Akane breathed heavy internally. That maneuver was exhausting to say the least, but now she made it, and nobody was suspicious.
She had a smug smile on her face for a moment, she didn't really listen to what the teacher said.
"A quirk apprehension test? What about the ceremony or the guidance counselor meeting?"
"If you want to be heroes, we don't have time for frilly niceties. You all understood the school's reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that 'freedom' also applies to us teacher, too."
The class was silent at that explanation. They never really thought more about the school's reputation, but what he says made sense.
"There are many physical tests in middle school where you were forbidden to use your quirk, like the 50-meter dash, the softball pitch or many more. Well, the country still hasn't gotten around to standardize those, which is mainly fault of the negligence of the government."
Chara had to laugh hearing this. How many years were quirks around already? As old as old man Salieri is, and he was a couple of centuries old.
"Seigi, how far could you patch a softball in middle school?"
Wait, her? Everyone here was confused at that question, Akane was sick, or at least that was what everybody thought.
"Ehm, sensei. My twin sister is sick, so I am her replacement today."
Akane said with a sweet smile.
"Cut the play. Nezu informed me that you were attending school crossdressing in your junior high time. You won't let me fall for your costume."
Everyone in class was very surprised. That boy Arata that seemed so intimidating just now was in truth the famous idol? Nobody here wanted to believe that, especially Katsuki not.
His long-term rival couldn't be a quirkless girl that was disguising herself as a boy. But instead of a denial a sweet laugh come from her direction. Her voice stopped sounding so deep, while she pulled all the headbands from her hair and unraveled all the bandages around her chest.
She breathed very deeply in.
"Phew, it got very stuffy around my chest. It feels so much better being able to breath freely!"
The now revealed girl started all kinds of stretching exercises before coming to a halt.
"Well, surprise everyone. Seigi Akane here, I know I am awesome. Didn't expect me to dress as a boy on my first day, right? I would say that the surprise went very well."
Everyone was tense at the casual demeanor of Akane and their intimidating teacher behind her. They all wanted to warn her.
"Well, Aizawa-sensei, about your question. About 157,8 meters."
Everyone wheezed at that answer, even Aizawa. Nobody of them got even near that number in middle school and it was quite an unexpected answer coming from that petite girl.
"Well, this is where you would normally ask your student to use their quirk this time, right? Sorry, I ain't having one of those, so a new personal best should be..."
She stood in the throwing circle and before Aizawa could continue and readied her throw. She used all her power. Well, all the power that wouldn't break her and threw the ball with all that might.
And with that she threw her ball. Aizawa had to gulp seeing the result.
"173,4 meters. Impressive."
Aizawa tried to say with his best poker face.
That throw was abnormal with every sense of the word, he was sure that the girl just broke several world records.
He would have praised her if this were any other facility than a hero school, but sadly here, here a result like this was nothing impressive.
Where a score for a softball pitch could easily reach 'infinite' with the right quirk.
"Well, my pleasure. It was fun going all out for once again."
Akane gave once again her sweetest smile.
Seeing this, Aizawa had to swallow again, he felt guilty about what he was about to do.
"It was fun you say? Are you really in a position to say this?"
"What do you..."
"Were you planning to spend three years here having a good old time? What about your goal of becoming of becoming a herp? I thought someone like you who has no quirk would have known what this entails, struggling to even get accepted here, but instead you are talking about fun? Huh, I am pretty sure Bakugou there can throw that ball four times as far as you with his quirk."
"Why are you mentioning this?"
"Well, because I plan to motivate you undisciplined bunch a bit, I plan to add a new rule. The student who ranks last with their total points will be deemed hopeless and instantly expelled, did you get that."
Aizawa made his best impression of very scary teacher, which worked surprisingly well with his unorderly look. He was trying to make his student realize that this wasn't all fun and games and that their dreams were something dangerous. He tried to simulate the stress that all the students will sometimes fall when they are on duty, trying to see if they really are hero material.
Now he waited for the reaction of that naive girl named, Seigi Akane.
He was taken aback by her expression. She looked as if some unpleasant memories awoke, but she would need to get over them...
"Sigh. Are you for damn real, Ai - za - wa - sen - sei?"
She sounded really mocking. She sounded as if she just had to hear their parent say something really stupid but couldn't deny because they were their child.
"Well, can I have a new softball? I didn't truly go all out just now."
Her face was obscured by her hair, but he could feel that she was glaring at him. He scoffed at the attitude the girl displayed, but he was honestly a bit intimidated by it.
The girl's aura was different from the others, it was as if she already saw the hell of this world.
"Tch, don't dare to not take this serious again."
He could basically see a glint in her eyes after he said that.
"Oh, don't worry. I won't."
She turned around and coiled her hand back.
"You know. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result..."
And threw the ball.
"...is honestly just insanity."
She walked down from the throwing spot. Aizawa didn't really know what to think about the actions of the girl just now. Was she just bluffing about not going all out, or why did she just say that?
He looked at his measuring device, expecting a number in the low triple digits.
He choked. He couldn't believe the number he saw the number displayed on the device.
723,1 meters!
That was supposed to be a throw of someone without quirk? A number like this should only be possible with a strength-enhancing type quirk and now a girl was just seemingly casually throwing that ball?
For a moment he wavered seeing the value, but then he realized that the class was staring at him.
"What are you all staring at? The test isn't over! Go! Go! Go!"
He had to look more into it to see if the quirkless was truly true.
And so, the quirk apprehension test continued like normal with the students giving their all not to fail.
He was surprised how little resistance his class gave him, after he informed them about expelling a student. He guessed it was because a girl like Akane just followed his instructions without a complaint and everyone else would feel ashamed if they did, when she didn't.
It was rather helpful, but that didn't change one thing. The insane improvements she did from middle school years.
Each of the students more or less made massive improvements in the results of their physical tests thanks to their quirks. But what didn't made sense was that she was able to keep off with that improvement of the others. In each area.
She was able to almost able keep up with Iida in the 50-meter dash and was even faster than Bakugou using his explosion to propel himself, despite having no quirk. Her time was 3.49 seconds.
Aizawa already tried 'erasing' her quirk with his eyes, but it didn't work, nothing happened. She just continued to keep up with that insane output.
He just watched how she managed to keep up with the specialists in the class through brute strength alone! It was honestly just insane.
At the end of the day the results were as followed:
1st. Seigi Akane
2nd. Yaoyorozo Momo
3rd. Todoroki Shoto
4th. Bakugou Katsuki
5th. Iida Tenya
Honestly just look the list up on the wiki(th)
17th. Kaminari Denki
18th. Midorya Izuku (he asked Akane to suppress his power, so he can 'use' One for All at least a bit)
19th. Jiro Kyoka
20th. Hagakure Toru
21st. Mineta Minoru
He smiled, everyone in the class showed some potential. Especially that quirkless girl seemed very impressive at this point.
He guessed that he didn't have to expel anyone this year.
"Time to present the results."
He was a bit excited to see the reaction of the class when he says that the whole thing was a ruse.
"Oh yeah, that about that whole 'expulsion' thing, that was a lie."
The class was silent after hearing this.
"It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performance!"
They broke out in a shout of protest, after hearing this. A silent chuckle could be heard beneath the commotion.
"Guys, use your brain. Of course, ..."
Suddenly they heard a loud laughter from Akane, at first glance it seemed rather cute, but the atmosphere around her seemed ominous,
Everyone slowly started to get startled at the sight of the girl. Nobody knew why she laughed.
"Akane, are you, alright? Should, can I do something for you?"
Momo asked her in a concerned voice. Everyone wondered what was going on with Akane. She suddenly stopped laughing and just gave her a sweet smile before standing up. She started dusting her clothes and everyone thought that she would just ignore what happened just now, but nobody expected her next course of action.
She suddenly pulled the zipper from her gym uniform down, revealing her body beneath it. Of course, all the (perverted) boys were excited as she did that, but that quickly changed.
Her body was riddled with many newly opened wounds, basically making it a bloody mess.
"Momo, I need you to stay calm, but can you tell me how many wounds are open?"
"What? Can't you tell yourself? I thought you knew your body very well."
Momo didn't really know what to say after she witnessed Akane being so casual with her wound riddles body.
"Hahaha, funny story. I can't feel my body anymore, everything's just numb now, so I don't really know what's currently going on. I am standing, right?"
"Oh my god, how can you be so casual with it?! You must go to the infirmary immediately!"
But before she could get pulled anywhere by Momo, Akane just flicked her head.
"Geez, you worry too much, this is just a usual Tuesday for me."
Akane started wiping her body clean, apparently the wounds were only shallow.
"Did you think that I reached UA through simple training? Admittedly I might have just went overboard, especially considering I just injured myself to get these results, but things like these happen. Can't keep up with you lot that have quirks after all."
"Wait, so you are meaning to tell us..."
"That my first throw was everything I had as long as I don't injure myself? Well, that's correct Aizawa-sensei. Everything else I displayed today was strength that came if I pushed my body beyond my breaking point. Man, I got rather spot free out of this, considering that I used about three to four times my maximum strength."
Everyone was surprised at the words of the girl. At first everyone thought that she would have been a haughty princess that entered UA through connections as she announced that she planned to join UA.
After her introduction today on the grounds they thought that she was an easy-going girl that took nothing serious and planned to enjoy her life in UA, treating everything as a joke, but just now they could hear that she was the one that take this the most serious.
She talked about how normal wounds of this level were for her, she talked about how she knew that she won't be able to keep up with them, if she didn't at least risk something. She acted like it was the most normal thing to injure herself during sport.
"Yawn. I am exhausted. I think I still go to recovery girl to rest a bit. See you all tomorrow or anything."
And with that she turned around to go to the infirmary. Nobody knew how to make sense of the famous idol they met today.
"Oh, and also."
She stopped walking and turned her head around.
"Aizawa-sensei, that lie of yours just now wasn't funny."
She said that sentence with a sweet smile, before she continued walking.
That girl couldn't have looked through him, right?
In the infirmary:
"So, you are the famous recovery girl?"
"Yes, I am. Do you have any problems girl?"
"I am quite tired. Can I lay down on the beds to rest a bit?"
"Girl, it doesn't leave a good impression to simulate on your first day of school, you know."
"Oh, no, nothing like that. I seriously am injured now, and I don't think I can refuse me losing consciousness any longer."
"What do you mean?"
Suddenly Akane clutched her stomach and held her mouth. She was coughing a bit blood.
"Aw, dammit. I thought I could I have hold it in a bit longer."
"What do you mean holding in longer, you are seriously injured! You need..."
Akane just lay down on the infirmary bed and fell asleep. She would deal with the aftermath later, but now her body needed to recover.