Some weeks passed since Akane met her idol group, but she still wasn't satisfied with the results. She planned to use her name to boost the first appearance of her group, but for that it most perform well enough. She wanted it to be a complete boom, infecting Japans masses on the first try.
She wanted it to be a declaration of challenge to all top idol groups, she wanted to warn them, that she is going to overtake them all by a flash. But that wouldn't work if the other members of her group don't perform as well as her.
Of course, it would enhance her beauty even more, but she doesn't want to stand on the top alone! Everyone would think that she would try to rise the quality of her members that couldn't do anything! She didn't want to pull someone down so she could rise! You don't need to take someone's happiness away to be happy, both sides can get something out of a relationship!
Akane was currently mulling over the problem of improvement in her group intensely, until she decided to lay it off for a moment. Their first performance would be in two weeks, they still had some time to practice. Akane thought about mastering the guitar to the same level as the violin and the piano, but she lay it off. The sound of an electrical violin sounded for her better.
She thought about a moment, to let the girls learn an instrument, but she quickly shot that idea down. She was sure that nobody in the world currently had a proficiency in music as she has and trying to let the girls learn them on a short notice would be more detrimental than helpful in this case.
Hearing mediocre music during good music doesn't really mix well and people would hear it out if she tried to cover for her partners.
No, letting them learn an instrument wouldn't help, so back to singing and dancing, but that was already spartan training, she couldn't possibly expect the girls to do more than that, for a day maybe, for three days? Possibly. But not until the concert and not right before it, that would be a too high of a burden for the girls.
Akane could deal with her kind of training, as well as any other trained hero, but young girls like them would definitely get crushed even seriously attempting it. Akane already made them all do their best, the only thing they could train on short-notice would be their bonds.
Akane was already friend with both of them, due the nature of their relationship. For Hoshi, Akane already is her idol, she was the musician that made the music she fell in love with, being friends with someone who adores you is easy.
For Kameko she was the girl that made the music that saved her brother and after hearing that story she herself turned into a casual fan. The girl was guarded around others, but due to Akanes' open minded nature and high ability to empathy with others they became friends very quickly.
Further strengthening their bond forcefully would be...
...weird to say the least, but Hoshis' and Kamekos' relationship could be greatly strengthened. They didn't hate or particularly dislike each other, but it definitely wasn't the best of relationships.
Akane already planned how she could possibly strengthen these two bonds, without making it appear to forceful.
Suddenly she was pulled out of her thoughts.
"Akane, could you solve the problem on the blackboard?"
It was just another school task, again.
It was after the lesson and it was one of the times Akane chose to listen in on someone else's conversation. It was about the seventh school rumor, it was dubbed 'the impossible scavenger hunt', after the first weeks of trying to solve it.
"Any ideas what we could do with this piece of papyrus we got."
"This is papyrus!"
"Yep, this is apparently papyrus paper, but it doesn't have anything written on it and it doesn't seem like anything is sandwiched in between the paper."
"Wait, was this already a dead end, or is it an unfinished path?"
"I think it is unfinished? Come on bro, you know how difficult it is to tell apart a dead end from an unfinished line of tasks with this kind of tasks!"
"Remember to bring it back to place it belongs, when you don't know what to do with it. We don't want to sabotage the scavenger hunt and all of us want to at least hear about the end of it! We won't be able to solve it, if a clue is missing!"
"I know, I know, it's common sense here, but man the QMC must have a few screws loose, if they seriously think us middle schooler can solve this kind of puzzle!"
"Well, they might have, but we all have too, after all we all attempt it and even managed to solve a couple of checkpoints."
"You are right. Well, any ideas what to do with this papyrus piece?"
Everyone in that group shook their heads.
"By the way, I heard that we already had some idiots that lost some clues, any idea how we could have possibly made more progress with it?"
"Well apparently, if you ask the QMC very, very nicely, they are going to make a replica of the missing clue, but that is usually followed by some threats from the vice."
"Really? What she doing?"
"Well, the first thing she is going to mention, is that the club now has to investigate the entire school and its students to check if the clue really is gone missing, they have to look around each checkpoint if the clue is there or not and have to make sure nobody follows them. Afterwards depending on the puzzle, they either have to make an exact replica, or have a bit leeway about creating it, they then have to go back and place the replica into the puzzle. This process could tack a while they say. Oh! There is that warning too, that if they aren't at school anymore, that nobody could make replicas anymore after that, so we all should be careful."
"What if someone deliberately lies to get a clue early, it's obvious that they won't get away with the process of THAT investigation, but there still could be idiots?"
"Well, someone tried, he ended up with a part of his memory missing and the feeling that he should never pull off that shit again."
Everyone in that group nodded again, the definitely won't do that.
"Well, it seems like nobody has an ounce of an idea with this clue, who wants to help me bring it back to its place?"
"Come on, we all will help, right guys?"
They nodded.
"Let's go to the atrium then and let's mark it on the big path poster!"
Akane chuckled at that sight, they respected the rules of the scavenger hunt, good. There wouldn't be any fun if they destroyed it halfway.
"You and your friends created one heck of a scavenger hunt."
"That we did Majeta."
"You think it will be solved when you graduate?"
"Nope, they just made it up to step eight and a half with that papyrus, they still have 247,5 steps to go to reach the end."
"This really is one heck of a scavenger hunt. Well anyways, I invite you and your mother on a party in high society, you can come as my attendant if you want, I even will beg you on all of my fours for you to attend, so please come, please?"
Majeta almost was about to dogeza for Akane, but she stopped it.
"As your attendant, how much attention will I get?"
"You should get... If I now think about it, could you please appear as a..."
"Guest? Definitely no, you know how much I hate it to get attention and I definitely don't want the attention of these old sick fucks!"
"High society isn't like that! For the most part. Look, I don't want you to be my attendant, but my guest that I invited for the night, is that all right? I just don't feel comfortable to call you my attendant. I know it's difficult to put into perspective, but you are a girl far more capable than me and it would hurt my ego drastically to let someone that I deem higher than me, attend an event as someone lower than me. So, could you please appear as my guest on that night?"
Akane thought about it for a moment, but she planned to refuse.
"There will be tasty food on the party."
"Should I cross-dress as your partner?"
Akane was currently observing herself in a mirror, her face and demeanor weren't the problem, but her developed body was, but at the end Akane found the perfect way to appear as someone completely androgyne!
Akane first used a chest compressor to put make her chest appear flatter under clothing and then bound it with bandages, safe is safe.
She didn't need to do much for her butt, after all she had the body of an athlete and her muscles were well defined.
Why Akane was crossdressing if she didn't need to? Majeta said it was fine for her to appear as a girl, she even explicitly told her to NOT cross-dress, but Akane refused.
She felt like she would lose a part of herself if she wouldn't cross-dress. Akane observed herself with her echolocation, she was proud of her work.
Akane wore black suit pants that were held up with black suspenders. She also wore a white shirt and a pair of black, fingerless gloves that completed her outfit. Her hair was bound into a high ponytail and she had to admit that she currently looked more like a handsome boy than a cute girl. If she just had sight to confirm her theory.
Akane decided to let her eyes open, for the joke of it, she decided to have red eyes alongside the outfit.
As she left the room, she heard two surprised gasps, she turned towards the sound.
It was her two mothers Fumio and Rumi that were surprised by her looks, guess they never truly noticed how androgyne Akane really looked, before she cross-dressed. No wonder, Akane really liked to dress cutely, so that fact could be easily dismissed.
"My, oh my. Who would have thought that my daughter would look so handsome in boys' clothes, why didn't you try to dress so sooner? "
"Because I like to be cute."
Fumio chuckled at her 'sons' words, she even made her voice deeper, she was almost certain that a young boy in puberty was in front of her.
"Akane, you aren't angry, right?"
"Why do you think that, mommy Rumi? Because my eyes are red? Don't worry I have my emotion under control."
She nodded at the girl's words, she had to trust her after all.
"Mommy, I wanted to say that you luck beautiful in a dress and mommy Rumi, why a tuxedo, are you embarrassed about showing your body with the hero outfit you have?"
She coughed and started to blush.
"Nope, just don't want the high society guys to make a move on me, you know how some of them think, if a woman exposes SOMETHING, they are immediately free for grabs and want to get in the bed with them. DIS-GUS-TING."
"I am sure it won't be so worse, now let's greet my partner for the night!"
Akane already walked down in a chad way, the women chuckled, she literally acted like her clothes told her to do.
The moment she greeted Majeta was the moment Majeta couldn't believe what she saw in front of her, she really didn't believe it.
"Hello, you must me Seigi-sans brother, could you please be so kind and call your sister for me?"
Akane chuckled, the girl denied reality. Akane just immediately puts Majeta into a kabedon position.
"I must apologize my princess, but it appears like your escort already is here, so I won't be able to call myself out anymore."
Majeta started to blush, before shoving Akane away, she stayed dignified.
"Enough of your games Akane, I understand, you are incredible in crossdressing, just get in the car now."
Akane chuckled and followed the order of her partner tonight, it will be a fun evening and night, that was for sure.
Trying to solve the papyrus puzzle:
"What the heck should we do with this!"
"Yeah! This sheet is empty!"
"Wait a moment, there are little knobs on the paper!"
"They are kind of reminding me of music box knobs, don't they?"
"Now that you say it, they indeed do, but how will we be able to let it play?"
"Let me deal with it, I know a person!"
"Tomorrow, same place?"
Tomorrow, same place.
"Woah, you really created a music box!"
"Now be silent, let's play it."
(Undertale, Bonetrousle, music box arrangement, by Yealt,
Everyone was excited as they heard the awesome music that it played, but there was that question on the tongue.
"What should we do with that?"
Nobody know, sadly nobody knew that this was an easter egg, hidden by Akane.