Well, despite everything, Akane easily absorbed her magic circuits in the end, depite all the pain she had to go through to reshape parts of her body. The worst wasn't the part about absorbing the soul essence to forcefully create two magic circuits, the worst was staying conscious and thinking about where she would place them in her body.
Trying to think about a location in your body and maintaining that image while you are in constant pain is pretty difficult.
At the end she decided to link one circuit to her eyes and another one to her hands, she decided to not link each of them to her eyes, because she wanted to be able to actually use magic, without completely annihilating her nerves.
"Well, what a surprise. You gained some magic circuits. Congratulations, partner. The count is still way too low for you to enter your soulcore, but we have to make do with what we have, isn't that so?"
Hearing this snarky voice both the girls were surprised and turned around. Well, of course it was Chara, who else was supposed to be awake here?
"Chara, you finally found your way here?"
"Well, more like this place found it's way to me. I didn't expect for Red to be the first one to wake up though. Nice to have you on the team."
"How often do I have to tell you that you should stop calling me by my surname?!"
"Don't know, as long as you remind me of Little Red Riding Hood, I'll continue to call you like that."
"You humans and your stupid fairy tales! I never heard of that. The only fairy tale I know my look is based off is the one of Little Red Slicing Hood. The tale of the little courageous canine girl, that managed to defeat the big bad human with the help off her friends!"
Akane and Chara looked at Scarlet with confused eyes, they remembered that story different, to be specific with the roles reversed.
"Huh, the cultural gap is big."
"I think it might have come in order, because Monsters and Humans made each other look like the bad guys and so their fairy tales might have been influenced in that way. Sigh, how pathetic. At the end of the day, the winning side would always make themselves look good, while ruining the side of the loser as much as possible. Would have Hitler won in World War II, Germany would be the coolest, most righteous country, alongside the countries that were in the axis power with Germany, while the allied forces would be the biggest assholes imaginable in the history books."
"Chara! We aren't supoosed to talk about actual history in this FanFiction!"
"Oh, sorry, I completely forgot about that!"
"Shouldn't you wake up by now?"
After that strange incident that happened that I will literally never mention again, Akane finally started to awake from her deep slumber.
She was still disorientated from the events that tanspired in her soul, so her ears still weren't fully functioning.
Especially since she quite separated her soul from her body a bit she needed to synchronize with it again, resulting in a rather bad awakening for her.
Her ears were ringing a concert together for her, giving her massive pain, and that wasn't the only sense that was acting up.
Her sense of touch was numb, yet oversensitive to everything, her sense of smell was registering all kinds of aromas from the room, her sense of taste was kind of in control, but the air still pricked all over it and even her sight, even though she didn't have it, acted a bit up.
For a moment she didn't know what to feel, but after a while it finally decided to set down bit by bit, for any normal human they would have fallen unconscious again, but Akane had enough with staying asleep so she just didn't.
So she just chose to lie on the hospital bed, waiting for this to finally settle down.
After a long while her senses finally started to return to normal, well almost. Her eyes flared up once again, before it finally ended.
For real this time.
She closed and opened her eyes after that short flare happened and noticed how she actually saw something for the first time, not as an image of her inner world, remembered from her last life, but as an image created by observation of the world outside.
She also saw with Charas eyes sometimes, but it was just like the stars she observed in that room. A distant image, that was allowed to be shared with her.
Being able to see with her own eyes, not having to rely on the senses of others to see, it fullfilled her with a sense of satisfaction.
Overwhelmed with feelings Akane started to silently sob.
She could see and she was very, very, very happy with it. She was so happy that I have no choice but to ruin this scene, because it is impossible to describe it with few words how happy she is.
"Whoah, partner. I know that you couldn't actively see much since your birth, but is it really a matter to cry about?"
"You look even more beautiful now that I can see everything!"
Hearing this Chara had no choice but to blush. Why did she just had to have the same aura as her? No, it was stronger, simply because her eyes were more beautiful than Frisks. But that still didn't change the fact that she still had to take care of her, like a big sister had to do with her little sister.
"There, there. I understand that you are happy, but your eyes are using up more essence than your circuits can provide, you better close your eyes again, before they start overheating and crack again, just like the first time you used them."
Akane nodded as she heard that. Chara was right, she just gained the ability to use her eyes without extensive pain, she could continue using her eyes in peace, so why be greedy and destroy everything again by using too much too fast?
"You are right, but being able to observe everything, not being in pain and taking every detail in, not forgetting this is all mine. It's just so beautiful, Chara."
Chara chuckled, in front of her wasn't the usual tense girl in thought, thinking about every possible step. In front of her was just the simple girl again, appreciating the little things she got to achieve.
It just warmed her heart, seeing Akane like that.
"Yeah. It's beautiful, but you should rest a bit. For real this time, no diving into your soul! You have a lot to explain to your family and friends tomorrow, especially Fumio won't take things easy."
With that Chara closed Akanes eyes and the girl fell into a peaceful sleep.
Sadly this all was just the calm before the storm.
"I'll take you out of UA High School."
Akane 'blinked' and 'opened' her eyes in surprise. (Despite having sight, they will still stay closed most of the time)
For a moment she couldn't believe what she just heard now.
Taking her out of UA? Why the hell would anyone take their child out of one of the most prestigious schools ever?
"Oh, I worded that a bit wrong."
Hering this, Akane was relieved. She was worried that her mother lost her mind after what happened to her.
"I am taking you out of the Hero Department of UA and let you transfer down to the the Department of General Education, class 1-C."
Well, this sounded a lot better than the last thing she said, but that still didn't stopped Akanes absolute confusion here.
"Sigh, is that really so difficult to understand for you why I am doing this?"
Akane nodded, all of this was just so over her head, she just couldn't put the situation she was in around her head. It was just so confusing to her.
Seeing this Fumio just shook her head? That girl was a genius, that was the least thing that you had to describe hat girl with, but still, how can she be so dense about situation concerning her health?
This morning she almost died once again! It was abnormal how aften this girl was in a near death situation since the 15 years she had been alive, this was the fifth time now. She was fed up with this.
She was fed up seeing Akane almost dying, she was fed up seeing these white walls, she was fed up with all the scars that appeared on her daughters body day after day.
She was just fed up with all of this and she didn't want to see her daughter here anymore, forever.
Being a hero would only be counterproductive in that goal, as a hero she would end up in hospital again and again, especially her. As a hero she wouldn't yield no matter what, until she stood on top, victorious, even at the cost of her life, high probability to land in hospital again, or even dying. As a hero she would follow the ideal she envisioned as a hero, which involved sacrificing oneself for the sake of the masses.
No, no and no. She didn't want anything of that happen to her daughter. She just wanted to see her happy, she just wanted to see her smile, she just wanted her to shine brightly, she just wanted for her to grow up normally, smile like a a normal girl, be happy about normal things like everyone else.
Just how she was most of the time in junior high.
"Akane, I am fed up with your daily escapades, I am done seeing you in a state such like this. I can deal with you getting into trouble, a can deal with the legal troubles that sometimes come to haunt you, I can deal seeing you have a a couple of scrape wounds on your body, I can even deal with teh stubbornness you sometimes present to me, but here is the point where I draw the line today. I am taking you out of the Hero Department. Your opinion doesn't matter here, I just informed you about it."
Hearing this Akane was still confused. So what? She understood that her mother didn't want to see her being hurt, she understood that her activities involved a lot of self-harm, she understood that her mother was worried, but she didn't understand what this all had to do with her transfer in UA.
"I understand that you don't want me to bein pain anymore, but what does this have to do with UA?"
"This has everything to do with UA!"
Fumios slammed her fist against the wall as she said that, Akane was surprised by the sudden outburst of her mother, she never saw her so angry with her, she seemed like a completely different person.
Seeing her mother like this, Akane was a bit taken aback. She felt so many conflicting emotions in her mother right now, from anger to worry to sadness, there were so many strong feelings inside of her.
"No, I won't leave the Hero Department just like that if you don't tell me the reason!"
"Tch, are you kidding me? Isn't it more than obvious why I want you to leave the Hero Department?"
"No! No, it isn't. At all! I can't make the damn connection why you suddenly want me to leave the Hero Department, just because I fell unconscious after vomitting up some blood!"
"It astounds me for one part that you can't make that damn connection, but that isn't the only reason why I want you to leave!"
"Then tell me!"
"Even if I told you, you would adamantly refuse to cooperate with my actions, won't you?"
"Of course I would! You know me well enough that you understand that I can't give up on this!"
"And that's why I am going to do this even without your consent! As you legal guardian I can pull you out of anything, as long as I have prove that it's harmful for your health."
"Can you?"
"I don't know, want to test it out?"
That was the first big argument between the mother-daughter pair and it won't end anytime soon.
I suddenly woke up from my pleasant sleep.
As if a nightmare just overtook me, my heartbeat suddenly raised and I sat up in my bed, sweat drenched.
Weird, things like this shouldn't happen to me, at least not with the relaxing life I gave myself in this world.
I slowly breathed in and out to calm down again.
Something felt...
It felt as if a timeline that is not yet supposed to be shown temporarily overwrote reality as it was supposed to be.
As slowly my sight cleared in front of me, I started to see cracks in reality, I blinked in disbelieve.
I rubbed my eyes before putting my glasses back on and things were normal again.
"Well, things like that would be creepier if I wasn't short sighted."
I stretched, before standing up and looking at the clock, I sighed.
It was time to wake up. Preparing myself, I finished my morning routine to go to work.
I stepped out of the house, but did not forget to hold my nose, after all I was living in a place that Akane and Chara would compare to slums.
It was the poorer districts in Musutafu.
Why I lived here?
Well, for one reason, the rents were cheap as hell, second reason was that Nezu would last expect me to live here, third reason was that the narrow alleyways make it difficult to follow my miniscule presence and fourth reason was because this place was very sealed off from everywhere.
No, seriously. There is a bounded field around my flat that would make every normal person go a big arc around my house.
Why a bounded field was here? I said so.
Anyways, stepping onto the streets I noticed something. It looked a bit different.
Like, the rotting buildings seemed to be less rotten?
I was sure I noticed a change around here, I mean I lived here for some time.
"Kayleigh, wait! Let me go with you."
Suddenly I saw two children walk past me, a boy and a girl about the age of 6.
Seeing these two walk past me, I suddenly felt a flash, go through my head, a very painful one.
Then I noticed it, I looked at a newspaper in the trash. It was rather fresh, which implied that this was todays issue of the newspaper.
I looked at the date.
"The frisk? Why the heck am I in the past?!"
Turns out Hisho found herself in the past, thanks to her quirk.