From my home to yours

Ko'Loss stood outside his home early in the morning. The longer he stayed in his clay body the more he felt disconnected from his own humanity. One thing that stuck with him was his love of the sunrise.

The sun was coming over the edge of the wall and shooting rays of bright amber light into the city. The shadow of the wall was slowly walking backward across the ground and headed to the wall. The sight still brought up feelings of awe and wonder each time. He understood the dynamics of why it was a ball of flame somewhere beyond their humble world.

But that didn't change the feeling he got when he saw it. As a golem, he was able to see more than humans saw. His vision included colors that human eyes missed. It was like being able to see everything every animal was able to see. Colors, heat, motion, rays of light that were invisible, all of them were picked up by his eyes. He had learned to filter them out with time so this sunrise was even more amazing.

The Oracle walked up beside him in the form of the old woman it had used with Ed on his first visit.

"Moment of nostalgia?" It asked with its hands behind their back.

Ko'Loss did what passed for a nod. "It is a reminder that I used to be human. The last human emotion I feel strongly."

"That's not true. You felt pride when the group took off with the codex. You felt wonder at their willingness to run into danger."

Ko'Loss took in a breath. He really didn't move in any air but the human part of his golem soul still held onto that internal action. His body hummed with a noise like the wind. He turned his face and looked down at The Oracle. "You are right, I am not a machine, but I am not human either. I have the best of both worlds. I worry I am running out of time in this old clay frame."

The Oracle tapped a finger into the palm of her hand. "Time catches up to us all. Even me old friend. I am afraid we are both in the same boat that way. We rely on this young man."

They stood looking at the sunrise and enjoying its pass over the city. Inside the house was starting to stir to life as Priya walked into the dining area wearing her work clothes.

The butlers and maids met her in the dining room and pulled out a chair. They served her breakfast and morning tea. Since everyone else had left they only had her to serve. This meant that she had received amazing service.

Ko'Loss even made sure that she was not alone and several golems went with her whenever she traveled so that she would not be alone. Ko'Loss had chuckled when he called them her court. She had wanted to complain about the royal treatment, but instead, she smiled and accepted it. She wouldn't have many chances like this in life to enjoy.

When breakfast was done she washed her face and hands and made her way to the carriage that would take her into town. She had dismissed her court of golems and accepted the company of one plainly dressed guard. The guard was a new creation. It was a simple golem that would only act if requested. It followed simple commands like a trained dog. Otherwise, it stood 6 feet away from its master at any time and avoided human contact. Its plain body was simple and a shiny new brass plaque stood on its chest. The only signs of its brand new creation.

Ko'Loss was just coming into the house when Priya walked into the entryway. "Oh, you finished your morning constitutional?" She smiled and looked up at what made his face.

"Yes, it was beautiful as ever," he put his hand on the as he closed it. "Is it time for you to depart for work?"

"It is, I just wanted to say good morning before I leave. I am leaving the court with me and taking the guard. I will be back later this evening per normal. Do I need to have anything sent to the house?" This had become their normal chatter in the time since the others had left. It was less than a month but a warm household routine set in during the wait.

"Check with the head butler. He will provide a list and any currency needed. Have a safe day at work." He tried to fill his voice with warmth. It just made it sound sort of creepy as he tried. His normal hollow voice just couldn't match what he wanted.

Priya nodded and waved at him before she turned around and headed out of the house through the back. She smiled and waved at the goblins and golems that were furiously working in the kitchen The head butler adjusted his monocle and passed a small list of supplies to Priya as she headed out the door.

On the trip to the job she quietly thought about her life here. She wondered what life was like back home. Not long ago the letters from her family had finally shown up. Sadly the others had already left. She would have loved to show them off to Ed. He was the only one who had actually ever met these people.

Would her mother and father ever adjust to life in a city like this? She could easily imagine the twins taking up jobs running around the city. Her brother would have become an artisan with the family guild and his leatherwork would be second to none.

When she pulled up to work she noticed that almost everyone was standing outside the large double doors that opened up into the inside of the warehouse. She got out of the carriage and it drove itself around to the side with the other carriages. The first time it had done this the other horses spooked at the carriage that moved without horses. Finally, after a few days, they had become used to the device. Although strangers still jumped away from the thing. Anyone who hadn't seen it before stared at its simple elegance and wondered if it was cursed.

When she made it to the crowd she shoved her way to the front, saying excuse me and pardon me to every elbow and side she came in contact with.

"What on earth is going on?" She said to herself.

From her side, she heard the voice of the freight master. He was an older dwarvish gentleman who monitored everything coming in and out and documented its location. He was past the prime of heavy labor, but he was good at keeping a track of everything inside the building.

"The mistress is here," He said nodding towards the door. "Lemionaire is inside, she told us to find you. She wants to introduce you to her mother in law."

Priya was confused at why she had to meet her mother in law but she nodded and walked inside the building. The guards got her information and then let her pass. Priya and Lemion had kept in contact since she had come back to town. Maybe this was just friends being friends.

Two guards stood outside the office door and held it open for her as she got near. She passed through the door and gave the guards a nod. They ignored her and kept an eye on the crowd. Priya was surprised at the number of guards but the LeLiss trading company was a large company. This must be how people in power traveled.

Inside the door, soft leather chairs had been pulled in. The normal desk had been pushed against a wall and a table sat in its place. Lemion was sitting across from her mother. An empty chair sat next to Lemion.

"Priya! Right on time. I want you to meet my mother in law." Lemion said as she got up from the chair and grabbed onto Priyas arm. She felt under-dressed for the occasion. Both of the other women wore vibrantly colored dresses that came down past the knee. Coats were laid out on the desk flat to protect the light fur pelt. Normally they didn't show off their wealth but today was apparently special.

"If I had known I would have worn something else." Priya fussed at her plain uniform. She was wearing pants while these women were wearing dresses.

"Don't worry, it was a surprise to me as well. Had I known where you were staying I would have sent a runner." She pulled the chair out for Priya and waited for her to sit down. "But I can't believe that anything lives in the old human district. Are you sure that's where you're at?"

Priya sat down and nodded. "Yes, in the mansion of Ko'Loss, the old mage. I am surprised you haven't heard about his golems walking around town and purchasing things."

Lemion's mother in law spoke up for the first time, "That caused quite the scare. You see golems were outlawed for a while. After the old stories of the mage making himself into a golem, most people didn't want them around. They could have been used for evil if they wanted."

"But Ko'Loss isn't evil!" Priya exclaimed before she could stop herself. She put her hands over her mouth and blushed. "I'm sorry... I don't mean to speak out but he isn't evil. All of his golems are exceptionally helpful."

Lemion's mother in law chuckled to herself under her breath. "I think you get what I meant. Think about the time frame we are talking about. Humans and demi-humans had just finished a huge war. And here comes a human who gave up his body and makes his home here in the south before disappearing? Very suspicious." She put her hands together and sat up straight. It gave an undeniable air of authority.

"Mother, please don't be a know it all." Lemion eyes gave a little scowl to her guest. "Let me introduce you first. Priya, this is my mother in law Lilianne Morasse. She is the matriarch of the LeLiss Trading company."

Priya put her hand out to shake. Lilianne smiled and shook it, "Please to meet the woman who has made friends with my daughter."

"Pleasure is all mine ma'am." Priya nodded at the owner of her employer. "I won't get in trouble with the other workers for having this meeting will I?"

Lemion shook her head. "No, if anyone says anything just say you nearly got fired and go from there. We have something to talk about."

Both of the women nodded. Lilianne took a sip of tea from a cup and stared at Priya. As much as this lady carried herself as a refined woman, in this one moment you could see the cold steel determination in her eyes. She was the head of the company for a reason.

"Lemion tells me that you were sold as a slave and brought here against your will. I am here to escort you back home." Lilianne's matter of fact tone told her that this wasn't up for debate.

"Thank you..." Priya was unsure if she should be flattered or concerned.

"Mother wants to make sure you get home safely. And you have been here working for us long enough to afford several passages back north." Lemion smiled politely.

"Cut the shit Lemion." Lilianne smiled as the abrupt change of tone caught them all off guard. "Your family is a very prominent group of traders and them owing me a favor helps me out. I need to branch out and this will help out in that regard."

Priya changed her tone. This was no longer her friend's mother in law but a business negotiation. "If you wish to discuss trade I can't make agreements but I would be willing to making an opening. Blackmail is the wrong way to do this though."

Lemion lifted an eyebrow but took a sip from her cup. Sharks were circling now and she wanted to see if Priya could hold her own against her razor-toothed mother in law. Her calling his blackmail wasn't exactly accurate but she saw how it could be seen that way.

Lilianne smiled on the inside. This girl may look like a lost young woman but she was sharp. She understood now why Lemion had insisted they meet. "And what kind of arrangement are you suggesting. You know your family well enough to make some kind of suggestion."

Priya ran through ideas in her mind. It had been almost a year since she had been home. She had no idea what the current trading routes looked like. She knew what they had dealt in before and she could make other suggestions. She judged the options that she would have chosen. Now that she knew that LeLiss had footholds in the south and north this gave her options.

What Lilianne wasn't aware of was that Lemion talked with Priya regularly. Anytime she was near the warehouse she would stop in and check on her. Occasionally they would go out for dinner. Lemion thought that her carriage was amazing and found any excuse to ride in it. Priya had listened to her friend to talk about her husband and work. Priya was an excellent listener, that was what had got her into this predicament. She had stopped to listen to a lost-looking young man on the side of the road.

"I am sure that a trade agreement to carry cargo south and sell it at a favorable rate would be a good start. My family goes as far as the border but transfers its trades at Southern Gate. If we had a good partner heading south we could branch out in what we sold. There are plenty of fine wares and goods that could make us both a profit."

"I get plenty of fine wares. I need a foot into other markets." Lilianne looked unimpressed. Inside she was smiling. This young lady had a future as a negotiator. She was thinking of the big picture.

"CunStead is known for its wine and liquor. You can charge a premium for cane liquors and other spirits. Plus we have trade routes to towns out in the country that sell glass, farming tools, and art at bottom dollar. The small towns up north live a much simpler life so we can pay lower rates. They don't have to pay guards and mercenaries like towns in the south." Priya shook her head.

"So what I am paying for is access to small farms and towns that won't trust a large outsider coming in." Lilianne smiled and leaned back in her chair.

"Footwork as you call it." Priya nodded. "You could send salesmen to each small village and hut and argue for ages, but my family has a reputation. And any good relationship is built on trust. Demanding a part of the business will get you nowhere and my family will make sure that your name is blacklisted across the north."