
I awoke to the sound of unyielding television noise. The smell of black coffee engulfed the atmosphere, and I could make out the vague details of an individual sitting across a table from me; on what seems to be a red one-cushion love-seat. I'm currently sprawled out on a black leather sofa, and have no idea where I am. After adjusting my eyes, I can tell that this is not earth because there are no walls at all. Everything is pitch black aside from the furniture, myself, and the strange man staring at me while nonchalantly indulging in a mug of coffee.

Let's recollect my thoughts and figure out how I got here. I remember going to sleep, but it seems like I may have died? I'm not nearly old enough to die in my sleep, but I have no other ideas as to why I might be in such a predicament. Why not just ask the dude? Obviously, it's because this guy is freaking intimidating! He's like three times my small frame with perfectly chiseled pectorals. I feel like I'm staring at the actual manifestation of modern day Hercules. He has slightly long red hair that's pulled back and strangely yellow eyes. He's wearing a regular office worker outfit with a white collar and has black trousers with dress shoes. He's even got a belt and tie. Watching him like this… his hands are enormous compared to the tiny coffee mug that does not seem to ever empty as he continues to drink it with a straight face, in this clearly NOT earth-like area… I'm at a loss. I'm lost. Send help!

Probably sensing my lack of composure, he stops drinking and places his mug down on to the table before taking a pair of reading glasses from his pocket. He placed these on his face, and a sparkle flashed across the lenses so bright that I actually needed to blink. When I opened my eyes, a large set of documents were in his hands and he seemed to be briefly skimming through them. I was flabbergasted. Just who is this guy?!

"Ahem… Now then, I regret to inform you that you have died and are in the process of reincarnation." [Hunky Beefcake]

"Whuh?! I guess I assumed so. What now?" [Nero]

"Moving forward, I have received a list of options that you may choose between for your next life. The options listed are separated into 3 categories. Firstly, the type of world you wish to be moved to. Secondly, the type of race you wish to belong to. Thirdly, any special abilities that you wish to be bestowed with upon arrival. Any choices that you make will help narrow down exactly which world and time period you will be born into." [Hunky Beefcake]

So it's like that, huh? I get to choose my freaking world, race AND special abilities?! This is turning into something like a dream. I'm getting excited over here. Suddenly, a menu screen popped up right in front of my face. This is starting to feel like a game. On the screen, I can see the three categories of features that he mentioned. When looking at it, I noticed that the 'World' section had features which I could check or cross off, and when doing so; the 'Races' section seemed to have dwindling options or more options popping up. I guess different world features can enable and disable different races from being plausible.

With this in mind, I decided to skip the 'World' section and move onto 'Races' and 'Special Abilities'. When I look at the full list of races without narrowing it down at all by the 'World' section, it's almost too much information for me to even handle. Thankfully if I see something interesting, there's an info icon beside the options to let me read about it. While I search, the Hunky Beefcake seems to be happily eating takeout food. I want to slap him, but I'm in way too good of a mood and would rather focus on my freaking reincarnation. Kay? Kay.

The names are all in alphabetical order. I feel like I've spent an hour just skimming over names and I just barely reached the letter 'C' when something caught my eye. I was curious, so I decided to press the info button. What I read baffled me; to think that such an exclusive race would be free for the taking! It was decided. There was no way that I could pass up on this offer! This race came fully equipped with it's own combat style, and exclusive abilities. I'd be a fool to pass up on that! After I selected it, I noticed something strange. The 'World' section became hilariously limited, I was actually incapable of altering a single setting for it after just simply choosing the race. Does this mean that there's only one world where I could possibly be reincarnated into while having this race?

The race I chose was called 'Cat (Halloween)'. It should be pretty obvious why it stuck out to me. Halloween was always my favorite holiday when growing up. Scaring people and getting Candy~ Who wouldn't want that? When I looked into the info section for the race, I learned that the Halloween Cat was a Sub-Class for Witch and Tamer. They can ride Brooms in the sky, and can summon monsters of the Halloween Clan. I don't really understand what that means, but it sounds pretty freaking badass to me. What's more? Halloween Cats can regenerate their MP by eating Candy or taking lives. Trick or treat? Apparently it's kill or treat. The only downside to this god-like race is that it becomes more costly on MP to use tamed monsters during the day time. It's a 12 Hour nerf, and it's probably pretty intense when in actual practice; but I guess it just means that I'll get 12 Hours of sleep everyday. Literally. Every. Day.

I decided to pay it no mind and continued down to the third section: 'Special Abilities'. It seemed that I would be able to choose abilities from a predetermined list, and that each ability I chose would cost points. I started off with 5000 Points to spend. Let's make this count. With newfound resolve, I begin to read the list. Thankfully, this list isn't nearly as long as the last one, and the names of all the abilities are pretty self explanatory so I finished reading through it in probably only a matter of minutes. Time is kind of disorienting here, but I decided to pay it no mind.

First, I chose to select 'Language Comprehension' for 1000 Points. With this, I should be able to understand whatever languages I come across with ease. It would have been troublesome otherwise, to say the least; I don't like learning languages. It was kind of expensive, but it's worth it. Next, I decided on 'Shapeshift' for another 1000 Points. I know I said that my chosen race was truly exceptional, but I would be troubled if I could not have a human form and communicate properly. It's truly exceptional for combat, but It just doesn't hold up in terms of social capability.

With that, I have 3000 Points left to spend. Part of me wants to be frugal and aim at low costing abilities, but I also think that expensive abilities will probably be of more use to me later down the line. I feel like surviving as my race will be difficult once I start off, but will become drastically easier in due time; so I don't think I should pay much heed into getting cheap skills to help me shorten the time required to get stronger. It'd be a waste to not make the best use of this limited time offer, after all; I have no idea if I'll even be able to get points like this ever again.

"Hurry up already. I don't have all of eternity, you know?!" [Hunky Beefcake]

"You and I both know that isn't true." [Nero]

I'm choosing my literal future here. The best thing I can do for myself is to properly choose. That's why there's a freaking menu, am I right? Anyways, I decided to get 'Barrier' and 'Daily Candy' for 500 Points each. It isn't because I have a sweet tooth, okay?! I genuinely need Candy for my race. Barrier is supposed to let me cast a Barrier to protect myself, and Daily Candy apparently will let me summon a bucket of Candy once per day. It's pretty self explanatory.

With this, I feel like I've handled everything necessary when it comes to offensive and defensive power, as well as mobility and sustainability. I should be fine for combat so long as it's night time, and I'll be able to communicate with humans. If it's during the day, I should just fly around on a Broom to stay away from danger, or sleep. Luckily, my race also came with an ability that will let me summon a home wherever I go; so I won't need to worry about paying for inns. Not to mention, I'll have a portal of some sort. It just says that I can return to Halloween. I don't really know what it means, but I'll need to figure that out another time. Food and clothes are another story.

For that, I decided to get 'Claw Fishing' and 'Disguise' for 500 Points each. Claw Fishing grants me increased proficiency when it comes to catching Fish with just my own claws. Disguise seemed like a joke when I first checked the info, but when I got to thinking about how I needed clothes; it became frighteningly appealing for its low initial purchase cost. It lets me use MP to create a random piece of clothing or accessory. The more MP you spend, the more powerful the piece is, but you have absolutely no choice about what size it will be, or what it will look like. The stats for the clothes also carry a gacha game feature. While paying more MP certainly means that the jackpot may be worth the MP you pay, there's still always a chance of the outcome being worth the exact same that you would pay for the lowest price. I can just keep purposely purchasing the worst stats, wait for something visually appealing and trash the rest. Who cares if my clothes spontaneously rip apart the moment I take damage? I don't intend on taking damage. I have monsters to protect me, and a Barrier! If things get too dicey, can't I just fly away on my broom? You wont hurt this cute little kitten, right?!

I have 1000 Points left now, and I'm quite torn on what decision I should make. I feel like all of the choices I made so far have been phenomenal. I have no regrets. If only I had an idea as to what might help me feel more safe during the daytime. I guess it can't be helped. Hunky Beefcake is starting to get visibly irritated at how long I'm taking, so I'd better try and speed things along. I chose 'Recovery by Sleep' and 'Enhanced Meditating' for 500 Points each. Recovery by Sleep will increase my proficiency at recovering HP and MP while resting, and Enhanced Meditating will increase my proficiency at recovering HP and MP while I sit down. The way I see it, if I'm riding my Broom, it probably counts as sitting. What's more, if I'm in combat and have my monsters fighting for me; then can't I just sit down behind my Barrier and let them do the work for me while I recover the energy spent to summon them? If I always fight during night time, then I'll probably be sleeping during the day; unless I'm endangered. They feel like pretty safe abilities for me to gain. Technically a Halloween Cat is a monster, I just hope that I'm not on the wrong side of the law simply based on my race and forced into hiding. That wasn't a flag, right?

And so, I pressed confirm and suddenly; the menu disappeared from my sight.

"Finished, huh? Ready to reincarnate?" [Hunky Beefcake]

"Eh? Uh-" [Nero]

"Just kidding~ Like I would ACTUALLY wait for you to make more demands of me after you took this long to choose just that much. See ya!" [Hunky Beefcake] said with a snide look on his face.

Hey! Why even start a conversation if you're just going to be that one sided about it? Before I could make a remark, my vision faded into white.


In case you have not noticed by the main page of the Novel, I have started to upload to a second Platform. Royal Road. On Royal Road, I am able to write extensively longer Author's Notes. The Prologue Author's Note (for here, it is written below) on Royal Road is excessively longer and more detailed due to that fact alone. I highly recommend checking it out. Also, I'm free to have d*nations on Royal Road, so it's much easier to support me in that way via Royal Road than it is over here.

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