Ruining Careers before they even Started

Akane was currently in the room of the school's director, her mother's arguing with three other parents. She didn't want to be here, because she currently experiences the pain of listening to three Karen's and three pairs of entitled parents and she felt how her braincells are dying just listening to the bullshit they spout.

"You daughter is a danger to japans society!"

Yes, the blind, quirkless girl that was gang attacked by two dozen people and beat them up is a menace to society, definitely.

"You should do something about her slutty clothes on stage, she is going to ruin the youths of japan!"

Yes, the idol that always dressed from head to toe, covering each inch of her skin, beside the face, is the menace to japans youth. Not free accessible porn on the internet, or easy access to drugs, her. Definitely.

"Her music is manipulating or citizens in doing her biddings!"

Yes, the music that talks about friendship, that you should treat each relationship you have with care, true heroism and even deep hidden depression, hidden behind a mask of a smile. The music that is judged to be the best the world has heard since the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the music that is said about, in news, that it lowered the rate of attempted suicides of teenagers by seven percent. Exactly that music is made for her benefit and not for the benefit of the world as intended, 100% proved.

"She is planning to oppress people with quirks with the funds she makes for her 'blind people products', to create her army of blind people."

Yes, the products...

...what did that bitch just say? Is she too retarded, or too entitled to see how stupid the idea of a blind people army is?

Anyways, while 77% of the people in the room were in constant and extreme pain due to having to listen to these extremely retarded comments, Akane was secretly relaxing in her chill room in her soul. She was waiting until something important finally starts to happen.

She remembered the last day again. To say the least, her parents and aunts were furious because of her injuries, but they were proud for her beating the shit out of 24 people. She didn't tell them about her newfound eyesight, simply because that makes her eye bleed.

During her shower Akane saw a crack in the middle of her field of view, a crack that looked very similar to glass breaking. Akane was confused for a moment, she might have never had sight, but she was pretty sure that wasn't right, she would have heard about something like this!

She first reached after the position of the crack, in the hope she is just imagining it, but no. The moment she lifted her arm was the moment her sight shattered. It hurt, it hurt hellishly. It hurt like, as if her eyes were shattered right inside her eye sockets. Akane wanted to scream, but she stopped herself, she didn't want to worry the adults needlessly about losing something she only had for a couple of minutes.

She touched her eyes, feeling a warm liquid flowing out of them.

"Huh, so I am bleeding out of my eyes, this is a first."

Was the only thing she thought about that, she ignored it and proceeded cleaning each inch of her body until it was spotless.

She opened her eyes again, in the hope that the other seven states of her eyes were still alright. They were somewhat, she could change them between each mode, but it hurt and she could feel strain on them, so she decided to not use her eyes for a while. At least she always had her eyes closed, so she didn't have to worry about that.

Back to the present.

After a long rant from these...

...underdeveloped specimen of the human race, their husbands finally chose to step in, saving everyone from the unending pain of the more and more ridiculous getting accusations.

"Well, anyways we aren't here to complain about your daughters conduct in society, but about her misbehavior against our sons. She heavily injured them, using her quirk..."

Hearing this Akane almost broke out into laughter, so the fathers did not even think about informing themselves about Seigi Akane. Of course, that father felt hurt about his honor and wanted to subtly scold that rude girl, until his son pulled his sleeve.

"Stop before you embarrass us, Seigi-san is quirkless."

Hearing this he couldn't believe what he heard, a quirkless girl beat down three boys with a quirk= He couldn't believe it, but after a moment of thought he caught himself again, it wasn't about the girl not having a quirk.

"Well, anyways. What I want to say is that your daughter injured our sons heavily and we want justice for it!"

"Justice? My daughter was assaulted by your son, after she turned him down! Don't talk about justice when you don't deserve it!"

"Where is the prove of the assault, it's just baseless accusations if you can't prove it!"

And so, the bloodbath of an argument started, neither side gaining ground or making any remarkable process. It should be noted that Fumio could stand her ground under the pressure of these three male adults that still had their pride intact, despite being married to Karen's.

After a while the headmaster, which was a bit obese, was tired of listening to this senseless argument that didn't get anywhere and started to interfere with this heated debate. Sadly, he wasn't much of a neutral party and was a bit racist against quirkless, simply because they didn't have potential in his eyes.

So, of course he chose the side that had more worth for him, in a way that would seem neutral.

"Mrs. Seigi and Mrs. Usagiyama, I know that you are angry at the situation with your daughter, but we all can see that this is leading to nowhere. Look, your daughter is sitting here, no wounds on her, all well and okay in her world. The three boys here on the other side, injured, broken bones, dislocated joints, internal bleedings, etc. And if we are honest here, you two, you two and even your daughter are top earners in this society, let's just compensate them and forget this incident, as sensible adults we can settle with this, right?"

The headmaster looked around the room, already sure that everyone was going to agree with his compromise, he saw that one of the mothers of the boys wanted to speak, but she was stopped by her husband, he knew that he stood no chance if this was dragged into court and he wanted to prevent that his wife would put him into that kind of situation.

Any normal sensible living human in society would have accepted this compromise, losing a bit of money you have enough of, not having to go to court, a trial that would take heartfelt eternally, exhausts everyone and would cost you a lot of your own money, because of the court fees.

You wouldn't believe how much money some private people had to pay the court, despite winning the trial. More often than not it is much more than you have won.

Fumio was different. She didn't care about money, fame, or recognition. She did her job, because it was the right thing to do, way too often did she read about convicted people, ready to be executed, just to hear that they were innocent all along, more than often enough did she experience the mental instability people suffered that were deemed to have a 'villainess quirk', more than too often did she saw how injustice won in the court, just because of money and how it can buy the service of competent lawyers.

She was a lawyer out of justice and not greed, and more importantly her fuse was really short if it's about her daughter, another point she saw in society failing. Akane wasn't really a child, if Fumio talked to her it felt as if she was talking to a fully grown adult having a couple of years of experience on their back, this was something that disturbed her up to this day.

The level of dedication she put into everything, her views on society, politics and heroes. How her general demeanor was, her daughter felt outright perfect and she hated it. Flaw was in human nature, a human was supposed to accept them and live with them, not erase them completely from your person. Normally a human shouldn't be able to unlearn their habits, be they bad or good. Up to this day Fumio couldn't unlearn her tick of licking her finger before turning the page of something, most people in her surroundings found that disgusting and told her about it, but she couldn't really unlearn it up to this day, yes she could suppress it as long as she paid attention to it, but else she would start doing it if she was focused.

But her daughter was different, in the past she had the habit of biting her fingernails if she was frustrated or deep in thought, that didn't happen anymore, any other habit of that disappeared too after pointing that out! Now if she was scolding someone, she would appear out of nowhere to remind them in a normal voice, and if she was thinking she would still move to do chores around the house. She even seemed to still listens to other, because she can still respond to them. Nowadays she doesn't even know anymore when she was deep in thought or not!

The moment Akane was pointed out she had a particular flaw was the point where it would disappear forever from existence and Fumio was disgusted by the things that this habit of erasing habit could hint at.

Anyways, the headmaster pointing out that this problem could be avoided with paying some 'money', in a situation where her daughter was in the right, was the thing that blew her fuse.

"So, we want to solve this with money, right?"

Before anyone could say anything, she continued to speak.

"Money, the almighty problem solver in society! You could drive into someone with a car and get away with it, as long as you pay money in an amount that they never expected to get in a moment like that!"

Everyone was a bit worried hearing her speak in such an angry tone, but they quickly calmed down as they saw her pulling her purse out and taking a stack 10.000 Yen bills out. They thought she was complying.

"Well, 5.000.000 Yen sounds nice, right?"

Everyone gulped at this amount of money, this was easily about ten or more years of annual wages for them. Nobody in the room really did see this amount of money in one place before.

"Hey, Fumi, are we really complying to their demands? I kind of expected you would make more of a fuss than this."

She walked to the side of the table of the director and threw the stack of money into his shredder. Everyone looked in horror at the sight of very much money being shredded to little pieces.

"This isn't a thing of 'pay up and it's over' for me, it almost never is in cases like this. I don't care which side is injured and which side is not, I don't care what you think about me or my daughter. This is a thing of justice! Your sons assaulted my daughter, just because she rejected your son!"

She pointed at the Oku family saying this.

"And I gladly discuss this thing as long as it needs, until you accept reality!"

The headmaster of Gakkou was getting nervous hearing these words. The three mothers looked as if they would be about to explode.

"Mrs. Seigi, please let's calm down, we don't want to escalate things, right?!"

"I don't care, I'll stay here until everyone accepts the truth!"

"Mrs. Seigi, some of us still have things to do and places to be, let's just end this here!"

"You think I don't? I'll gladly cancel all of them for this."

"Fumi, should we really? I mean, I have a paid surveillance job today?"

Fumio glared at her wife and she shrugged back.

"I'll call the place, just in case we stay longer here."

"Mrs. Seigi, not all of us have that much time, or can cancel their appointments that easily, please let's just solve this peacefully!"

"Then we continue this in court! I don't care as long as the truth wins!"

She pulled her phone out, looking as if she was pulling some strings to get a court session for everyone here. Everyone male in the room started to panic, they didn't want to fight in court against someone from 'Justice Agency'!

Well, every male beside the headmaster, apparently his fuse blew.

"I don't care who you are, who you wife is and most importantly who your daughter is!"

Everyone looked at the fat, angry, little man, who very red in this moment.

"Your daughter is a worthless cripple! She already, most importantly, probably already reached the peak of her little, short, miserable life! She probably already exhausted all of her potential she could have probably have had in life! But these three boys! The have quirks and powerful ones to boot! 'Magnet', 'Flash Step' and 'Pyromaniac', these boys are our candidates that could get into UA! What is your daughter? Just a little girl fidgeting on stage while singing! She will be worth a damn in the future and then you know what pain you invited to your house by adopting her! These boys however have potential, they can get somewhere in life! They will have connections in life! And I will be damned if you snuff out these little flames that can grow to so much more, just because your cripple daughter got 'attacked' by them, for 'no reason'. She probably deserved it with how arrogant she was in the last time with her little, unimportant title named 'idol'."

Everyone in the room was silent after that outburst of rage, Fumio had her mouth open and Rumi was red in anger, ready to beat up everyone in the room.

This could have easily escalated, if it wasn't for a cute little yawn coming from the side. Akane slept through all of this.

"Is it finally over?"

She rubbed her the tiredness out of her eyes.

"Can we finally go home? Are we finished with listening to six grown adults arguing with no base and matter, trying to paint me in a bad light using Strohmann-arguments?"

The parents of the three boys gradually got redder and redder hearing this.

"Are we finished with wasting my precious time to people that would go against me anyways?"

The director was furious hearing this child, the adults were talking and that little girl was dismissing it as wasting her time. He prepared to give a massive scolding to the girl to put her back in place and never go out of it again, until...

"Your daughter is a worthless cripple! She already, most importantly, probably already reached the peak of her little, short, miserable life! She probably already exhausted all of her potential she could have probably have had in life! But these three boys! The have quirks and powerful ones to boot! 'Magnet', 'Flash Step' and 'Pyromaniac', these boys are our candidates that could get into UA! What is your daughter? Just a little girl fidgeting on stage while singing! She will be worth a damn in the future and then you know what pain you invited to your house by adopting her! "

...he heard his voice again, saying the insults he just threw a couple of minutes ago.

"Silent, eh? But this isn't all!"

Suddenly a hologram appeared, showing a playback of yesterday's situation, starting with Akanes rejection and ending with her going back to home, all bloody and messy. Akane just smiled sadistically at the wordlessness of everyone in the room.

"Königskrones technology is impressive, right? Recorded everything so flawlessly with the little cameras they installed all over the city for safety. I am happy they were the sponsors of these, pulled some strings and I could get this perfect footage, couldn't be happier!"

She stood up and walked out of the room.

"Now, with this foolproof evidence this is cleared, right? Mommy, mommy Rumi, let's go home! I want to eat ice cream!"

The parents of the three boys looked disbelievingly at them and the headmaster slumped down to his knees. His heart skipped a couple of beats after seeing this incriminating evidence and that the girl could have more of that.


Out of the school perimeters:

"Akane, do you really want to end this at that note? I mean it was hilarious seeing them react like this, but you don't seem satisfied with this."

Akane suddenly hugged Fumio closely, inhaling her scent deeply. Seeing this adorable little creature in her arms she just had to pat it.

"All is going to be well, my cute little cinnamon roll."

Fumio hated it when Akane erased her habits, but there just were these things that she wasn't willing to put away, no matter what. It was habits of comfort, if she was comfortable around someone, she wasn't ashamed to show it in her body language and express it vividly. Some of these habits were even pretty weird!

After a while of hugging, Akane moved out of the hug and gave Fumio a little object. It was a USB mass storage, probably with all of that footage she just showed.

"Raze them to the ground, destroy their futures! Take all their hopes! Such humans don't deserve to dream of being a hero, they should experience what true suffering is at the bottom of society, where not even your livelihood can't be ensured. They aren't hero material with that way of spoiled thinking to get away if they just call mommy and daddy. They aren't grateful for the wonder's life gives one, they don't appreciate others, nor do they respect crippled people's human rights, or even the miracle of life! They'll just end up as human scum, feeling verified in their behavior, probably thinking of getting away with crimes they commit."

She was hugged again, this time by both of her mothers. But before they could say something again, Akane threw in her last sentence.

"They should relearn what it entails to be a human at the bottom of society. They aren't great in being representatives of our race."

She pushed herself out of the hug and got into the car. Fumio might not be able to detect that thing in Akane anymore, but she was sure she needed time to think.