Chapter 24 - Night 26

When I awoke, I made my way straight to the Kitchen. I'm super excited to finally have my deal with Clive tomorrow. Tomorrow, the Cat's Costumery Clothing Brand will officially launch onto the shelves of a clothing store near you! That is, if you live in the Beastkin Kingdom. Honestly speaking, my clothes launching tomorrow might not even be anywhere near as sturdy as the armor one might attain via Blacksmith. Be that as it may, they look fashionable and unique. My clothes are like the perfect thing for lightweight sturdiness. They'll certainly have their niche audience. I'm sure of it!

Arriving in the Kitchen, it would appear that I'm the first one awake. It feels surreal to use a stove in this Keep, but I'm here for it. Life in the Lost Kingdom has never been more convenient for this one! It took me about 20 minutes to cook a rather large platter of Fish. The speed of cooking with this stove can't be compared to campfires. Do you believe in magic? I'm starting to, you know. After entering the Dining Hall and beginning my breakfast, my comrades slowly began appearing one by one from the stairway to join me. I like to eat next to the campfire, but there's a certain convenience to tables. We need both.

Come to think of it, Goblin Village Wheat Farmer Sama had a table where he sat near the old campfire. We should improve our campfire game. We need to have the best campfire area in the continent or I'm not having it. This is the safari kingdom we're talking about here after all! I've practically been camping ever since I was born into this world! I need to have the best camping equipment on the whole damn planet to show for it! I don't think I've been this serious about anything since deciding to form a Cat Crew, to be frank. This matters! Wait a second... Does the Wailing Keep count as camping equipment? I'm not so sure. It's portable, but does it count?

To be fair, I haven't really done much of anything to pursue gaining a Cat Crew aside from persuading Cetilla to follow me on a wild adventure across the planet. That, and promising to spend over 90% of my wealth on just gaining information about other Cat people. I promised that wealth, I still haven't sealed the deal though. I need to visit Rudou first, but that won't be happening until 4 nights after meeting with Clive. It can't be helped. I gave Rudou an absurd amount of time to complete his task so that he would have an ample amount of time to decide just which Cats in the Kingdom make the cut of being dubbed the top 20 most influential Cats of Reygid. It's a hard decision to make. There's likely to be several polls involved for it to all work out, as judging influence isn't an easy task. Whichever Cat can bribe the most voters for the polls is the clear winner. We're talking about true influence here. I just need to be patient.

Well, as there's nothing that I can do but wait... It's time to get started on pimping out my campfire. After finishing my meet and feast, I made my way to the campfire outside of the Wailing Keep. On arrival, there are quite a fair few of my Clansmen already relaxing around here. Probably after noticing the air of business that I let out on arrival, Weeping Angel began to visibly sob on the ground as if her night was coming to an end. Hey! This stuff matters, okay?! I asked my Scarecrows and Crowli to go cut down some more trees and return the logs.

After ordering my Clansmen to go handle the procurement of wood, I decided to sit down and create clothes. I'm still aiming for level 15 clothing pieces, but I've collected a rather large pile at this point in time. I don't know just how many of them are level 15, but I really want to be able to keep a somewhat similar outfit to my current one so I'm trying to make the haul massive. My current outfit is swimming shorts, a tee shirt, a raincoat, and rain boots. That's essentially it. Anything else is just unimposing accessories to bring comfortable stats. It's a pretty basic outfit, and it's strange to wear it all the time. Be that as it may, it's especially convenient for being a Fish Mongerer who doesn't like being splashed by cold water.

My outfit is like the epitome of wearing what's useful for my current situation. I hunt a lot of Fish, okay?! I feed a lot of mouths, and I do it with only one food group. Fish. I hate the cold water of the River nearby, so it only makes sense to remain as dry as possible. This outfit works. I also pair sunglasses with it to hide my conspicuously glowing eyes that change color depending on the time of day. Honestly, the stat boosts for sunglasses were the initial reason. But now? I just can't go about wearing regular glasses. I'm too conspicuous!

One might argue that my outfit now is entirely all too conspicuous still, seeing as I'm in a fantasy world wearing modern clothing. That one can go right ahead and blame [Disguise+2]. The number one biggest lie of an ability that I was fed upon being reincarnated. It said Disguise, and it said a random article of clothing would be given in the ability information. It did not however say that all of the clothes would be pieces from the 21st century. I feel like I've been duped! I was told that I would get to live in a fantasy world, but was fed a modern kitchen, and modern clothes. They're nice and all, but I just wasn't ready for them. My mind wasn't mentally prepared for the modern. Thankfully as time goes on, my clothing brand's reach will expand and I'll begin to look less conspicuous due to other people owning similar styles.

I can't say that Disguise hasn't been helpful. It's been an amazing ability. Even so. Why did it need to be modern clothes? I can even say that Wailing Keep is a fantastic ability and will definitely become helpful in the future due to its Combo effect with Hallowed Gate, but why did it need a modern Kitchen? Actually, now that I think about it… Can't I just open a Hallowed Gate outside Clive's store, and have my Clansmen carry the clothes from the Wailing Keep through the Hallowed Gate and into Clive's establishment? Wait! I could also have just stored my Candy within the Hallowed Gate this entire time! There was no need for me to be juggling half a dozen plastic lanterns full of Candy?! I think I'm about to be sick.

Once again, I must lower my evaluation of me being capable in this game like world. First, I failed at noticing my Clansmen Candidates until almost having killed them. Then, I didn't even notice that I had an almost infinite amount of storage within my Lantern at all times! FUAAHH~ Okay. It's good to know. But wouldn't the citizens of Reygid freak out upon seeing a gate to the underworld unleashing monsters carrying clothing appear out of nowhere in the dead of night? HRMMM! Should I summon the Hallowed Gate on the outskirts of town? It's likely to be noticed just about anywhere in that Kingdom if I think about it. That Kingdom is far too civilized.

Maybe it would go unnoticed by the beach? There was a beach to the west of Reygid. Clive has his store on the eastern side of Reygid though. Jeez. How am I going to carry all of the clothes back to Clive without being noticed? I could try having the Crows and Bats carry them in trips, but I think it would take hours. I suppose I'll need a carriage of sorts. Technically Scarecrows were legally able to be enslaved in the Beastkin Kingdom, so I could probably just have my Scarecrows pull the carriage without raising any alarms.

Well, my Scarecrows are much more powerful than any of the Scarecrows within the Beastkin Kingdom before I had freed them… So I might still get some strange looks, but it can't be helped. Scarecrows are regularly only used to guard crops. They aren't intended for pulling carriages. So, I have a stronger Scarecrow to solve the issue. That's my false excuse. Yep. I've got a cover story. Now, I just need a carriage.

I know that I intend to pay Rudou all of my current Coins, but I'll also be getting a payment from Clive tomorrow. So, I should be able to manage purchasing a carriage without needing to cancel my deal with Rudou. I currently have around 700 Silver Coins and 7 Gold Coins. I probably won't gain any Gold Coins from Clive, so I need to save them for Rudou. That being said, I can spend up to 700 Silver Coins with ease. The 700 Silver was just going to be saved for gaining intel from Rudou on Cats not within the Beastkin Kingdom. So, even if I don't earn back the Coins from Clive; I can just request that Rudou hold off on giving me foreign intelligence for now.

Yosh! I have made a plan! I can go to drop off the shipment tomorrow with peace of mind now. With that, I decided to go Fishing by the Waterfall as I make some last minute pieces of clothing. After around 3 hours of catching Fish, Budget Dragon and Goblin Viking showed up. This is unprecedented. I've next witnessed Goblin Viking outside of the Village without being drunk. To my surprise, he's not drunk. He's worried. Apparently, Cetilla rejected Cyclozard. Budget Dragon and Goblin Viking are worried about how Cyclozard is taking it, but are too afraid to go bring up a sour topic. Jeez, you guys! Why me?! Also, Goblin Viking can understand Cyclozard and Budget Dragon?! Maybe my [Language Comprehension] isn't actually that rare?

Well, I got a decent haul of Fish so I don't mind going back to the Keep. I guess I'll go see the heartbroken One Eyed Lizard~ It took me around 20 minutes to find him. He was in one of the basement rooms of the Wailing Keep. Turns out, he's actually doing fine. Apparently ever since being rejected by Cetilla, his friendship with Cetilla has become much more close. It seems that they spend most of their nights together meow. Cyclozard understands that he and Cetilla could never procreate together, so he's actually fine with just being friends. Apparently someone to talk to was all he wanted in the first place. Wow. Goblin Viking and Budget Dragon were way off the mark. Cyclozard's too pure to be swayed by just one rejection, guys. Come on!

Returning to the Throne Room, I opened up a [Hallowed Gate] for 100 MP and had my Clansmen begin to carry all of the pieces into Halloween. After they finished, I followed into Halloween and began to sort through all of my clothes. Needing to do it in the nude, I told all of my Clansmen to go somewhere in the other world. No peeking! This time, sorting through the clothes took a whopping three hours. There were a lot of piles, so things started to get confusing halfway through. Exhausted but finished, I began looking for my outfit among the level 15 pieces.

I have chosen the following pieces of apparel:

- Level 15 dark purple raincoat for 30 P. DEF.

- Level 15 white tee shirt for 30 M. DEF.

- Level 15 black swim trunks for 15/15 P./M. DEF.

- Level 15 knitted black fleece armband for 30 P. DEF.

- Level 14 black hoop bracelet for 28 P. DEF.

- Level 14 skull shaped hairpiece for 28 P. DEF.

- Level 13 orange rubber rain boots for 26 M. DEF.

- Level 13 knitted white fleece armband for 26 M. DEF.

- Level 13 tinted black circle-shaped sunglasses large enough to cover my entire eyes for 13/13 P./M. DEF.

- Level 13 black ninja belt for 13/13 P./M. DEF.

- Level 12 silver hoop bracelet for 24 M. DEF.

- Level ? Emerald Gold Necklace for 8 INT.

I have succeeded in obtaining the exact same outfit as before, minus a couple of things being color swapped or minimally changed. For example, my previous star shaped hairpiece is now a skull shaped hairpiece. My previously orange raincoat is now dark purple, while my previously dark purple rain boots are now orange. My old yellow tee shirt is now white as well. Welp. I guess it's time to give the other Monster Knights their chance at picking an outfit. There's still plenty of level 11 to 15 pieces left. I refuse to give level 11 to 15 pieces to Clive while my own comrades wear worse.

Come to think of it, I don't think that I've ever had Cetilla or the Goblin Trio experience my Halloween Town. All of the clothing piles are currently located within the Halloween Town, so if I invite them to come try their clothes now... I'll also be formally inviting them to experience Halloween. Heh. Come here, guys! After I explained that I actually carry a Town with me wherever I go within my Lantern, they all had varyin expressions. Welp~ See for yourselves?

One at a time, I invited White Wolf Lady, Goblin Viking, Bloody Jester, Village Wheat Farmer Sama, and Cetilla to see if they desired any of the leftover pieces located within Halloween. Yep. There's this super expensive and sturdy clothing that I have, and I have no use for it. You can have it, but you need to step into the underworld to go get it. Deal? White Wolf Lady left while wearing a giant Sheep costume. What?! White Sheep Lady?! Goblin Viking left while dressed as a surfer. Goblin Hunk? He said that Halloween reminded him of my eyes. That was sweet, but put a shirt on. Bloody Jester left while wearing a black cloak and a trick gh*st face mask. Cloaked Hunk #wassap? I can't tell his reaction to Halloween because of the mask. Goblin Village Wheat Farmer Sama left while wearing a mafia boss outfit. Mobbin Village Keef Sama? He looks oddly tired. Nothing can surprise you anymore, huh? Cetilla left while wearing a long blue dress cut halfway up her thigh which matched her sapphire eyes alongside long white gloves and a pair of white heels to boot. She just seems the same as always. She has a villainess' face. Welp. Time to check my status.

Name: Unnamed Monster (Nero Miki)

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Poor Iron Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Common Wooden Broom)

Class: Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 28

HP: 140/140

MP: 580/580(+20)

SP: 76/100

FP: 94/100

P. DEF: 157

M. DEF: 132

STR: 112

INT: 290(+10)

DEX: 84

LUK: 28

AGI: 168


[True Halloween Cat], [From Another World], [Fish Mongerer], [Master of Disguise]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture], [Hallowed Gate], [This is Halloween], [Wailing Keep], [Language Comprehension], [Shapeshift+1], [Barrier+1], [Daily Candy], [Claw Fishing+1], [Disguise+2], [Recovery by Sleep], [Enhanced Meditating+1], [Swim], [10 Minute Makeover]

Compared to before, I think my P. DEF. rose much more than my M. DEF. did. They're still both pretty good though. Yep. I'm debatably the most sturdy monster in regards to my Clansmen in terms of DEF. Remembering that White Sheep Lady also took some clothes, I should check her status. The clothes won't count if she takes on Wolf form, but they should help her in human form.

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Werewolf (Halloween)

Class: Brawler

Tier: 4

MP: 180/180

P. DEF: 122(+97)

M. DEF: 115(+107)

STR: 40

INT: 20

DEX: 4

LUK: 4

AGI: 50


[White Wolf], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Wolf Claw], [Pouncing Kick], [Flame Paws], [Transformation], [Return to Halloween]

Huh?! No matter how I think about it, I only saw White Sheep Lady leave wearing two pieces of clothing. The mask and the costume to become a Sheep. I guess it's no surprise that she'd be wearing something underneath it. Maybe that was the appeal for Bloody Jester to dress up as a full body clown? By choosing something bulky, you give space to wear more pieces? It seems like too much trouble for me who does not know how to automatically transform into my clothes. I'm getting considerably more pissed off about the fact that she refuses to spill the tea on that little secret the longer that I go without knowing. I wonder what I was wearing underneath my cow costume in the Chasms.

Oh well~ Now I'm currently sitting by the campfire and having my Clansmen carry the dud level 1 to 2 clothes out here so that the Goblin Villagers may take them. I promised more clothing for them during the festival. As I do this, I'm having Crowli and the Crows help me trim down the wood that I had them gather earlier into planks. It's not working too well. The planks have a lot of bumps and aren't properly smooth at all. I decided to try having Weeping Angel use her [Pebble Storm] to attempt at sanding the planks, but that also didn't work too well. She can't move the Pebbles in precise manners. Nope. We need artisans.

After all of the dud clothes were stacked into a pile near the fire, I told Goblin Hunk and Cloaked Hunk #wassup that they were the promised gifts for the Villagers. It's a decent stack, but it's probably not even more than 50 pieces. It couldn't be helped. I'm giving level 3 to 10 pieces to Clive, and level 11 to 15 to Monster Knights. I say that, but all of the Monster Knights who can wear clothes are now clothed. So, it's actually fine to give the spare level 11 to 15 clothes to the Tier 2 Goblins. The level 1 to 2 pieces are for Tier 1 Goblins. Well, they went off to go invite Goblins to come gain clothes. As they did, some of the Goblins thanked me. So cute! You're very welcome! I promise to fully clothe all of you before I die. It's a promise. We're doing it.

After the Goblins left, the crew gathered around the fire for one final meal before bed. Everyone around me seems to have adopted my sleeping schedule. I honestly don't know how to feel about it. I'm glad to be able to spend time with them and all, but I also feel like I gathered them here for the sake of keeping me safe while I sleep. If you all sleep at the same time as me, aren't we stupidly vulnerable to the day? Geez, you guys! What am I gonna do with you?! As dawn was approaching, I used [Daily Candy] and made my way down the Throne Room and into my bed. It takes way too long for me to traverse my home. Should I just start busting out the Broom inside of my home? I just might. Goodnight~