Learning about each other.

Fumio visited Akane the next day in the hospital again, as she arrived the girl was already awake, or at least it seemed that way at first.

Fumio couldn't really see if the girl was awake or not, her eyes were closed, but she sat up with a straight back. She couldn't tell, so she sat beside her bed and started to observe her, just to be sure.

Then Akane actually woke up, her head jolted up, circling around, that surprised the woman for a moment.

Fumio wanted to talk to her to gain attention, but the gaze of the girl was already on her. Fumio wasn't really sure if the girl looked directly at her or not, because she was pretty sure that the girl yesterday seemed pretty blind. So, to test her theory she stood up and walked around the girl for a moment, as silently as possible, to see if the girl followed her movement with her gaze and the girl did exactly that.

This surprised the woman and she seriously contemplated if the girl in front of her was really blind or not, her thoughts were interrupted by a cute voice.

"Why are you circling around me?"

Hearing this Fumio was embarrassed, she didn't expect that the blind girl would call her out on her action, she realized what she just did now and embarrassed she sat back on her chair.

They silently sit next to each other, not knowing what they should talk to with each other. Then Fumio decided to take the initiative.

"I don't think I introduced myself yet to you, my name is Seigi Fumio, a 22-year-old female lawyer."

The girl nodded back, thinking for a moment how to introduce herself. The silence unnerved Fumio, she silently cursed herself for not asking about the girls' name after her introduction. She wanted to say something again, but before she could even open her mouth the girl looked at her again with a straight face.

"I am Ai Akane, three years old, almost four, blind and abandoned by her parents. Nice to meet you Seigi-san."

The reply of the girl surprised Fumio, she didn't expect a three year old to reply in this kind of way, but despite the possible venomous meaning of the sentence, the girls' voice contained not even an ounce of venom, it seemed more like she wanted to test the person in front of her and look at their reaction, it seemed as if she wanted to check if the person in front of her was worth talking too.

Fumio thought for a moment, not wanting to scare off the paranoid Akane.

"It might seem a bit rude to ask, but could you please tell me why you were laying in a pool of your own blood in a back alley?"

Akane tensed visibly.

"Why do you want to know that?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

The girl shook her head.

"That's because we must apprehend the person that did that to you, we can't just let a maniac roam freely in the city, other children like you could be in the same danger right now!"

The girl opened her eyes in shock for a moment, surprising Fumio, behind her closed eyes weren't the usual dull grey eyes of a blind person, but a pair of vibrant blue eyes, but before Fumio really understood what just happened the girl closed her eyes again and started laughing.

She didn't laugh because she found Fumios words or ideals laughable, but because she said these words genuinely, Akane never in her whole life met people that meant these words seriously, but now in front of her was such a person, she was glad that there were good people in this world.

"Yes, I really should tell my savior how I got in that mess in the first place, but you don't have to worry about the other children, because I don't think that person you are talking about is out there."

Fumio looked at Akane with a confused gaze.

Akane sighed once, preparing to tell her story from beginning to end. How she was neglected in the hospital, how she was bullied, how the caretakes "accidentally" burned her once, how far the children's' "pranks" got, and how she got beaten up in an alley.

All in the horror of Fumio, Fumio couldn't believe what she had heard, she couldn't believe what children could do to each other, she couldn't believe the behavior of these so called "caretakers" and she couldn't believe that nobody did something against places like these.

She was furious thinking about how places like that could still exist, despite the fact that this world is primly filled with heroes.

She had to ask the girl again if what she was telling was truth, she just had to double-check. This gained her a scowl from the girl though, but despite her apparent bad mood she swore that everything she said was truth, her truth in any case.

Fumio silently sat in her chair for a moment, trying to digest all the information she just got.

Akane felt Fumios inner turmoil, patiently waiting for her reaction, she didn't know why, but she really trusted that woman, liked even, she didn't know why, but her gut told her that the woman in front of her was trustworthy and she really wanted to trust her, in her brain rang repeatedly the words "please, don't be a hypocrite".

Then suddenly Fumio stood up, with a burning fire visible in her eyes, she looked really angry, she looked as if she would beat up the people that did these things to her personally.

"These scums! I am going to assure you that I myself am going to drag them through the process of a trial to drag them into prison, never to see the light of the world again, people like these truly don't deserve to live!"

Fumio stood there for a moment, apparently not realizing that she is striking a passionate pose, moments later she slowly sat down at her chair again.


She buried her face into her hands.

"Please don't look at me, I am ashamed."

I pouted at her.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't look at you, I am blind! Did you already forget?!"

These words made the situation only worse for Fumio, she slowly bends lower and lower, trying to hide her embarrassment, which she really didn't had to do, the only other person in the room can't even see!

This situation lasted a while, until Akane decided to say something.

"Can I do that too?"

"Do what?"

"Touching your face, I mean I am grateful to you and all, but I really want to know how you look like."

Fumio looked at her in pity, the girl couldn't see, she is never going to feel the joys that come with sight, she is never going to fully understand her environment, she is never going to fully understand the various forms of entertainment humans created and worst she is crippled in a world where being normal, being without power, already counts as crippled.

Fumio thought for a moment, the girl said she was almost four, good, that meant that the quirk awakening didn't happen yet, she hoped that in the future the girl would awake a quirk that will help her deal with her condition, if not she is going to be in a world of misery.

Fumio shook her head, she couldn't let that happen, she swore to herself that she is going to protect this cute girl in the future.


She was pulled out of her thoughts again, realizing that it happened again she looked at the girl with her outstretched hands to her face. Fumio smiled at the sight.

"Of course, you can touch my face. Just make sure you aren't too rough with my beautiful face."

Fumio wanted to guide the girl's hands towards her face, but before she knew her hands were already on her face.

"Hmm... Hm? Huh. Huh! Hmmhhm... Ah! Hmhm? Huh?"

Hearing these noises while the girl touched her face made her very nervous, but she didn't want to push her away, she didn't know if that would be very rude or not.

"You have a beautiful face."

Hearing these words Fumio felt a sense of relieve, she didn't know what to expect, but she was sure she would have taken a critical hit if a blind girl told her she was ugly.

"You have round eyes, your cheeks are soft, your head is somewhat slim, yet somewhat roundish, I think your ears feel comfortable, your lips, they are dry, you should use more lip balm, you have relatively short hair, it hides your left eyes, I would describe your hairstyle as... round? Around your neck and hiding your left eye, that's what I can tell you about it. Well the final result would be me saying that you are beautiful."

Fumio was astounded how fast the girl just analyzed her face, she hit pin point accurate in the center with her assessment, which impressed Fumio to a big degree.

"Can you tell me your hair and eye color?"

Fumio looked at the girl again, breathing out once, she may be able to analyze objects very fast, but she still couldn't see, so she wouldn't now these things.

"Might I ask you a question?"

The girl nodded.

"Were you blind since your birth or later in life?"

"Since birth."

Fumio nodded in understanding.

"Then why do you want to know my hair and eye color?"

Akane tilted her head, thinking about the woman's words.

"I once heard that knowledge is power, because of my weak and frail body I never could be outside for long, so I wanted another way to impress the others, so I tried my best to learn as much as possible!"

Fumio looked at the girl with pity, never gaining the recognition of anyone, she tried her hardest to impress the people around her, even if they abused her.

"Black and red."


"My hair and eye color. My hair is black and my eyes are red."

Hearing her response, the girl looked very happy and excited, seeing this sight of the girl and not the frightened one warmed the woman's heart greatly.

"Ms. Seigi, visiting hours are over."

Fumio looked at the nurse and then at the girl again, she didn't want to part yet, she still had many questions, but she played the role of an adult. She said goodbye to the girl and prepared to leave.


Fumio and the nurse turned around.

"Will I meet you again?"

Hearing these words made her very happy, she promised herself that she is definitely going to visit her tomorrow. She walked towards the girl and gave her head pats.

"I promise Ai, I will visit you tomorrow."

Akane understood and nodded, saying goodbye herself.

Fumio was definitely going to visit the girl tomorrow.


At Fumios place:

Fumio was really nervous dialing the number with her phone.

Ring, ring, ring.

She hoped very much that the old pair is going to pick up, else she would explode from nervousness.

Ring, ring, ring.

Any moment now!

Ring, ring, beeeeeeeeeep.

"The following number is currently not available, please try again at..."


Fumio was prepared to throw her phone across the house again, it might be brand-new after she destroyed the last one during the ice cream incident, but she didn't care, she had money to splurge after all.

"Wait, wait, wait, Fumio it was us on the phone, we just wanted to tease you."


"Geez, what has our daughter so riled up that she would destroy her phone, just because we don't pick up."

"I am going to adopt a child."


"Care the elaborate?"

"I am going to adopt a three-year-old girl. From what I've seen of her I think she is very cute and innocent child."

Silence. Again.