Side Story: Marriage

The engaged couple woke up early in the morning, they were a bit frustrated, but tried to keep it down a level, they didn't want to seem rude to their parents, whether it was as a biological daughter or as an in-law daughter, they still had to pay their respects!

So, they woke up, cleaned the futons, before putting them back into the closet. The went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for everyone, well mainly Fumio did, Rumi wasn't a great cook by any stretch of the word. Well if you went so far to say that she is a great cook, she is fast and precise with cutting up the ingredients and preparing them to get cocked, nothing else.

After a while they were finished with cooking, right on time as their parents woke up.

"Hoho, you can cook? I didn't really expect that, you are making a fine daughter-in-law, Rumi."

Getting praised by her mother-in-law made Rumi blush, she was happy that she impressed the parents of her wife.

"Don't praise her too much, I am doing all the cooking, the only thing she can do is preparing the ingredients for me, the moment she is trying to do more with the raw than cut them is the moment it will turn into waste!"


"Oh? Is that so? Then I guess I need to teach her to cook some time, she might have you, but being able to cook is a necessary skill in this day and age!"

"Huh?! For what? I can't think of anything else, then impress other people with it! For all I know of, I earn enough money to go out to eat each single day, each single meal! So, I am sure that I don't need to worry about the nutritional balance if I just go to a restaurant every day!"

"That might be so..."

The woman leaned in closer to whisper in her ears.

"... don't you want to impress Fumio?!"


"Miwa, stop teasing our daughters and help me do the taxes, you know how boring it is to do this stuff alone!"

"Coming dear!"

She leaned in closer to Rumi again.

"Don't forget my offer about the cooking lesson!"

"Old hag! Just go now!"

She stretched her tongue out to her daughter before going out of the kitchen. Fumio just pouted.

"Fumi, how old are your parents again? The look like they are in their mid-forties at worst, even the earlier half of it! You understand my problem, right? They look damn young! The look too young to have daughters that are the age of 29!"

"Well, mother is about to turn 51 this year and father is 53, so I think mother was 22 as she had us, pretty young, huh? Meanwhile I am a late bloomer that gets married at the age of 29 with my cute kohai that is just 27."

"Don't remind me that you are the older one."

"Why? Hate it? We can't do much about our age."

"I know! It's just embarrassing okay? Me being the professional hero that goes out, protecting the world from villains, having someone older than me as my partner? It gives me 'I want to be pampered' vibes and I don't like it."

Fumio turns from cheerful to mature, trying to probe a reaction from her wife,

"Well, if you find it so distracting, should I act more mature for you?"

Rumi started to blush.

"You are making it worse! Having someone so mature as my partner, while I am a hothead makes things so much worse!"

"Fine, just don't continue thinking about it, I am your wife and you are my wife, that is a fact and there is nothing we want to do about, right?"

Rumi nodded rapidly. This time cheerful.

"That's right!"

After having that couple talk the breakfast was finished at the family sat down to eat. It was a peaceful atmosphere, but everyone ate it in silence, the engaged couple didn't really know what to talk about. So, Miwa choose a topic to break the ice.

"Fumio, Rumi, why do the two of you look so tense in the morning? You just woke up and we already accepted the nature of your relationship yesterday, the fact that you had time to visit us means that you don't have any important appointments in the near future, so it can't be stress that is bothering you..."

Fumio didn't like the direction her mother chooses to talk about in this conversation, she was certain that it will go there.

"...don't tell me, is it because we interrupted you last night? Don't tell me you two are frustrated?! Oh my, oh my, we really can't do anything about that, can we?"

Rumi started to get embarrassed, her ears lowered and her face slowly turned red, until (imaginary) steam came from her head. She was flustered. Fumio on the other side was the picture of calmness.

"Mom, you are going too far with your questions, I might be your daughter, but I still have enough private matters I don't want to openly talk about with you."

She said these words with absolute seriousness, before picking her chopsticks up again, to shove some rice into her mouth. Miwa just put her hands over her mouth and chuckled delightfully. The father, Masanori, just nodded while eating his meal. Until he chose to ask a question himself.

"How far did you two take your relationship? I need to know if my daughter is still 'pure'."

Fumio spit her food out upon hearing these words.


Fumio really didn't expect these kinds of words from him. If Etsuko and Akasuki were 'mommy's girls', she was 'daddy's girl', so she really felt betrayed by her father question right now.

"What? I just want to know how far you did go, so Rumi can take proper responsibility."

Now it was Fumios' turn to turn flustered and Rumi couldn't help but snicker seeing this aspect of her future wife. Fumio opened and closed her mouth in succession, trying to think of something to say against that, until she remembered.

"Wait a minute! Big sister Akasuki did these things on a regular basis back then! You remembered the punk you hated so much that you threw him out of the window! The punk that took her virginity away? But at the end you even respected her for her choices, so why are you still asking me about this!"

"You and Akasuki are two different individuals. So, I need to check you and her separately."

Fumio was flustered, she didn't expect something like this from her father.

"Why do you care about this! Even if we two did it, both of us would still be virgins in the end!"

She heard snickering, first form the seat where her mother sat, then from Rumi and lastly right in front of her where her father sat. She was made fun of.

Fumio sighed before sitting down again, as long as it wasn't serious, she can stay calm in the presence of her father.

"Fumi, you are still virgin? What did you just say to me yesterday?"

"You would have known, if you remembered the words of Akane so many years ago."


Fumio and Rumi were currently driving on the road again. After they said goodbye to Fumios parents they hit the road again to visit Rumi's parents.

The atmosphere wasn't as tense as before, as they drove to Fumios house, Rumi even hummed a cheerful melody.

"Rumi, how are your parents? I'll need to know to prepare myself."

Rumi just looked at her in silence, stopping with her humming, before smiling again.

"I won't tell you yet, it's going to be a surprise for you!"

Fumio pouted upon hearing this.

"You are mean, teasing your older wife, you shouldn't do that!"

"Damn it, Fumi! How long are you going to rub it in that you are older than me! You didn't do that in the past."

Fumio chuckled again.

"Since I found your flustered expression cute, I like it when you are red in the face and don't know what to say."

"Damn it! I am supposed to be a pro hero! Things like that shouldn't affect me that severely!"

Fumio leaned in closer to Rumi, almost touching her.

"Well, you are in the presence of your beautiful wife, of course you are going to get flustered if she starts teasing you."


The older one of them just stretched her tongue out and made a tehe sound. Rumi just sighed seeing Fumio act like that, she really couldn't do much about that.

"Well, how long till we reach your parents place?"

"It should be close now. You just need to dive right to that street and then we are there."

"But that way leads to a graveyard."

"My parents aren't graveyard caretakers if that's your question."

Silence filled the car. Rumi's' parents were already dead.


Rumi and Fumio walked inside the graveyard for a while, before they reached to graves, the graves looked really well maintained, as if every year someone came here to clean them. As they arrived Rumi started to clean and take care of the graves, just like a proper child should do for their parents' grave.

Just standing there made Fumio uncomfortable so she started to help out too. After half an hour of cleaning the gravestones looked as if they were new.

"Whew! Taking care of graves sure is difficult, even after death they just make me worry about them, can't let me in peace, eh?"


"Don't pity me, Fumio. My really were great, took care of me even if I was a hotblooded little brat, I really loved them."

" that's why you bought a flower wreath, right before we started driving."

"Oh? I guess, here give it to me, I'll give it to them properly."

She too the flower wreath and laid it on her parents' grave, after that she clasped her hands together and offered some prayers.

After a moment of prayers in silence she stood up again, waving at Fumio for her to come to the graves. As she did that, she was pulled closer in.

"Yo, old man, old hag! This is my wife, Fumio! Well, future wife, we are technically not married yet, be we will be soon! Well, what else can I say? Nothing really changed since last time I was here, Akane started going to school, made some friends and even turned into an idol! And about me, I finally got the guts to show Fumio your graves. I am just here to ask for your permission to let me marry her, but even if you give me a sign that you won't accept her, I don't care you two are long dead already and this is my life, I'll get to make my choices, so you've got only turning around in your grave to complain!"

Silence again, some tears even formed in her eyes.

"But you know, I would be damn happy if you two old seniors our marriage, I really love her all and even in your death I want to know that you support me."

Rumi faced up again, wiping the tears with her hand away.

"So, if you've got a sign you better give it to now! Anytime else would be too late!"

She waited for a sign, but nothing came for a while, she sighed disappointed, she had hoped that at least something would happen, but she guessed that she thought wrong.

"Damn, not blessing our bond, and I thought this would be a time again were you show me a sign, you know, the last one was as I was at the brink of despair eight years ago, but I guess it wasn't meant to be, huh? Well I poured my heart out enough today, I am going now! Bye, old man, old hag."

Suddenly she was hugged from behind from her lover.

"Woah, Fumi, getting lovey-dovey?"

"Maybe we should wait for a few minutes, maybe you are just too impatient for a sign?"

"Fumi, forcing things like this isn't cool, it either happens when you are there and pour your heart out, not while you are waiting hours long, hoping that something could happen."

Fumio nodded. She was right.

"You are right."

Fumio wiped the tears in her eyes away, before saying beamingly at her loved one.

"Well, want to get our marriage registration paper together? I don't think I want to have a big celebration. I don't even know when to find time for that."

"Guess we have the same opinion on that, Fumi."

The both of them chuckled, before making their way back to their car. Suddenly a sudden gust of wind came, surprising them.

"It's surprisingly windy today."

Then the flower wreath landed right on their necks, 'binding' them together.

"Rumi, is this enough of a sign?"

Said woman started to laugh.

"Damn you two old geezers! You almost made me anxious!"


Back in a love-hotel:

"Fumi! Stop!"

Fumio was currently straddling Rumi, pinning her down onto the big and spacious bed.

"You just made me the happiest woman in the world!"

"Why are you acting like this!"

For whatever reason Fumio immediately pushed her down, right after they signed the marriage registration papers. Rumi guessed that Fumio might be a closet pervert.

"Could it be! How often did you masturbate in your entire life!"

"One time, it didn't really feel that good, made me choose to never do it again."

"So, you are telling me that the moment I signed the papers all your pent-up lust was released!"

Rumi couldn't really free herself, it was a combination of her wanting to submit and Fumio suddenly gaining super strength. They were both definitely getting into the mood.

"Please by gentle."

Fumio just smirked.

"Already submitting, my gosh, who would have thought that you are a closet masochist!"

"Am not! Damn it, since when did I have such a huge gap moe! It's all just because of you."

"Well, that might be. But I don't care right now, all I see is my cute bunny prey in front of me."


And so, Fumio and Rumi did the dirty deed.