After the test of courage was over everyone went back to Akanes home, were they prepared for the planned sleepover.
The girls took turns to bath and the rest of them laid the futons out, nothing special or eventful happened and so the peaceful atmosphere continued and everyone lied down to get their well-deserved rest.
Of course, a girl's sleepover would end at that, right?
"And? Got any scandalous love-stories for granny Akita here?"
Akane was the one that decided to answer.
"So, you want to play this kind of character? Fine, I'll bite, why do you want to hear love stories, granny Akita?"
"Hoho, you know, just because."
"Well, I have to disappoint you then. I still don't really understand what people understand under the term of 'romantic interests', I mean I understand that it is a state of feeling where you want to be together forever with the other person. I understand that you want to spend time with that person, want to know about them, learn about their faults and strengths, but..."
"It's all just so complicated to understand! One person says that you will feel excited and fluttery around them, another that you would feel relaxed and peaceful around them, both say that they would want to spend more time with them! Some people talk about love at first sight! Others say that it's a process that takes time and needs to grow over time! Some tell about exciting stories like in Shoujo-, Tragedy-, or even Comedy Manga! Some claim it's a casual fun! And even other people again, tell that you can love many people in a romantic sense at the same time, and of course there has to be the opposite that thinks that you can only truly love one person!"
At this point Akane was gasping for air, standing on her bed, looking agitated. After a few seconds she fell back at her bed again.
"Well, of course love comes in many shapes or form, if I had to say. I think I love everyone here in this room, of course in friendship sense that is. I love all of my friends, my family, even the many fans that listen to my music!"
Akane suddenly reached up with her hands, as if she tried to grasp the sky.
"But if it's romantically, sorry. I just can't put my head around something like that."
Silence permeated the room. Nobody was really in the mood to talk about love after Akanes speech.
"Dammit! Sometimes you are just a mood killer Aka! You know that! Why couldn't you just hold back and let us talk about love?"
"Yui... You realize that everyone would have just pushed me to be the first to talk about love, right?"
Now that she thought about it, she did indeed plan to press Akane at the start, she looked around and saw the other girls nodding too, as if they agreed to what Akane said.
"Anyways, I want to listen to something new. So, could you all not push me and KanKan? Anyone got something?"
"No, not really."
"I am kind of busy with the idol practice."
"I follow Aki all day to protect her from suspicious guys."
Yuiko couldn't believe her ears after the answers she just received, why was everyone so damn busy here to start a serious relationship?
"Sigh, so nobody got anything?"
Hoshi lifted her hand.
"Oh, you got something?"
"Not really..., anyways you all know that we get approached by creeps on a regular basis because we are members of TOU, right?"
"Not that it matters! These creeps mostly just try to approach Akane! I mean, here stands a cute girl that is too a member of TOU. We are an important part too! I mean I ain't jealous about these creeps, but less creeps mean less fans too, right?"
"Yeah! And they treat us as if we were some random folding screens! They approach us, yes, but mostly only to try and get Akanes contact information, three sizes, personal information and various other creepy things. I mean, I am glad that these things rarely happen to me, because there is just that brighter lamp that these moths fly to, but I am a full-fledged member of TOU too? Hello, here stands another idol!"
"What do you want to say with all that?"
Everyone looked at the source of the voice. It was the groups loli, Touko, that said that.
"Well, we are idol and the studio we work in isn't really disguised from the public eye. One quick search on the internet and voilà! You have our studios location you can visit! So, we have stalkers right outside of our studio."
Hoshi scratched her cheek as if she was getting uncomfortable.
"And you know what stalkers do! Following their prey, trying to get more personal information by following us to our houses, rummaging through our trash. I mean we are wearing our disguises, but somehow some of them can still point us out..."
Kameko slowly realized what event Hoshi was talking about.
"Hoshi don't tell me you want to talk about THAT!"
She just laughed wryly at that exclamation.
"Hehe, yes I am talking about the rape incident."
Before anyone from the idol group could say something the girls basically assaulted Hoshi with words of worry, care and kindness. You could almost vomit sugar at the sight of it.
"Girls, girls! I am doing fine! I didn't actually get raped! Kameko and Akane were there to protect me (and blast that guy into the stratosphere). I guess I can be counted as lucky because the two of them had a gut feeling and came back to check up on me. If it weren't for them, I think I might have been scarred for live."
"IDIOT! This isn't a thing to talk so nonchalantly about!"
"Why? You two were there to protect me and I am doing well! So, what is the problem?
You know that my quirk isn't fit for battle! I mean when should it be ever useful to make you hair grow faster at any given point! The only use would be for me to decide if I should have long or short hair any time I want, and even then, it still grows slowly! Like one millimeter every six seconds!"
"I am not talking about your quirk! I am talking about your lacking sense of danger! Akane and I can't be around you forever, so you need to be more careful about these things!"
"Well then, what should I do? Yeah, I can sing myself up to self-defense classes! Yes, I could try to pay more attention to my surroundings. For god's sake! I could even hire some bodyguards or ask for some from the company to follow me home, but you know that in case something very serious DID happen that would be completely useless!"
"Yeah, that might be! But it's still way better than doing nothing and hoping that through some coincidence fate decides to not screw you over! You act as if something like All for One happens every day!"
"Well, it did for your br...!"
Akane held both of their mouths shut before they could say things that they could both possibly regret. She didn't want that the group dynamic could possibly get damaged through a silly argument, nor did she want the news flag of members of her group separating into other groups, before reuniting in some kind of big, flashy event.
No mistakes were allowed.
"Hoshi, you don't really want to say your next words that you were about to say, right? It only happened in the heat of the argument, right?"
The girl nodded.
"Kameko, there are nicer ways to say that you were worried about Hoshi. You don't have to go all big baddy just to get your point across, or maybe you do with the personality you made for yourself, I don't really know. But you are aware that you can't treat Hoshi like your brother, right? Other than him she still has a big burning flame inside of her."
She just looked away.
Akane just sighed. Human relation just had to be that difficult. She looked at the both of them again before deciding to cheat a little bit. Why make it difficult for herself if she just could charm them a little bit?
Akane just laid her arms on both of their shoulders and pulled them together in a big group hug, while giving them the biggest cheerful smile she can muster. This should work, right?
"Oh, come on you moody, little brats! We are TOU, right? Something like this shouldn't be enough to part us this heavily! We went through so much harder challenges than this, we worked so hard, sweated, bled to get this far! Don't say you want to disband already! Please don't make me sad like that!"
Akane pushed some big crocodile tears through her tear glands to bring her point even clearer across. The two girls just looked away in the other directions of each other. Anyone else would be worried, but it's Akane we are talking about here! She knew that these two girls were just pouting and about to burst out into laughter in a couple of seconds.
But that didn't happen, Akane was legitimately starting to get worried. That was until she heard soft chuckled from both sides, it was as if they tried to suppress their laughter to tease Akane.
"Oh, come on guys! I thought it was about you and not me!"
This tipped the scale and the idol group started laughing, including Akane.
"Hello? Members of TOU? The QMC and I are still here for your info, I would appreciate it if we would be more than just background characters!"
"I - I - am - so - sorry, Majeta!"
"Geez, calm down before you are talking. I don't want that you get stomach cramps or anything."
After a couple of minutes, the idol group finally started to calm down from their laughing fit, to the relief of everyone in the room.
"How about we talk about our dreams for the future?"
"What? You know that my future is basically ensured with me being the new leader of the 'Königskrone company, right?"
/Yes, I know Majeta, you don't have to rub it under our noses about how great you are. /
("Ja, ich weiß Majeta, du musst es nicht allen unter die Nase reiben wie großartig du bist!")
/Wait, why are we suddenly talking in German? /
("Warte, wieso sprechen wir auf einmal in Deutsch?")
(Accurate translation from me, because I am basically German. ~HopelessHikkikomori)
"Anyone else, besides Majeta, that has plans for the future?"
"Well, I kind of plan to do the same thing as Majeta and take over my parents' company. But I am currently rather worried about that, because she managed to convince my parents into a partnership and probably already plans to merge with us."
"Hoh-hoh-hoh, I congratulate you for seeing something so obvious!"
"I think the way you go at it isn't obvious at all!"
Majeta just chuckled, while Akane just shook her head. Majetas plans on that were rather messed up and sophisticated if it was about that.
"And I plan to just be Yuis' wife!"
"And we are done with that line of dialogue. Akita and Touko?"
Akita just jumped up at the mention of her name.
"Oh! Oh! Aki wants to talk about her dream! I plan to open a bakery and bake lots of cakes and sweets for people to enjoy and if that doesn't work, I plan to find my soulmate and marry him, so I don't have to worry about work myself!"
Marriage, soulmate. Akane didn't really know why but she really liked the word soulmate. She hoped that she would find the person she could call that in the future.
"I plan to be a librarian or something in that direction."
Touko suddenly stood up and seated herself in Akitas lap.
"Akitas mine, I won't let anyone take her away from me, I don't really care about my job as long as she can stay with me."
"Well, I didn't really learn anything new, besides the fact that once again, Kanna proved to be the ideal Japanese woman. You two got anything important to add to this discussion?"
The two girls looked at each other, before Hoshi decided to start.
"I didn't really plan anything for the future yet, I am currently more in the present now. With the idol practice, school and my part time job my days are pretty much completely filled up, so I didn't have much time to think about that. Ehehehe, sorry."
"Seriously? I expected more from you, but who would have thought that just Akanes' practice is enough to keep you busy from living yourself out!"
"I am living myself out! It's just..."
Akane laughed wryly, she knew what Kameko was trying to do. She herself was embarrassed about the aspect that she didn't thought about the future yet and was trying to cover it by attack Hoshi.
She chuckled at the sound of her friends. It was one of the times where she didn't have to try too hard.
Suddenly the door got opened, with Fumios head peeking in.
"I know you girls currently all enjoy yourself, but it's getting late. Could you maybe continue with the talk tomorrow morning and rest now? You are all still in your growth period after all."
All the girls looked at Akanes mother before deciding that her words were very true. They all laid down to rest and started to process the eventful day they got through today.
Outside in a random location:
Akane woke up, just to notice that she was in another location than her own bed.
"Morning sleepy head."
"Chara, did you had to use my body tonight? What if the girls don't find me on site, where I should be!"
"Oh, don't worry, I planned to come back on time and you know how fast we can change equipment with our item slot."
"Fair enough. So, what did you plan for tonight?"
"Dunno, maybe eat some Ramen. Stock up on chocolate, find better knives, maybe practice swinging them better? Oh, but I am for sure going to buy that chocolate, promise."
"No villain hunts?"
"Oh, maybe that too."
"You got your priorities right."
"I damn have!"
Akane just had a 'are you serious' face on at the moment.
"Hey, rude! You do notice that I know what you do inside of our body, right?"
"You know that I am doing the same with you inside our body, right?"
"Fair enough."
The sudden scream put Chara out of her element and she tripped. Luckily, she managed to get a hold on herself, made a backflip, before landing back on her feet. That was close.
"WHY DID YOU SUDDENLY, wait. Is that me on the newspaper!"
"Buy one idiot!"
"Yes, yes, just wait a minute!"
And so, they bought the newspaper that featured them.
'Unknown Vigilante calls Police after Raiding multiple Gang Hideouts.'
It was an article about how a vigilante called the police multiple times this week after they raided some gang hideouts. It questioned their motives, their goals, what quirk they might have and various other stuff like who they could be, what age, height, weight, etc. they were.
It ended with the statement that the vigilante is just another one of these citizens that don't want to understand that you need a hero license to do hero work and that they are as bad as villains in regards to the society.
Chara just threw the newspaper into a trash can where it belonged. Trash opinions belong into the trash.
"Lol, wonder how they would react if I actively start hunting heroes. You know, not kill them or anything, just hunt them. Do you think the 'Hero Hunter' is a cool name?"
"Yeah, yeah. I won't do that, but I honestly think that that's going to be more fun!"
"You know that we don't stand a chance against All Might, right? Heck, even mommy Mirko or Endeavor can beat our ass. I wouldn't even dare to challenge aunty Lotus! You really think we had the strength to oppose the hero ideal in that way! We don't have the strength for that!"
"What if I say we have?"
Suddenly the atmosphere turned cold and Chara felt frozen. She couldn't believe that Akane could emit such strong killing intent.
"You won't raise our EXecution Points, understood!"
"Man, relax. I was just joking."
"It wasn't a funny one."
"You think so?"
It was a funny joke and both of them started to laugh.