UA Entrance Exam (Written Exam)

The UA Entrance Exam consists of two parts. A written test and a practical test, with the practical text having more importance.

Akane didn't really need to be here though, she basically already performed an UA Recommendation Entrance Exam in front of Nezu. She ran very (very) fast through a three-kilometer obstacle course, flexed very hard in the written exam and had an interview with the headmaster before the two other tests.

She basically already passed, the only reason why she was here was because she made a bet with the headmaster. A bet for a bit of special treatment, namely a special seat into UA with the 21 seats in class 1-A.

In her words, 'I think it would be unfair letting me join class 1-A as that, I would take the seat of a potential candidate away'. Nezu was a bit provoked by that sentence, but complied afterwards, because of the incredible pure physical feat the girl displayed.

His reply was, 'if you are so confident, then you should at least be able to break the school records, right? If you manage to break the top scores, I'll give you a special seat, else you can forget entering UA'.

And of course, Akane complied, this was the least she had planned to show everyone how incredible she was.

She was currently standing at the entrance of UA, having her rainbow eyes activated. She wanted to be at her best on that day.

She was currently observing the other students slowly entering UA. Her first reaction was visible disgust, yes most of them were nervous, but the one that were interesting were the people that weren't that nervous.

To her surprise, Yuiko and Majeta were under that student bunch.

"Yui? Majeta? What are you doing here?"

The two girls looked at Akane.

"Akane, you should know right?"

A lightbulb appeared up her head.

"Right, the hero department isn't the only department in UA. So, you plan to enter the department of support?"

"Bingo! UA is just the most prestigious school, studying there would probably help me immensely in the future to become an engineer."

"And Majeta is here for the same reason, right?"

"Well, yes and no. I am pretty sure that they can't teach me anything new anymore, but as you know, I want to take things easy."

"Well good luck to you two! I hope I see you two sometime around in school, though that probably won't happen, with how big the school is and how far the departments are from each other."

The two girls just nodded to Akane before waving goodbye. Akane wanted to observe a bit longer. She was still a bit disgusted with the emotional atmosphere, but she could deal with it. It was just the usual, scratch that, it was comparable to the idol casting atmosphere, only more thicker and disgusting.

She hoped that UA could beat all these idiots straight up and make some decent heroes out of them.

She continued to observe, she some more familiar face passing, she saw Katsuki screaming at Izuku, but he had the balls to stand up to him. She was proud of that sight, afterwards he jumped a bit goofy around, resulting in him getting caught in the air by someone with an anti-gravity quirk.

She was surprised that he engaged in a conversation with that girl, but she was sure that that was mostly the result of him being around her. Maybe a romance would bud through this conversation who knows?

She was about to enter UA, until she heard something weird in the corner of her visible field. It sounded like a weird rustling.

Akane decided to investigate that sound, maybe someone could have get caught in the greenery of the school?

Turns out that her worries were right. She heard how a girl got her school uniform caught in the thorns of a plant, she seriously wondered how something like that could happen.

"Need any help with that?"


That was a high-pitched voice.

"Geez, you don't have to scream so loud just because I see you. How did you even get into this mess?"

"You, you can see me?"

"Why the hell shouldn't I see you? You are literally a girl caught in a damn plant. Now be silent and let me help you."

The girl surprisingly chose to be silent this time for the relief of Akane, she started to fidget though.

"You still didn't explain why you are caught in a plant."

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing."

"You woke up later than expected and decided to take a 'shortcut' to the entrance. Sadly, you didn't expect that the greenery here is so thick, resulting in you getting caught in the bushes here, right?"

Akane hit the nail on the head, resulting that the girl could only nod shyly. Akane found that action kind of cute.

"Well, you are free now. And it should still be plenty of time before the exams start. You should hurry a bit though if you want to have a bit downtime to calm down your nervousness before the exams though. Well, good luck, hope you qualify for whichever course you chose."

And with that Akane waved her goodbye. The girl stared at her back for a minute, before she realized that she never got the name of her savior.


The written exam was way too easy in Akanes opinions. She was sure that she probably scored 200 out of 100 points in each of them.

What do you mean exams don't work like that if the teacher doesn't give tasks that would gain you extra points? Not with that attitude, there always are ways to overshoot the goal.

Well she found it easy, but she noticed that more than enough people didn't share her opinion. She just ignored them though and handed her exam in way before she had to hand it in.

That was the plan until she decided to just go sleep. It would have been unfair of her to make everyone else in the room impatient and nervous, right?

So, she just sat straight up and started resting. It was surprisingly relaxing. When was the last time she had the opportunity to relax like this?

The next time she woke up it was time to hand the tests in. After she handed her papers in an announcement for all students to gather in the assembly hall was made. It was time for the practical exam.


Reaching her destination Akane was meet with a loud blaring voice. She almost turned deaf with that unexpected loud noise. That time of absolute silent rest didn't do her any favor.

The hero, Present Mic, started to explain the practical exam.

The exam was built like this, there were four kind of robots, little ones, medium ones and big ones and a big stage hazard one. Little gave you one point, medium two, big three. The biggest of them, the stage hazard one gave you zero points. It was very easy to understand and present mic was only repeating the words that were written in the instructions.

Well, it was nice for UA to make such a presentation, it's so much easier to understand things if someone explains something directly. Akane didn't need this though and could almost peacefully sit through this presentation.

Highlighting the word ALMOST.

"On the handout are clearly four types of villains listed. (...)"

A boy with an orderly haircut and glasses suddenly started to point some things out. Akane decided to let the boy rant. He would have gotten the information if he just waited a couple of seconds more, or you know. Read the handout properly, but Akane decided to let the boy in peace.

He was at least genuinely asking this question.

"Moreover, what's with you?"

Akane followed the gaze of that boy and noticed that he was looking at Izuku. He was that kind of guy, huh? Someone that had a stick way too high up his butt.

Well, that was the line for Akane. That boy was way too stiff for all of this, especially with the ideals he expected everyone to be here. Time to speak up and embarrass him.

"Well, excuse me, Princess! But I have a big problem with what you just said."

The boy turned around, ready to bury her under an avalanche of words. Akane was faster though.

"If you looked closely at your handout, you can see that the fourth robot you mentioned gets zero points if defeated and if you would have read your handout you would have also noticed that there is a little star right beside that zero robot, pointing you too page 16. On said page you can read how that robot is described as a stage hazard and that you shouldn't defeat it. For the fact that you hold UA in such a high regard and expect everybody to be top class, you surely don't act that way. Those who can read have a clear advantage."

Akane looked at the boy again, seeing that his mouth was agape because how speechless he is after Akane pointed him out. But she wasn't finished.

"Besides, I am sure that I wouldn't even have had to explain it to you, I am pretty sure that you didn't even had to ask. I am pretty sure that Present Mic was about to explain the 'arena traps'. Am I right, Mic-sensei?"

Said hero was surprised that the girl mentioned him again, but he quickly composed himself.

"Ahem, yes. AS EXAMINEE 0001 ALREADY SAID..."

And so, he continued his explanation about the exam. She saw that Izuku was giving her a thump up. She just smiled back at him.

She didn't do it for him, but to put that guy back into place. She felt that he had the heart at the right place, his only problem was that stick, but that had to be carefully removed.

Well, the results went better than expected. She found it cute how he hid behind his hideout, face completely red from embarrassment.

How interesting.


After a while the practical exam finally started, and everyone had to switch into suitable tracksuits. Well, Akane secretly brought her patience and kindness air pods with her. She needed them with all the imbeciles that she apparently always around. Why was her life so difficult?

"Hey, isn't that Seigi Akane?"

"Huh? It really is her! So, the broadcast yesterday was serious."

"Apparently it was. But wasn't she quirkless? She is pretty gutsy if she dared to go to UA like that."

"She probably has some connections to even get accepted until here! There is no way that someone like her should be here."

"Yeah, you are right. By the way, which rumor do you think is right? Her being quirkless for publicity, hiding that she has a quirk, or that she really is quirkless."

"I think the second one. I heard that she has some kind of seduction quirk and is hiding her quirk from the public because of that."

"Woah, that would explain how her..."

Akane put her air pods into her ears, that conversation turned stupid really fast. Why did the first conversation she listened into be about such idiocy?

She sighed, she really was almost only surrounded by idiots, huh? It was almost incredible how rarely she met decent people.

The entrance exam started, and she sighed once again. There was no face she was acquainted with in the area she was assigned to. She observed them and saw how a group was banding together, whispering.

They thought that Akane couldn't hear them, but they talked about her. She was disgusted, suddenly one of them detached from the group and approached her.

He stood in front of her and stretched his hand for a handshake out.

"You are Seigi Akane, right? We heard you were quirkless, and as thus we thought that you might need some help here with this exam, with you being powerless and all? How about it, want to join?"

Akane stretched her hand out, acting like she would shake his hand. The boy suddenly got an ugly grin on his face. He thought that Akane thought that she would pass this exam by leeching of some boys with her 'seduction quirk', he already planned to take advantage of her and blackmail her after this.

He was very excited as her hand almost touched his, but to his surprise she slapped it away.

"No, thank you. I am more capable of passing this exam than you, you should watch your back before all points around here are away."

The boy wanted to snap at her for saying something so audacious as a quirkless. But luckily the signal to start sounded out and she disappeared from her spot.

That boy should consider himself lucky that that signal stopped Akane from roasting him alive on the internet...


In the monitor room:

"Nezu, shouldn't you give Mic the signal to start?"


"You mean examinees 0001 papers? Yep, they are quite so. Each of her sentences is densely packed with information, but not only that, she also wrote multiple papers full in the time of the exam, each answer of her shots over the top and reveals new problems, she just solves again, coming to waterproof conclusions. It's incredible, but her most unnoticeable subject was math, but she literally just went bonkers ahoy and solved each equations the way she was supposed to, writing each of her steps in a clean and orderly way."

"Perfect analysis, Hisho! What would you have graded her exam?"


And that was what landed in her exam letters in a few days under the section of written exams:

YES/900 Point.

She really broke the scaling in that exam.