Hero Costumes

The four girls continued their conversation until the break ended. Akane enjoyed the conversation with them, if was kind of fun to talk about trivial things, getting to know each other better.

Time seemed to fly by and before they knew afternoon classes started. The foundational heroics studies, the part of school everybody was extremely excited for!

Well, all but Akane, because of the excitement everyone would be in because of that, it would be straining for her to endure that much, especially now that All Might would be one of their teachers. And his lesson was the first this afternoon.

So, she sat into her seat and waited for impact.


He arrived and gave his signature greeting, Akane was a bit surprised though. The reaction was a bit weaker than expected, maybe she underestimated each of them and they had some sort of control over their emotions.

Not that they weren't a bit excited, because they were still talking about him and that they couldn't believe that he really was going to teach, but the reaction wasn't something outrageous like her concerts.

So, she thought that she didn't have to be that on guard.

"Foundational hero studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials! Let's jump right into this with the trial of the battle!"

A battle trial? Akane wasn't really amused about that, she was kind of still sore because of yesterday, but she shrugged that off. It was just another test to prove that she isn't useless.

"And for your first battles..."

Suddenly Akane had a bad feeling.

"...we've prepared the gear we had you send in requests for to match your quirks!"

Oh, her battle gear, that is...

Suddenly the class started to cheer and the feelings of finally trying on their gear drowned her.


They were just hyping that they could try on their hero costumes and Akane could feel her stomach churning.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at ground beta and Seigi, are you alright?"


She just started vomiting. The emotions were overwhelming her, and her body didn't plan to cope with it, because she didn't brace.

She sat straight back and wiped her mouth. She really was upset that she just had everything undone, what she did during lunch break, meaning all of her food was now outside of her body.

"What are you looking at? Never saw a girl vomit? Couldn't imagine that I would vomit? I am just as much as a human as all of you."

"Akane, is that because..."

"The emotions just overwhelmed me? Yes, that was the reason, but I don't want to rain on your party, I didn't pay attention, I should have braced myself for that and for that I am sorry."

She just grabbed her case with her hero costume on and walked to the door, opening it, but before she left the room, she turned her head and gave everyone a big, shining smile.

"What are you all waiting for? Let's all go to ground beta, aren't you all excited to try your hero costumes on?"

And despite just vomiting a few seconds ago that smile drew everyone's breath away. Why did that girl just had to be so beautiful?

After that thing happened everyone just gathered their hero costume cases and went to the changing rooms.


Akane already mastered the changing clothes speedrun. So, she already changed into her costume and left the changing room before anyone was even taking their uniforms off.

"What the! Akane how did you arrive here on ground beta before me?"

"Changing outfits speedrun. I mastered the art of changing clothes. I could literally change my clothes while walking if I wanted to."

Yagi was dumbfounded as she said that. It was kind of a bit unbelievable hearing that.

"It's a secret magic trick. Anyways, how do you find my outfits? I am a bit proud of myself that I myself created this. Majeta was very out of her mind though as I said that I will implement the technology on my outfit. A lot of funds went into this after all."

Akane turned around in circles in her outfit to show the front and back to him. Yagi was impressed with the workmanship that into it, he couldn't really identify the material and the details and precision it had looked like it was an incredible collaboration with top of the edge technology and master craftsman's that put their all into it. The girl said she made it herself? He couldn't believe it.

"How many days did you sit on it to finish it?"

"Oh, that? Well, this was basically my performance outfit I wore on concert nine years ago, height adjustments, material corrections and changes and some new additional choices included, these nine years. The technology was just barely finished developing before the first day of school, so we barely made it for today. So how is it?"

Yagi gave a big smile and a thump up.

"Very impressive work for your costume! It almost looks like a work of art! Though, I still worry about the mobility of a military uniform like that and isn't that mask hindering your sight?"

Akane took her mask from her face, revealing her grey, open eyes. Yagi was a bit embarrassed as Akane had to remind him once again about her sight.

"Right, you are blind I almost forgot again."

Akane just chuckled at that reaction and also gave him a smile and thumps up.

Suddenly the entire class came out of the corridor, wearing their hero costumes with pride, walking up towards them. She wondered if the entire class just planned that now.

"Guys, did I miss a memo, or why are you all doing such an awesome entrance as if this all was a movie?"

Suddenly everyone was self-aware of themself and started to blush. Getting called out like that was a bit embarrassing.

"Man, why did you have to ruin the moment like that? It's basically common sense to make an awesome appearance when you are wearing your hero costume!"

Suddenly Akane got a smug smile on her face and just took her ponytail to twirl on it.

"Is that so?"

She threw her ponytail back, making it wave in the sudden gust of wind that appeared behind her.

"Why only look awesome with the entrance if you can look awesome all the time in your costume, Kaminari-san?"

After Akane said that, Denkis mouth was agape and he had nothing more to add to the conversation. Akane just walked past him after that and approached Momo, she was interested in her costume, because apparently, she heeded her advice.

"Hey Momo, it seems like you added many zippers to your costume after my advice, well if my hearing didn't deceive me. There is one glaring problem though, are you confident enough that you can pull the zippers fast enough for your items?"

"I also had that thought and was scared of accidents happening, so I also asked Majeta for some advice if she maybe knew about any material that could have helped me, sadly there wasn't, but she came up with another idea!"

She used her quirk and after a moment one of the zippers popped open and threw a combat knife out.

"The zipper opens when it feels a sudden increase in volume in my costume, impressive, right?"

"It kind of is, but still, it kind of feels wrong seeing you in a tight suit with so many zippers all over it. Tell me if I structurally grasped it wrong, but won't your costume fall off of you when you open all the zippers, basically stripping you?"

Akane whispered the last words, but she still hit right into the bullseye with that. Momo started to grow silent, fidgeting and intensely blushing.

"You are right, but that's why I am wearing a west over it! My utility belt is also there, and I still have some boots, so even in the case of me creating something so huge, my important bits would be protected!"

After she realized what she just basically shouted she got even more red than before and crouched on the floor, holding her legs.

"Momo, everything alright there?"

She didn't respond and Akane could clearly see steam go out of her head. After a couple of moments of more prodding and getting a 'please, go away' from her, Akane decided to talk with her new friends.

She turned around a bit and...


...and was visibly destressed about what she heard. You might be asking, but why would Akane be embarrassed of someone being nude? She isn't able to see, right? To that I say, your social instincts still would tell you to be embarrassed if someone saw you nude, even if your blind.

Of course, Akane immediately plugged her ears as she found out that someone nude was here and of course everyone turned around towards Akane what she meant.

She just pulled one of her hands out of her ears and pointed at a pair of boots and flying gloves.

It was Toru. As everyone was suddenly looking at her she was embarrassed.

"Don't look at me so intensely, you perverts!"

Of course, everyone thought that was a joke. Even if she is nude, she is invisible, so they won't see anything anyways, so why act so embarrassed.

"Akane, I know you didn't mean it any badly, but aren't you acting a bit too exaggerated? I mean, yeah, Hagakure-san basically is nude, but I don't see anything that could possibly let you react like that, even I don't see anything despite my enhanced sensory abilities!"

Akane just plugged her hands out of her ears and looked at him.

"Are you all morons for thinking that I see with my damn eyes or something! I see with echolocation Shoji-san! And the only signal I get from there is a damn beautiful girl that is totally my type wearing nothing but boots and a pair of gloves! There is no way in hell I could stay calm when you think about the situation!"

Toru was getting embarrassed. She was her type? She needed to work through that information.

"Didn't you hear me? Put something over your body damn it!"

"But - but my hero costume won't work if I put something over me!"

Suddenly Akane just sighed and stood up, running with her fastest speed to the changing rooms before she appeared with her bag again.

"Now where is that damned failed material/experiment?"

Akane rummaged through her bag until she suddenly pulled something out that looked like a school swimsuit, but it had a weird pattern and color that looked suspiciously similar to the inside of a bag. She walked over to Toru and stretched her arm with it out to her, she was confused at what Akane wanted for a moment.

"Don't you get it? Put it on!"

She was still confused, but heeded her words, Akane seemed rather agitated at the moment.

"What now? My disguise is now ruined."

"Just wait for a moment."

Toru wanted to cry at the situation, this all seemed rather unfair to her, but the next moment she looked down again it was gone.

"Königskrone industries failed cameo suit. After a couple of seconds, the material changes into the same color and pattern as the material it's on. The reason it failed is very simple. We mistook the side it should copy, so it resulted in bodysuits that would imitate the body of whoever wore it, exposing their naked bodies even though they weren't naked. So, at the end Majeta gifted me this prototype. I am glad it works on invisible objects as well."

Toru looked at Akane. She was really happy with that gift, since a young age she was really embarrassed when she had to undress in a public changing room. Everyone just told her to not mind it since she was invisible and they won't see anything anyway, but that still didn't change the fact that she was still very embarrassed about stripping down!

She felt especially insulted when her friends told her that her best hero costume was just plainly being nude! The nerve they had to joke about her body! She still followed through with it, because they had a point, but she still didn't like the fact that she would have basically the skimpiest hero costume in all of history. Even more than midnight and she was the reason why that regulation existed!

She was even more surprised so that her 'costume' apparently allowed because she was 'invisible'. That's why she was so happy that someone finally told her to cover up and even gave her a piece of clothing for her hero costume.

"Thank you, Seigi."

Toru was blushing a bit.

"Yeah, no problem."

Akane also totally started blushing as she saw Toru act so shy.

"AHEM! Not that that's cleared, how about you two continue this after school and we can start the class?"

For a moment, the blush on their face intensified, but shortly after they started to laugh, as well as the rest of the class.


In class 1-F:


A certain heir of the company sneezed.

"Why am I having the feeling that someone talks about the failed cameo suits?"

"What Maj?"

"Nothing, Yui."