels like one week. For the past couple of days, there is no rest. We're constantly moving and fighting to protect our land. It's night time now. We're inside of a forest and set up a camp. On the enemy side, they retreated to rest and were likely to bring in reinforcements. I told my demons to stay up all night. I took this opportunity to send letters to Arden, who was fighting on the opposite entry point.

My brothers joined the war as well, they're scattered on different entry points. I saw Edgar in his bird form. We didn't get to chat because we're literally in the middle of a war.

Since we're the furthest among all groups, it'll be riskier. We're far away from the kingdom, meaning that it'll take days to report back at the headquarters. I've never been to this part of Crolia either.

"Young master," I heard Lilith's voice behind me. "A demon sensed a source of a large amount of magic. Twenty kilometers from the enemy side, and coming at a rapid speed,"

I quickly get up from my seat with wide eyes.

Where did they get all of that energy?!

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath as I ran outside my tent. I saw my men sleeping. They still wear their armor. They haven't slept for four days straight. My demons who are roaming around the tents noticed my presence.

"Young master," Lilith said in a worried tone. "Fifteen kilometers,"

"Are they mages?"


"How many?" I asked.

It took me my entire energy to defeat that last mage. If it's more than two...

"Ten mages,"


I need to go to the demon realm to have an emergency meeting. I went back inside after ordering Lilith to guard the tent, making sure nobody comes in.

I took a deep breath after sitting on the ground. As I opened my eyes, I was at the temple.

"Gather, everyone,"

As soon as I said that, I saw Lavender, Io, and Callisto appeared in front of me.

"How's everyone?" I asked.

"Everyone's retreating~ But I think I know why you called us," Lavender said, smiling.

"Powerful mage with magic suppressant is troublesome," Callisto sighed.

"What's your plan?" Io asked me.

"Ten powerful mages are attacking me directly. It's obvious that they're thinking that I would use powerful demons to fight with them. So they could attack other entry points. I'm going to fight with Septhis,"


Their faces said, "Are you crazy?"

I can't blame them. I'm not so sure if Septhis will behave or not. I'm gambling over here.

"... Alright," Io obviously didn't agree because he's worried, but he knew that there's no other choice. Callisto sighed and nodded his head. Lavender frowned.

"Goodluck everyone,"

After saying that, I closed my eyes and went back to the real world.

"They're coming closer," I heard Lilith's voice from outside the tent.

I get up from my seat, letting out a deep breath, and cracked my knuckles.

I'm going to fully use my willpower in this battle.

"Call the mages," I said to Lilith. Lilit nodded her head and flew toward the tent where the mages gathered.

It didn't take them a minute until our twenty mages scurried outside with their equipment. Because of the commotion, the sleeping soldiers woke up as well. I explained the situation to the colonel and other soldiers, saying that melee attacks won't work. So I'll only need the mages.

Other soldiers understood, but they would still grab their shields and swords to join the fight. Even though they knew they won't have any chance against long-ranged attacks. Especially with skilled mages.

I walked further away from the tent with my mages, to a vast empty field. A perfect location to fight those scums.

"Two kilometers," Lilith informed me.

They're right up ahead.

I took a deep breath. I signaled the mages to take a step back, and they did.

"... Septhis,"

A black smoke emerged beside me. The smoke prickled my skin, and the ground is shaking.

Septhis took a step on the ground. He glanced at me sideways.

His presence is overwhelming. The atmosphere got heavier. I saw how nervous my mages were when they saw Septhis. I can't blame them. He's an ancient descendant after all.

Wonder if I should call him gramps.

But he looked so young.

"Enemy's ahead," Lilith's words caused me to snapped out of my thoughts.

"Septhis, listen to me," I said. Septhis didn't respond, but I know he's listening. "Those mages may have magic suppressant. I want you to always stay near me at all costs,"

"..." Septhis slowly nodded his head.

Good, he's listening.

"Young master!" I heard a mage yelled, as he spread his arms and created a glowing shield ball around us.

I didn't even notice the swords that flying toward us. Luckily, the mage cast a protecting spell before it's too late.

"It's time," I said.