After Akanes battle the other fights were a bit lackluster for a lack of a better term.
It wasn't as if the others were bad, or anything like that. It was just that the previous two fights there rather big scale compared to the battles were nothing got majorly destroyed.
Well, Akane found Momo's battle a bit interesting.
Momo created many flashbangs, sound bombs, stink bombs and various other grenades. She used Minetas grapes to attach them to the ceiling to lay out traps for the other team.
At the end Denki and Kyoka ran out of the building. Crying.
Kyoka said something about her ears feeling violated and Denki said something along the lines of walking into the shower while a freezer is in there? Nobody knew what he meant, but Akane had the feeling that this was some kind of obscure reference.
Well, the conclusion to the Battle Trial was:
1. Team A, Midorya Izuku and Uraraka Ochaco vs. Team D, Bakugou Katsuki and Iida Tenya,
Winner Team: Team A
2. Team B, Todoroki Shoto, Shoji Mezo, and Ojiro Mashirao vs. Team I, Hagakure and Seigi Akane,
Winner Team: Team I
3. Team H, Tokoyami Fumikage and Asui Tsuyu vs. Team J Kirishima Eijiro and Sero Hanta,
Winner Team: Team H
4. Team G, Kaminari Denki and Jiro Kyoka vs. Team C Yaoyorozo Momo and Mineta Minoru,
Winner Team: Team C
5. Team E, Aoyama Yugo and Ashido Mina vs. Team F, Sato Rikido and Koda Koji,
Winner Team: Team E
After the battle Akane just gave everyone advice. Well, to her discomfort everyone approached her and talked about how awesome her battle was, luckily there still was Izuku and everyone also flocked to him to praise him for his battle.
Strangely as Akane tried leaving the school she saw a scene between Katsuki and Izuku, mainly how he was apologizing to him, but at the end he still was the same boy as always and just said that he will surpass everyone, including All Might.
Well, Akane was satisfied with the day, so she went home and fell deeply sleep, nothing able to wake her up this night...
After Akane spent the day with quality time with her family and friends, it was Charas turn to be active.
While Akane was sleeping her body transformed, slowly changing her round and gentle features to sharp ones.
Her hair decreased in length and slowly turned brown, she opened her eyes, revealing two glowing red marbles.
Chara was awake and in control now.
She stood up and stretched her body before doing anything. After that she changed into her outfit and put the dummy of Akane that is the same size as her into the bed.
That should leave the impression that she was still at home. After that she left noiselessly through the windows, unseen by everyone.
Her destination was the same place as always, the gang districts.
Well, that was until she felt something very weird. Something very unsettling, something that made her spine shiver and feel the sins that crawled on her back.
"So that is still left, huh?"
Chara chuckled. She would have never thought that THAT was still there. It still decided to roam around, even though their universe was gone. Erased from existence.
She looked around, before pulling a weirdly shaped pendant out.
She crushed it, her body shortly disappearing afterwards.
"So, the 'key' was used, huh?"
A mysterious person whispered across the multiverse.
"Well, means that I don't have to deal with that problem."
It was 'All the Neutral of the Multiverse', or simply called Neutral.
"I have more important things to do that sealing away some random remnant of HATE."
After crushing the crystal on the remnant Chara found herself inside some weird black space. It wasn't the void, that was sure, the void felt different. Suddenly she heard a voice.
"Hey, so you finally used the 'key' I gave alongside your soul to return here. Don't worry, you'll return back wherever you came from and time doesn't pass in this place here, so you don't have to worry for returning 1000 years into the future or anything."
Chara sighed as she heard that voice. It kind of pissed her off.
"Yeah, yea, Neutral, I don't really care about that. But it's my business, so I'll deal with it. Say to your brother Good that I said 'Hi', alright?"
"Well, glad we are on the same page. It was nice to see you again, bye!"
And with that, the goddess that was in charge of the neutral timelines disappeared. The Underverse really had a special administration.
She walked inside this black void for a while, until finally the horizon decided to split sky and ground into two parts.
Well, the ground was black, and the sky was red, so it still wasn't really pleasant.
But she knew what's going on, 'they' were going to appear, weren't they?
Various kinds of laughter came from around her. Some of them felt ominous, some felt innocent, some were creepy, but she knew one thing even though each laughter was different as night and day.
It was HER laughter. It was her voice that was laughing. Chara just smiled at that, what a boring method to scare someone!
She just puller her hood down and started to glare at her surroundings, pointing a knife at it.
"Your children's game don't scare me! Just came at me directly if you really want to stop me!"
Suddenly the dark ground under her started churning.
"Or are you too scared to face me, because you know you stand no chance?"
The ground erupted under her, revealing an endless abyss, an endless abyss of her images. Each of them looked similar like her, each of them was similar like her, but what is most important is that each of them is only a HATE demon.
She is going to crush them.
(Megalo Strike Back, Symphonic Battle Cover by Falkkone,
She dived head down first into the never-ending masses of her images.
She was excited, ecstatic, some could even have called her insane, but she didn't care, she just knew what she had to do, each inch of her body was twitching in excitement, diving head down first into these masses.
A strange foreboding would have come for any other person, anyone else would have been scared shitless by now, but not her and there was simple reason for that, it was because she already knew what to expect.
It was just her hate, her hate trying to dominate her, what a tasteless joke for her. She found it funny, she was going to show who is boss.
The moment she landed on the ground her images swarmed her like locusts, surrounding her the moment she was in sight, already attacking her with their knives.
But Chara didn't care, she just slashed her knife wildly around her, destroying each image that even dared to get near her.
Chara let loose, the swarms of HATE demons flooding towards her, potentially surpassing the amount she could kill in a second, but that was still no reason for her to be scared.
She was just about to get serious, her eyes starting to gleam dangerously, she was going at it, mercilessly, efficiently, brutally.
Her knife gradually got redder and redder, until it's red light was almost as blinding as the sun.
She didn't need any flashy names for her attacks, she never was the kind of person who did that, it was about practically for her, or you know, not being chuuni as fuck.
But of course, that large-scale attack wasn't enough to keep the demons away from her, they were enough to cover all the horizon, if looked down upon high up in the air, after all.
Chara smiled excitedly. She still was way far from being out of her wits. She summoned 16 of her normal red knives and threw them to the ground.
On each location where she threw a knife down a giant red pillar appeared, erasing hundreds upon hundreds of these things in their radius.
But of course, that still wasn't enough, a bunch of them started stacking up on themself, trying to reach for her high up in the sky.
Chara just laughed at that action. She summoned 20 of her knives, suddenly they grouped up in group of tens and started spinning really fast.
She threw that down, mowing through things down like a sharp blade would through flesh, after a second they returned to her and she caught her knew blades.
Two giant blades that kind of reminded one of large kitchen knives, the only difference was that they were serrated like bread knifes. (Just imagine Ichigo's giant blade from Bleach in its Shikai form, just serrated)
"Oh baby, let's go!"
She crashed down into the masses again, destroying these things like a good, oiled destruction machine, she was the eye of the maelstrom she created and everything on its borders got shredded.
At the end of her spin, she had ten of these 'level 2' knifes again.
"Guys, I am bored, let's end this."
Everything stood silent as she said this, what did she just say, she's bored? These images started trembling as they heard that, they couldn't believe how much down they were looked upon. They felt insulted, even though they just materialized.
As if agreed upon, each HATE demon started storming her in a spherical formation. She truly was now surrounded by them by all sides, well for what counted the third dimension.
Chara started making her blades spin again, creating an hourglass formed tornado that obliterated everything above and below her.
"Well, this will be then end, survive level 3."
She gave everyone a wink before these ten weapons finally fused, an explosion came after the fusion of these, erasing each thing that tried to surround her in a perfect circle.
She grabbed that new blade and blew on it as if it's hot.
"This thing will end this."
She held a weirdly shaped weapon, it looked like it consisted only of handle, only the sharp side of the blade was visible through it, there was also a little back sphere that floated around that blade.
With this attack she will erase that space, but once she remembered the process of that attack, she had to blush.
Normally it was all about practicality with her, but at a certain level of power even she couldn't resist naming her attack.
With that she meant she needed a chant to activate it's destruction.
Chara blushed, she was getting pulled along the pace of Frisk and her brother, it was embarrassing, but still, she had to admit that attacks where you need a chant are quite strong.
"This is the end!"
She lifted her blade up, already creating a canyon just through that move.
"All creations end is here!"
The blade started to hum an ominous tone, shaking the very foundation of each living thing.
"By my blade everything shall fall!"
Even something primal as HATE demons were shaken by the nature of this attack.
"I am the angel that foretold destruction!"
This attack had the ability to pierce through everything of creation.
"So, I am here to deliver it!"
Chara slowly breathed in once, while closing her eyes. This amount of power, it was a long time ago since she could use so much, it was probably because of Neutrals key she was able to use this. She smiled, letting loose this much was fun. Though the end was a bit embarrassing...
She released that devastating attack, erasing this eldritch landscape she was in completely from existence.
The only thing left after that devastating attack was true emptiness.
Not the void, the anti-void, or anything like that, just something that is the very concept of 'emptiness'.
Some people would have also called this 'enlightenment', but Chara...
...didn't really care about that notion, they could do and think what they want.
So, she walked here in this empty landscape, aimlessly searching for a certain place until she finally found it.
A little cozy house, a house that awoke many happy, but also sad memories. It was a house that let her feel a deep-rooted nostalgia, it was something she was really attached to in her last life.
It was the house that she called her home, to be more specific, the place she lived in with Frisk.
They did all kinds of things in there, from getting frisky with each other, up to holding meetings about saving the world. Yes, this was an important place for her.
She entered it, meeting...
...her, herself. To be more specific, an adult version of her, cooking, smiling, being happy, waiting for their beloved one. Seeing this just churned on her heart.
She called out. She, her adult self, looked at her, being surprised at the sight.
"Oh my, I didn't expect to have guests in this time and place, please come inside, I am still preparing lunch for my wife!"
Chara almost had to choke as she saw this. It just hurt.
"Your wife?"
"Yes, my wife. Are you surprised? I just swing that way after all. I just love her with all my being!"
Hearing just hurt Chara so much.
"Well, where is she currently? It's a holiday today, so there shouldn't really be a reason why she shouldn't be home yet!"
Her adult-self looked sadly to the ground, as if she still were waiting for her loved one to return, even though they were probably decades away from home already.
"Well, she is a very busy woman, so she isn't home often, but her job is very important after all! Ambassador of the earth! You probably must have heard of her. I am proud being her wife, well but of course I still feel lonely after all. But I always will wait for her, I am a loyal and faithful wife after all!"
Chara was about to vomit, so painful was this. This was her, a part of her that survived the total annihilation of her universe, a her that was still faithfully for her beloved to return.
"Well, you are faithful, but how do you know that she is faithful?"
For a moment her adult self, had a very scary expression, but it disappeared as fast as it came.
"Well, I shouldn't be angry at you for such a question, after all things like this happen way too often. But I know that she didn't, we are soulmates after all. True soulmates even, not like all these whimsical couples call themself all the time, and..."
She licked her lips as she said these words.
"I wouldn't even mind if she brought home another person she calls lover, we have similar tastes as true soulmates after all, so as long as we two can share under each other I'll be happy."
Chara felt a short shiver down her spine after her adult self said that. Yeah, that was a true soulmate after all, they were even at stage 3, so that reaction wasn't even that surprising.
Stage 1 meant that two souls were connected to each other by the red string of fate.
Stage 2 was an entire red rope.
Stage 3 was a damn chain that connected their souls.
Stage 4 would be if their souls fused together and truly are one.
On stage one you would already be a true soulmate, but them being on stage three was a whole other thing.
Chara was sad, she now understood who was in front of her. In front of her was that very chain that connected them together, this was their soul chain that connected them, even when they were universes apart, just seeing this made Chara sad, after all she would have been doomed to wait all eternity for her beloved to return.
"It's time to stop."
Her other self stopped whatever they were doing.
"It's time to stop. Your beloved won't return."
She dropped the pot of food she was holding in her hands, dropping the food on the ground, creating a mess.
"This is all a lie you created yourself. Your beloved is DEAD, and they will never return."
She dropped on the ground, kneeling on it, clutching her head.
"It's over, you don't have a reason to exist anymore."
Her adult-self looked up from the ground, tears flowing down her face, looking hurt, agitated, angry, all kinds of feelings you would feel during denial.
All furniture flew towards her with a pointy end, trying to remove her, it stopped right before her.
Her adult-self stared in horror as she finally realized who she is talking to. The moment she realized she broke into tears and started crying.
It hurt. It really did. Chara tried her best to hold her tears in, but at the end some still flowed down her cheeks.
Frisk was dead and there was nothing she could do about this anymore. She was reincarnated into another universe as a completely new person, with no traces, but the remnants of her broken soul forming her new soul.
She will never see her again, huh?
Chara returned at the exact same time she left the Boku no Hero Academia universe. Nothing really changed, only herself a little bit after talking with another aspect of herself.
She was deep in thought, before she suddenly started smiling again, she was proud of what she did just now, and nothing could ruin this moment for her.
She helped her other self to stop waiting for eternity for Frisk and was living a new life in a new universe with new rules.
If she talked about a new start, a better one wouldn't really be possible. Considering that she lost all ties to her old universe.
She breathed the air of this universe again and started thinking about the things she experienced here, she also started thinking about the people she conversed with and couldn't help but to start getting excited.
Chara smiled and walked to the candy store she was basically a regular by now and bought a bar of chocolate.
She smiled and thought about her old self.
After each ending is a new beginning and another dawn was slowly but surely creeping in while Chara did her routine in this universe...
...and this will be the dawn of another story.