Seven Souls

Akane woke up on her piano the next day, her arms hurt now. And it wasn't fun for her at all, she was covered in a blanket, and she was pretty sure that wasn't there yesterday.

"Huh, so mommy covered me with a blanket? How nice of her."

Akane sat straight up and stretched her body, she tried to get the entire stiffness out of her body, after a minute or so of stretching Akane finally was prepared for her day.

First order of the day? Going to the toilet! Every living being needs to go to the pot to undrink the liquids they drank the former day! After that was brushing teeth, wash her face and combing her hair, our heroine needs to look neatly, right?

After finishing the first order the second order of the day came, that was cleaning the house. She started vacuuming the entire house with the ultra-silent handheld vacuum cleaner! So, she can silently sneak into her mother's room and the guest rooms where her aunts sleep to vacuum. After ridding the entire house of dust, she starts with cleaning the windows and the floor until there was no filth left stuck onto the floor or finger prints on the windows. This of course included the shelfs, the electronic displays and everything else that you can imagine that needs cleaning.

After the house was as clean as the house of a germaphobe, Akane prepared herself for the next order of the day! That was taking the thrash out.

The fourth order, her daily workout routine, at this point it only included doing a two-kilometer jog, a set of ten push-ups, ten squats, ten back extensions and the two minutes of doing the plank. After that she took a shower and waited until her mother woke up.

It doesn't take long until her mother wakes up, so she can start the fifth order or the day, that was eating breakfast, a big scrumptious breakfast, filling her stomach with the energy she will need for the day.

Then she has about two hours of free time for the day, where she will just stare at the TV silently, like a creepy kid. (I don't know if she is aware of what she does. -Your Author)

After her free time her tutors come one by one, teaching her various subjects, they usually eat lunch with one, before her lessons continue again. After the last lesson it was usually early evening.

"Man, isn't your daughter a bit too busy, Fumio?"

"What do you mean, Akasuki?"

"She means that your daughter woke up at early morning to vacuum our rooms, before proceeding to clean it thoroughly, after that she busies herself with taking the trash out, training and then waiting until you wake up, after that she eats breakfast and learns the entire day until now, I think that is what biggest sister meant with busy."

"Thank you for your explanation, Etsuko."

"Gladly, big sister Akasuki."

"You two talk like I could do anything or made her do that."

"You didn't?"


Fumio stood up, slamming both of her hands on the table. Both her sisters jolted up in fear for a moment.

"Look, Akane was like that the second day after I took her in, she suddenly insisted on doing the housework! Of course I allowed her, what kind of mother would be angry at their kid doing some housework? I just thought she wanted to prove herself and that she would soon stop with that. I was wrong, she didn't stop with the housework, she instead increased it. Of course one day I found it too much and stopped her, I told her that she didn't need to do it, that I could hire a housekeeper, she first followed what I told her, but it didn't last long, just two days of cleaning and she went primal, attacking me like a wild beast, just so she could do something!"

The two of them sweat dropped at the explanation.

"Why do you think she does that, Fumio?"

"Well, I think she does all of that so she can avoid being alone by herself, I vaguely remember that she told me that she is going insane if left alone."

"I don't think that is a good thing, esteemed middle sister, sooner or later she has to confront herself about these things, the sooner the better."

"Etsuko, I think she already doing exactly that, you know? With that entire diving down thing, I think she needs to sort out a lot of information and I think she can't process all of it one at a time."

"Huh, you have a point, big sister Fumio."


"You know you would be a lot more elegant an intelligent without a spoon of Häagen Dazs in your mouth, right?"

"I don't care big sis."

"And her personality changed again, great."

"What do you have against that, isn't it amusing?"

"No, it's not, she..."

And so, the triplets started to bicker again.


Akane was in front of her piano again, ready to dive down, she apparently unlocked something in her world after that ordeal. So, she decided to go there immediately.

She walked around for a bit until she reached the newly unlocked place, for whatever reason she saw some characters in the corner of the eye, she could read them so she ignored it. (It said seven gates of truth)

The place she was in was an interesting one, in the middle of seven doors was an altar where she could insert six marbles in, it seems that the seventh door would only open if she inserted all six marbles into the altar.

She would get a marble if she passed the test behind the doors. Understanding what she had to do Akane walked to one of the doors to enter the room behind it, her first choice was the cyan door, the door of patience.

As she walked through the door Akane was meet with a strong gust of wind, it was at the level of a hurricane and each step Akane tried to forcefully walk through would hurt, it hurt very much and she couldn't take a step further. Then for a moment the wind let up Akane saw this as chance and started to sprint through, but just after a short moment the wind came back and blasted her away like a ragdoll, sending her back to the start.

This happened one or two time again until Akane understood the point of the test, she must always wait for the wind to let up before she took a step forward and so she did that, she waited for the wind to stop and then walked forwards, the further she go the shorter the intervals of advance got, shorter and shorter until she could only take one step at a time.

It was a tedious process, but Akane would endure it, until finally Akane reached the end.

Suddenly the silhouette of a young girl with a ribbon and a toy knife appeared.

"You made it till here! Now to the actual test!"

She opened her hands revealing a cyan marble.

"Take it."

Akane reached for it, but the girl just threw the marble up and caught it, not letting the girl have it, Akane decided to wait, but the moment Akane did that the girl would just start taunting here, seemingly not getting tired.

Then Akane had another idea what patience could mean, Akane earnestly tried to snatch the marble away from the girl, the girl dodged and dodged again and again, this continued for seemingly hours, until the girl go tired and stopped giving her full attention, this was an opening an Akane immediately snatched the marble away from the girl.

"Hehe, you made it, good luck with the other five, Seigi Akane."

After that Akane got teleported out of the room, now chains appeared around the cyan door, sealing it.

"Now onto the next test."

Akane walked to the orange door, the door of bravery.

Upon entering the room, she was meet with a big burning flame.

She tried waiting, but nothing happened, she tried approaching it, but it hurt as hell the moment she approached it, she tried things out for hours again, but she couldn't think of anything, until she remembered where she was.

"I am in the test of bravery, does that mean I have to run through that fire?"

Akane was scared, really scared, what if that was the wrong answer, but she had no other option, so she put her fear to the back of her mind and started running towards the flame, she waited for the pain to come, but it never came. She stopped running and felt that the flame disappeared.


Akane yelped out once and turned around immediately, where she saw the silhouette of a girl with a bandanna and some leather cloves, casually holding an orange marble.

"You want the marble, come and get it yourself."

The silhouette said to Akane taunting, Akane wanted to takt the marble, but the other girl japed at her. Akane knew what she had to do this time, she readied herself and leaped towards the girl, she got punched in the face, but she made a counter extending her arm around the other girls arm and punching her back into the face, she dropped the marble and Akane could pick it up.

"You made it! Good luck with the other four!"

This repeated a total of four times again, she passed a trial at the corresponding door would seal itself.

In the blue door of integrity, she had to swim through a big ocean, before meeting the silhouette of a girl with a tutu and ballet shoes, who started to fight her, while questioning her ideals. Akane just ignored the girl's words and walked towards her and grabbed the blue marble, the girl didn't really try to fight her the words were a distraction so Akane would think she did.

In the purple door of perseverance Akane had to walk through a labyrinth, trying to find the right path in a limited amount of time, else she would start at the beginning again. At the end Akane had to solve a difficult puzzle made from a girl that had thick glasses and a notebook to get the purple marble.

In the green door of kindness Akane had to..., she had to rest for a while, before the girl with an apron and pan gave her the green marble for free.

And in the final sixth door, the yellow door of justice, Akane had to dodge a barrage of projectiles, before having to touch the targets to catch them, before she met a girl with a cowboy hat and a toy gun waiting for her. She told her to catch the yellow marble that was under the bullets of her, after a while she managed to do that, finally passing all tests.

"I finally made it, now what is behind that door?"


In another time in Akanes' soul realm:

"Now, where does this could link lead to?"



Akane just threw the code away, hoping that it would never be found again in Akanes' soul, she was wrong.