Getting out of Hospital. Hopefully this is the Last Time I see you there, Akane!

It was just a week after Akanes hospitalization, and Akane got out again. To the surprise of everyone, again. Of course, some scars will remain, but these were rather minor scars, compared to the size of the original wound.

"Mommy, what happened to 'igniter' after I chocked him out?"

"Well, he got put to death trial, why are you asking?"

"Just wanted to know what happened to my first captured villain."

Fumio nodded, before kneeling down to see at the same level as her daughter.

"Akane, you know that your dream is a long and steep road?"

"Don't worry, I'll show everyone what it means to be determined!"

Fumio nodded at her daughters' words. Her words must be enough for now.


Akane didn't need to recover for long, but she was at school again. Enjoying wearing her school uniform, she looked cute in it and she liked being cute. There was just one problem.

"Seigi, is it true..."

"You must be insanely strong..."

"What is your blood type..."

"How did it feel to get burned..."

"Were do you live..."

"Can I visit you..."

"Want to visit me..."

She was surrounded by idiots, and there is nothing she could do about it. The moment she entered school ground she was swarmed, with no options of escape, she was pretty fed up with this situation. So, she did what she could best, finding ways. She hid her presence and herself in the crowd that was swarming her, it worked incredibly well and soon nobody knew where she was. There still was a problem. Getting out of the crowd that surrounded her. It needed a while and as she got out, she barely made it on point to her lesson. Her new day started and she was already tired.

And now she had to go to the blackboard to solve a problem.

"Give me a damn break!"

Was the only thing she thought in this moment.

After a while the lessons were finally over and she could go to her friends in the club, was what she thought until she entered.

The moment she opened the door she saw Yuiko and Kanna making out...

...she just closed the door again.

"Welp, that happened, time to go to the library!"

Was what she said and she was about to do that, if she didn't see how Akita opened the cursed door behind there. The Shiba Inu girl was petrified, not really knowing what to say in this situation.

Touko just pulled her phone out and made a picture of the scene, before saying 'nice' and giving a thumbs up.

Akane couldn't look at this ridiculous situation anymore, so she stepped in. She walked to the side of the couple and squatted down, before dishing out a devastating combo.

"And feel good yet, you two lovebirds? How does it feel to get watched by your best friends and the girl you slapped across the face, while you are making out?"

The two girls turned around, looking towards Akane, before separating from each other and setting their outfit back in place. All while trying to give the girl a straight face.

"Huh, guess they are too embarrassed for acting embarrassed."

After they appeared prim and proper again, they started to blush, intensely.

"Seriously? What did you two think when you were making out in the clubroom? We sooner or later would have entered, finding you two like this."

Kanna fidgeted for a moment, before she answered me.

"I was nervous."

"Nervous from what? Nervous of what?"

"I was nervous at meeting you again, okay! I was nervous how our relationship would have changed after my outbreak. You know slapping you across the face! Getting all sassy that I wanted to stay with Yuiko! Hating your guts at that moment! I felt ashamed at my reaction and lashing out at you, okay! I should have known that you had a plan to save her at the last moment! You wouldn't abandon us just like that! I still feel embarrassed about it, but I hope you can forgive me!"

Kanna bowed down in front of Akane, she felt bad about the situation, so bad that she couldn't even laugh wryly at it, she slowly started to clench her fists, so hard that they started to bleed. After a moment everyone from the club saw the girls' action.

"Woah, Aka, are you really that angry at KanKan, about that situation? It can't be, right? I know that you don't like to be stepped over, but I am sure that you aren't the person to hold petty grudges like that, right?"

Yuiko was unsettled, what if the vice-president of the club really was THAT angry at her girlfriend, it couldn't be, right.

"How, laughable, apologizing to me after I almost sacrificed your girlfriend, apologizing to me after I almost got her killed?"

Everyone was unsettled at the darkness around the girl, it seemed as if everyone in the room was willing to forgive her, but she herself didn't forgive herself.

"It was just a stroke of luck, me saving her that is. If I didn't hear the guy with that 'telepathy' quirk I sure as hell wouldn't have come back to save Yuiko, but here I am, getting crazy lucky with the situation and now the person that almost lost her second half is bowing down to me, asking for forgiveness!"

She bit into her lip, so hard that blood flowed down the corner of her mouth.

"I was a hypocrite, telling you that you shouldn't regret your decisions, while I regretted what I did the entire duration of said situation."

She unclenched her fists, but instead of calming down she started to claw into her upper arms, pushing her finger deep enough into the skin that it started to bleed.

"I was just lucky, I don't deserve your apology, I don't deserve your guilt, I am a wicked human being neither having the integrity to hold my ideals, nor the will to hold my promises! I am truly..."

The girls were horrified at Akanes reaction. Each of them silently stood in place, all the while looking at her friend harming herself, deeply. All of them felt a shiver run down their spine and they didn't know how to approach her, until Akita hugged her from behind.

"Shh, shh. Akane, nobody here is angry at you or resent you in any way of form for what you did, it was the logically right decision and we are all thankful for you getting us out of this ordeal, we basically all owe you our life, so don't sweat the details, like you almost sacrificing Yuiko."

Akane silently stood there for a moment, before she opened her mouth again, letting out a cold and freezing voice.

"Would you still be able to say that, if Yuiko died in that situation."

The Shiba Inu girl answered without hesitation.

"Yes, Aki would. Aki would surely say similar words like this to you in this situation. Sure, Kanna would hate your guts now and Aki and Touko would look at you in another light, but Aki wouldn't be able to look at you like this, beating yourself up like this, just because you didn't manage to do something perfectly this time. All human beings are fundamentally flawed somewhere, even you the almost perfect girl. Your biggest flaw is always trying to do everything perfectly, you calculate, make sure that every option is covered, rely on others if the situation is appropriate. But the moment something doesn't work as planned, the moment something happens outside of your calculation, that is the moment where you forget that over people exist and try everything that your body is capable of to stop it. You stop relying on others the moment you think a situation is too dangerous for people to approach and throw yourself in to try and resolve it."

Akane started to cry, tears were flowing out of her eyes and she couldn't stop it. One after another the girls started to hug her.

"Man, I kind of understand that you don't want your loved ones to be in danger, but isn't it, said in your own words, hypocritical for you to do that? I mean there are people that are worried about you too, you know?"

"But I was the only one that could have resolved that situation."

"Akane, do you truly think that?"

"Yes, I mean, I don't know one hero that has a similar body built to the current Yuiko and I am literally the only nut job in the world that would try to hold onto a 1000 degrees object for an extended period of time, you know?"

"1000 degree Celsius! What did you think holding on that!"

Akane suddenly started to laugh at these words. She thought about it a moment, but would there be truly a middle school student fitting for the bill of the job that Akane had done?


"Well, now that I got a bit over my emotional trauma again, I have a question for you two, can I ask it?"

The two immediately started to blush intensely at my words, slowly nodding to give Akane their consent.

"What is that big claw scar on Kannas' back all about?"

Hearing these words, the two immediately cooled down again, they might have not been expecting this question, but that didn't mean that they weren't prepared for it.

"Well, it is a bit about our past, you three already know that we are childhood friends, right?"

All three nodded.

"Well, I was a pretty big tomboy in the past to say the least."

"In the past? Aren't you still one, Yuiko?"

"Don't sweat the detail, Kanna. Well anyways, in the past I was a very lively girl. Brawled with the boys, often got into trouble, the usual stuff."

"We got to know each other, because our parents were close friends, and all. One day they brought me with them to visit some friends of them, well that is how I and Yuiko met for the first time."

"I was a bit shy about approaching her and so I did what each elementary school boy would do to their crush..."

"...she started to bully me."

Yuiko was embarrassed at Kannas' words, but continued with her part of the story.

"Well, we got of the wrong foot with our relationship and Kanna kind of started to hate me."

"I really did, but one day I saw her protecting a cute little puppy from some other children, at the end she managed to drive them off, through her creative use of her quirk she managed to defeat each of them."

"Well, but I got beat up really good by them, had a couple of scratches on me, you know, what you could get at worse between a fight between children."

Everyone laughed at that statement. All but Akane who just couldn't hold of her two cents about this.

"I almost got beaten to death by children my own age, I was three at that moment."

"Woah! Akane you didn't tell that about your past!"

"Don't sweat it, continue with your cute story."

"Well, I walked towards Yuiko and started to treat her wounds with a first-aid kit I brought with me."

"I never asked, but why did you have a first-aid kit on you that day?"

"Secret, well anyways that was the day were Yuiko and me gradually got closer and closer."

The three girls nodded at the couple's story, it sounded fairly sweet to be honest.

"You still didn't tell us about how Kanna got that wound."

"Well, we grew up with each other and one day we just walked on the road, nothing particular special happened on that day, then suddenly a villain appeared."

"I was really scared, but Yuiko stood in front of me and told me to run away and that she is going to stall for time."

"Well, turns out I didn't know about the restrictions about my quirk and foolishly switched places with Kanna."

"Got a big and nasty slash mark across my back because of that."

"Well, luckily a hero was in the vicinity so nothing serious happened."

"But Yuiko was worried about me from that day on. Her personality changed, she got calmer and always tried to make things easier for me, despite the wound being closed for a long time now."

"It was my fault for you being injured, I couldn't forgive myself, until I repaid that dept back to you and I am going to continue until it is repaid!"

"Idiot! What did you just do last week? You jumped into my position as a hostage, so I think that you already repaid me."

"Well, why did you think I confessed to you?"


"I confessed to you, because I followed around you for too long to live without you anymore, this relationship may have progressed because of a dept, but as you know, I always was in love with you."

"You are an idiot, Yuiko."

"Well, at least I am your idiot, Kanna."

"Could you two please stop openly flirting in front of us?"


Teasing YuiKan:

"Well, after all these years of pent up desire, how far did you two already go?"

"What the heck, Akane! You are already jumping into the bread and butter of this situation!"

"Well, I am a direct person, you know, Yuiko."

Kanna was a stumbling mess.

"Now tell us, YuiKan!"

"Who is YuiKan, Touko?"

"Your two combined names, idiots!"

The three girls continued to chant 'tell us' around them, until they gave in.

"We touched each other! Is that enough information!?"

Kanna was just shrieking incoherently at this point.

"""Tell us more! Where did you touch each other?!"""

Hearing this question, Yuiko carried Kanna up in a princess carry and ran out of the room.

"You know that I could easily catch up with you, but because I am nice, I am letting you off for today!"

The couple sighed in relief, at least Akane wasn't running after them to get more information.