Preparation for next Competition

Akane hugged her two aunts, jumped at them, letting them catch her, letting them carry her in a piggyback, and finally the final request for touching their faces.

Turns out the three of them were fraternal triplets, with Fumio and Etsuko being the twins and Akasuki be the one left out.

Etsuko had short neck length hair, with her bangs being above her eyes and parted in the middle, else she looked the same as her mother Fumio. The two bodies of them was build the same too, modest chest, not too big, not too small, lean stomach, slender legs and a round butt, the same as her mom.

Akasuki, she was different from the two, the best way Akane would describe her would be THICK. Akasuki was thick for the lack of a better term, Akane suspected she had a DD-cup sizes, her butt was big, as well as her legs, Akasuki was a thick woman. Surprisingly her face was rather similar to the twins, of course there were one or two minor differences, but nothing too big. Her hairstyle was pretty plain, she had long hair that went to her back, bound to a big ponytail with a few long strands of her covering her face.

All in all, Akane used innocent childish methods to determine their body forms, now get your minds out of the gutter you perverts.

"Does big aunty Akasuki have different eye- and hair colors then little aunty Etsuko and mommy?"

"Not really, she has red eyes and black hair, though the black hair leans more into brown if that is a difference."

The girl nodded, she might not be able to do much with color, but she damn well gets this information too.

"Why is it that you all are still single, despite being such beautiful women?"


The three women got critical hit by the girls' innocent words.

"My cinnamon roll, I am married with my job, I don't have time to get a boyfriend."

"You could get a girlfriend if you don't want a boyfriend."

This sentence fried the woman's brain for a moment.


"I am currently working on it, but that dense bastard doesn't or doesn't want to get the hints I am dropping to him, I am rather fond of him, but it seems he doesn't notice my feelings for him, which is ironic, because he is great in finding things."

"Aren't you worried that someone will snatch him away?"

"That won't happen, he only has eyes for me despite everything, it just seems that he doesn't want to confess yet, I think he wants to stay friends for a while longer."

"Good luck with him, little aunty Etsuko."

Akane gave her a thump up, Etsuko retuned the gesture.

"Well, I've dated a big deal of men and women in my life, but nobody was the right for me, at the end of all of these relationships we chose to break up without hard feelings, I am kind of waiting for the right person to appear for me."

"Good luck, big aunty Akasuki, continue your search, your true love is somewhere out there, you just have to wait until you find your other half again, I am sure it is somewhere out there."

"Aw, such sweet words, come here, let me give you a hug."

Akane gladly accepted the hug.

"So, what is the number five hero Mirko doing in your house esteemed middle sister?"

"Oh? You have a problem with me number ten Lotus?"

"Not at all, I am just questioning your relationship with my middle sister."

"Bold of you to say that. You, me, outside, one on one, now."

"Anytime you aggressive rabbit."

"Hoh? What is the boring lotus flower saying?"

The two women clashed head on with each other, creating sparks with their gazes.

"Now, now, don't fight you two, I don't want to have my house, or the neighbor's house destroyed, so calm down now."


"Yeah, yeah, as much as I like to listen to drama, I am currently more inclined to search for my inner song, so if you search for me, I am in the piano room."

The girl turned around and walked to the stairs, slowly climbing them up.

"Oh, and something else, don't. Interrupt. Me. Now. You can do if you want to give me a heart attack though."

The girl turned around again and left the room.

"What did she mean with that, Fumio?"

"Sigh, where do I start?"

Fumio started to explain the situation to the three other women in the room, starting with her talent and passion for music, how she on day entered the room and called out to her daughter how it gave her a heart attack, what happened in the hospital, what the doctor told her to do and the situation since then.

"Huh, we really shouldn't interrupt her then, that is kind of impressive."

"Showing such talent and motivation is indeed rare for a child her age."

"Wait, shouldn't you give her something to eat now? You know, when you still have the chance?"

Fumio was silent for a moment, then immediately started preparing something fast for her daughter to eat.

"You are right! How could I forget something like that!"

She made her some pork sandwiches, which she decorated in a cute style, before running up to the piano room, luckily, she made it before Akane attempted to dive in.


After Akane finished her short meal she started to prepare herself for the incoming dive. And that she did. She concentrated remembering the certain notes she discovered on that day, she played them and immediately was in the sea again.

But she wasn't as deep as before, so she calmed herself further down, discarding all unnecessary thoughts she had, she calmed down and slowly dived deeper into her soul ocean, she slowly started to guide herself with the notes, none of them were the right one, but it still helped her diving down.

And so, she played random notes, attempting to get to the same place as before, but before she could reach that place, she found a wall, another wall that she never paid attention too, you could describe it as the side quest you overlooked. She moved towards it, touching it, it gave in, easily, this might not be the main quest, but she felt like the reward for it would be worth it, so she attempted to break it down.

She punched it, kicked it, rammed it with her body, kneed, elbowed it, but it didn't show any effects, she wondered why it did nothing to the wall, until she remembered that pushing it was the most effective, she face palmed herself for her stupidity. And so she started to push the wall, at first it was easy and the wall gave in a considerable amount, but the further and further she moved the more it was difficult to make the wall budge, and at some point she reached a point where she couldn't move on, evens using both hands and her entire body weight, but then she remembered how she got here again through calmness.

And so, she concentrated again, trying to dive deeper again, and it worked the wall easily gave in again, so she continued again with this method, she walked and walked and walked, until she couldn't move anymore, again. She dived deeper and deeper, but the wall didn't want to move, it felt like only one thing was still missing, one tiny thing. It was on her tongue and it felt like she knew what was missing, but she just couldn't remember what it was. She felt it, this wall was almost breaking down, only one tiny thing missed, that thing that gave her the last push to break down this wall, but she just didn't know what this thing was.

She got impatient, dangerously close even to that, but then she heard several voices call out to her guiding her, slowly but surely giving a letter to the thing she missed, until she remembered that thing again. She was


The wall broke down and she fell on her nose, she woke up and fell on her nose, but suddenly her body gave her thousands of electrical signals, stopping her from further falling on the piano, as she was only one centimeter away with her face to the piano her body gave her strong signal to lean back and she did just that, she leaped out of her chair, performed a backflip and landed on her feet, before falling on her butt and grabbing her heart.

"That was close."

She breathed heavily for a moment before looking through the changes she experienced. She concentrated a bit and saw that apparently her echolocation was upgraded, she could now hear the sound of the air, making it even more easy for her to determine the position of objects.

It's as if she could always see silhouettes now.


Down in the living room:

The four adults were currently playing UNO with special rules, the true friendship ender game. Each of them looked each other in the eyes trying to read their opponents.

"Plus 4."

"I challenge you!"

"Too bad! I really have no other card that I could have played, now pull six cards."


"UNO! It's almost my victory."

"You think so? Here a seven, now give me your cards. UNO!"

"Oh, think you are intelligent? Can you still act so smug with this zero here? UNO! Huhu, it's my victory!"

"Not if I can stop it! Plus 2!"

"What do you think you can do with a..."

"Plus 2."

"Oh no."

"Plus 2."

"Too bad you have to pull six cards now."

"Hey, did you hear that crash upstairs?"

The four women looked at each other.

"It was probably nothing."


"Now to your six cards you have to pull..."