Magic Research

"Damn it Nezu! No director in the entire country, no, in the entire world goes this early to his workplace! Why the hell do you arrive so early and more importantly, make me work the same time as you!"

The director just chuckled at the antics of her secretary. He never asked for her to do that, she came earlier than him to his office out of her own volution.

"Well, with a capable secretary such as you, why not come early?"

Nezu got the biggest glare imaginable after he said that to his secretary. It was visible how much she didn't enjoy comments like that.

"Now, now calm down. That was just a little joke."

Hisho just scoffed hearing this. Well if she was honest, she was just exaggerating with the reaction,.

She was a morning person and when she had her necessary six hours of sleep, she wouldn't mind waking up early, but she didn't like it when someone was observing her when she working, that's why she came early to her workplace as a secretary.

"Tch, that much was obvious."

With that, silence ensured in the office again, with Nezu still observing his secretary.

If he was honest, she was a big mystery from him. Mainly her quirk, she didn't have a background, because all of her close relatives are dead, she didn't have any connections because she grew up in a laboratory and she wasn't that knowledgable, considering that she stopped her education after she graduated from high school, in terms of influence, she was honestly nothing, just an ordinary person on the street.

But because she was so unsociable she, as an individual was so mysterious for him. He didn't know what she did in her free-time, he didn't really know where her living location is and he didn't really know much about her, besides her name, age, (obviously) occupation and quirk.

And even then he wasn't 100% sure if the information he got about her was accurate.

Suddenly he felt how he had a pair of eyes pointed at him.

"Enjoying what you see?"

Nezu got a shiver down his spine as she said that, she was just looking at him with eyes that showed visible disgust.

Slowly, sweat started to form on his forehead. That was one reason why he couldn't send any men to spy on her. Her intense self-awareness when someone was looking at her, paired with her insane luck made it difficult for anyone to stay undiscovered when trailing her.

He slowly wondered what he should say to her, then all of a sudden a knock on the door could be heard.

She stopped glaring at him and opened the door to check who it was, when suddenly Nezu could hear an exclamation of surprise from her.

"Oh, special seat Seigi Akane! What is the reason you want to search out the headmaster?"

Nezu could just hear some silent whispering on the other side of the door, after a moment of whispering Hisho peeked back in.

"Of course, we waited for you to come to talk about that with us, since Aizawa gave a report about that. Wait a minute, I must first ask the headmaster if he has the time for an appointment right now, he is a busy man as the director of the prestigious UA."

Hisho just tilted her head back into the office, having a smug grin on her face that just told him 'you don't have anything to do anyways this early in the morning, you lazy rat of a man, I'll do all the work in the morning, so you might as well hear a students trouble out, right?'

Just the way Hisho managed to pull her face to convey all of that made him die inside.

He just sighed and gestured to his secretary that she should let the girl in, she was someone who earned a special seat into UA, it was only natural for him, someone that wanted to bring the potential of students out, to hear her out and help her with her problems.

It would be a waste of her talent if she stagnated in her development, because of a little problem.


Akane was nervous, very nervous.

She was about to disclose the secret of magic to the headmaster of UA.

She was nervous, nervous about thinking if he would believe the things she will tell him. Nervous if he would take the risk in investing this unknown force.

Sweat started to form on her head about thinking what she could say to convince him, but nothing came to her mind that could possibly work.

"Hey, Scarlet, Chara. Can you think of anything that might convince him?"

Silence, then an answer from Chara.

"Think that turning into me might convince him?"

Akane was surprised by Charas suggestion, to think that she would volunteer to do something like that.

"Chara, you know we can't do this. You are currently a searched criminal, what do you think would happen if we do that?"

Just a chuckle came back as a response.

"Well, we don't have anything else we could show though, you might not realize, but the menu isn't visible to others and the astral body projections can only be seen by people that meddle with the supernatural of the world of magic, so you don't have any more proof than what you already showed."

Taken aback by the serious answer, Akane just had to sigh. So she didn't have anymore things to show as prove.

"I really don't have any more?"

This time Scarlet decided to answer.

"Are you still not confident? I mean, look at this damn file you decided to compile since you discovered your magic. It's a damn field research paper, if there was more tangible, definitive proof of magic in this world, this could be counted as your damn doctoral thesis to apply for the doctor in the field of magickology. You don't have anymore proof to present, that could make you more believable, simply because you are the first and only one that awakened magic in this damn foresaken world! Now stop hesitating and present the things you have!"

With her anger, Scarlet managed to take over Akanes body for a second to knock on the door, surprising her and making her panic a little bit.

Before Akane had anymore time to get more flustered, the door was already opened and the head of a certain secretary peeked through.

"Oh, special seat Seigi Akane! What is the reason you want to search out the headmaster?"

Was what she said, as if she already knew that the girl would appear here, as if she knew that it would be her that would ask for help in this exact moment.

Akane had the feeling that the person could look through all of her, through all of her secrets, anxieties, her past life, it felt like all of her was laid bare in front of this person.

"Hey, look. I am surprised how you are still up and active with what happened yesterday, but it's obvious that you are still sick with how pale you are. Are you sure that you don't want to rest at home for one more day?"

Then suddenly all of these feelings disappeared, as if they were just and illusion.

"Chara, Scarlet, you two also felt that, right?"

""Felt what?""

Getting that answer, Akane was very surprised. Normally these two should get similar signals as her relayed to them, considering that they reside in her soul, but the fact that they didn't get the same signal as her could only mean one thing.

These emotions weren't coming from her soul, but were just coming from her mind due to how much panic she made herself.

She chuckled mentally, if she made herself panic so much that her mind was playing tricks on her, she seriously needed to calm down.


Akane fliched as she heard that noise, she was too long in thought again during a conversation, she should seriously stop doing that.

Now grasping the resolve that there was no going back, Akane decided to be direct with this convrsation.

"I came here to talk about magic!"

Hearing this the secretary was surprised hearing this, switching from an annoyed expression to one of excitement for a split second.

"Of course, we waited for you to come to talk about that with us, since Aizawa gave a report about that. Wait a minute, I must first ask the headmaster if he has the time for an appointment right now, he is a busy man as the director of the prestigious UA."

After saying that she leaned her head back inside the room, opening the door of the room just one moment later.

"Have a seat, Seigi. We have much to talk about."

Akane nodded at the words of the headmaster of UA, they were indeed going to have to talk a lot, especially with the breakthrough technology is going to have after the discovery of magic.


After one intense discussion about the existence of magic and just managing to cover the basics about it, Nezu started to tremble.

The advances civilization could make, the potential this field of research could possibly have, the hope it could give to all the young people that gave up on being hero because their quirk was weak.

All of that, just as long as this magic was true.

Of course there could be the same discriminatory problems there are with quirks, considering the nature of souls and what aspect they represent in a human.

Just as humans weren't born with equal opportunities and chances in body and mind, the same thing could apply to the soul, thinking about the fact that a soul is linked with a trait.

Who says that the traits would all have the same strength, the same potential. Who says that the government wouldn't start hunting people down because of them, considering that the traits are similar to the emotional standpoint of people.

If Determination, Bravery, Justice, Kindness, Patience, Integrity and Perserverance were traits and the combination of them is Unity, what would be against the existence of traits like Fear, Cowardice, Despair, Hate and many more of them?

Well, there would be a big difference between magic and quirk though. The effort you need to put in to gain it.

People are almost guaranteed to get a quirk once they are born, because quirks are linked to their genetic code and so everyone had them. Magic on the other hand asks, despite the fact that you are born with your soul, for the requirement that you awake your true soul, making it hard to gain magic in comparison to a quirk that you are almost guaranteed to get at the age of four.

But as things stand now, there were currently two gigantic problems about magic.

The first one being the fact that he didn't have enough information about it. He didn't know enough about it to possibly think about the ways on how it could influence societies growth in the future.

Even with this extensive research paper the girl created with experimenting on herself, he just didn't have anywhere near enough information to draw anykind of conclusion about it.

And the second reason was even more problematic than the lack of knowledge.

The quality of what stood on paper was enough to convince him on the existence of magic, but there was just this quantity problem, the lack of research and the lack of evidence was just way to big of a problem to ignore.

There was just one person that apparently awoke magic, with just one person, how are they supposed to prove it? With just one person, how can they go against the accusation that this was just another quirk with some weird energy?

Nezu sighed.

"Seigi. I know you know what the problem about all of this is, right?"

Hearing this, the student just bit her lip. Yes, she obviously knew.

"We just don't have enough to prove this theory of mine, don't we?"

Satisfied, knowing that she knew, Nezu nodded. That was indeed correct.

"Exactly, with how much we know, we basically know nothing. Don't misunderstand, the papers and the thesis you wrote are excellent, but the problem is simply the lack of tangible proof. Especially since you are currently the only person in the world that managed to awaken their soul and their magic. There is just so much I can do and if you stay the only person there is absolutely nothing we can do about it to help you!"

Silence spread throughout the room after that was said, but it wasn't uncomfortable silence, it was the silence of a group trying their best to come up with a solution.

"So, all we need is a second person that awakes their soul, don't we?"

"Exactly! But how do you imagine that process? I mean, with what you've all done it doesn't seem easy to awake a persons true soul."

"Honestly, it's different from person. The conditions to awake your soul are just as unique as all the personalities that are on the world. Surely their are some that are easier to fullfil and some that are more difficult, but the fact that I am the only one in 4000 years of human history to awake their soul, that every human inherently has, just shows how much of a complicated process this is, if you don't exactly aim at that goal."

"Exactly. So, what did particularly stood out to you with awakening your magic?"

Akane had to think about that for a moment, before answering.

"Honestly, that weird empty space I entered in a young age once. I just later discovered that this was my soul realm. So if we want to start somewhere, that might be the best way to make progress. Now all that is missing would be a volunteer."

"Right, the soul realm. Honestly this is still to abstract to start anything."

"I figured."

Silence started once again with the people in the room wrecking their brain to come up with a solution.

When all of a sudden reality suddenly started flickering between black and reality. Akane was surprised as she noticed that.

"I wasn't the only one that had the feeling that reality seemed to slip their grasp, right?"

Was what Nezu said. After he said that, the flickering started again, until it finally stopped at black.

Akane tried to find the source of the person that activated a 'soul field' and noticed, how over the hand of the secretary was a grey heart floating.

"Hisho, did you just came up with the solution of our problems?"

"It depends, director?"

Hisho now looked towards Akane.

"Is this the soul you talked about?"


Meanwhile, right before the school:

"What kind of lessons does All Might teach?"

"How is it to attend school with Seigi Akane?"

"Lend us some of your thoughts on what it was like to have the 'Symbol of Peace' standing before you at the podium of education?"

"What is your opinion on having the 'Goddess of Music' sitting next to you in this educational institution?"

"What do you think of All Might's turn as a teacher?"

"What are your thoughts on the fact that a quirkless person managed to get into UA as a quirkless?"

"What do you think of All Might?"

"What do you think of the idol, Seigi Akane? Is she really quirkless?"

"Give us some insight..."

Right in front of the gates of UA, every person that seemed to decide to pass through it, got immediately bombarded with the fervent questions of the reporters.

Normally this would happen every year, but this time there were two special occurrences that just seemed to increase the usual amount of reporters five-fold.

The fact that the number one hero is a teacher this year and the fact that a seemingless quirkless person managed to get into this prestigious school and not just any department the school offered, but as a special seat into the hero-department.

Of course that made the all the newsreporter excited, hoping to get on the front-page with their article.


It even got so intense that Present Mic had to interfere, before it could get any worse.

After he made his loud announcement the UA Barrier closed.

"Thanks Yamada, these reporters just started to get primal once the news got leaked, they just overran me with their numbers."

Meanwhile Aizawa was just lying on the floor of the entrance, wrapped in his sleeping bag.

"No problemo friend. It could be considered a miracle that Nezu managed to keep the idols entrance into UA a secret for so long. I mean it has been a couple of weeks since she passed the UA Recommendation Entrance Exam and overshot by so much the UA Entrance Exam. Keeping THAT a secret for a couple of days AFTER the start of the first school day is just an achievment."

Aizawa stood up and started dusting his sleeping bag off.

"Don't be too happy about that. With the news of the number one hero and idol crossing over now and the fact that this is the first day they heard about it, makes me think that things might get worse from today on, for a couple of weeks."

The mood immediately died down between them.

"You can't be serious Shota!"

He just got a shit eating grin on his face.

"With the fact that Nezu decided to also hide Toshinoris entering as a teacher into UA along with that, the probability of that happening is high!"

Hearing this prospect, Hizashi felt a shiver run down his spine.

He could already feel his hoarse voice for having to shout so much during the next days.